I found this study on the temperature effected by US on tissue at different tissue depths. I thought it would be interesting to share since it pertains to targeting the thickening.
Rate of Temperature Increase in Human Muscle
During 1 MHz and 3 MHz Continuous
https://www.jos pt.org/doi/pdf/ … t.1995.22.4.142
In a nutshell from what I read:
-At 1mhz you can reach +4° in 10min at 2.0W/cm2 at a depth of 2.5cm
-At 3mhz you can reach +4° in 3min at 2.0W/cm2 at a depth of 0.8cm
-The application technique should be limited to an area twice the size of the effective radiating area of the transducer (effective area = aprox surface area)
-The surface area of the transducer is 5cm^2 for this US
Based on the above one could get an US and effectively heat about 2 inches of dorsal thickening to 40° to break down the collagen easily.
At 3mhz even +6° or more is possible, so long as you can handle it.
A protocol where you divide your shaft into 2-3 segments and work each segment separately would result in optimal plastic deformation imo.
Perhaps one segment per set for a total of 2-3 sets.
Now to get an US… I’d like to be able to get a 3mhz capable one for fast heating. Anyone know of a decent yet affordable one? Kyrpa I know yours I think is 1mhz. In your experience would you get a 3mhz one or is 1mhz enough, and in your experience the rate and temperature increase is in line with the study?