Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

thoughtfulgold's Glans Size increase Methods


thoughtfulgold's Glans Size increase Methods

Hey again, TG here. Today I’m talking about glans gains. Everyone wants a big, mushroom head on their dick, right? (I’m just going to assume you do, because you’re here *chuckles*) If that’s why you’re here, let’s talk about what I found works best for me as I’ve used a few methods, including my very own special method featured below! (I’m imagining gasping and cheering, so you know.)

1. Condom ring below base of glans doubled over 1 time. Jelqing, Sadsak Slinky or ULI #3 performed while this is in place.

2. Pumping with silicone sleeve around mid shaft (I use an AB Silicone Pumping Sleeve)

3. Basic Kegel Squeeze using OK grip

4. Use of the ULI #3 or Sadsak Slinky without a condom ring

5. Use of Xsleeve with heavier weights or resistance. (By proxy, any vacuum attachment that affixes to the glans with the intent of exerting force on it away from the body)

6. Manual stretching. As the OK grip that most require will push against the base of the glans and help define the Corona Ridge more

7. thoughtfulgold’s Creeping Squeeze**

**Step 1: Using an OK Grip, grab the base of your erection with your off-hand at 90% or greater (do not perform any squeeze at 100% without prior practice at lower levels of erection).

Step 2: Use your strong hand in a reverse OK grip right above your first hand. Your thumbs should be touching at this time. Your hands will be side by side, mostly. A similar stance to both hands on a door handle.

Step 3: Encircle each of your subsequent fingers on your strong hand around your penis, slowly pushing blood up the shaft towards the head.
*middle finger
*ring finger
*pinky finger
The motion is similar to playing a flute and you can change the order up at any time during the 15 seconds the squeeze takes place. The fingers are focusing pressure on the Corpus Spongium mainly, which is where the tension is aimed for this exercise. Forcing blood up the CS into the glans.

Step 4: Hold the squeeze at maximum tension for 5-15 seconds. It is normal to relax your grips every few seconds to kegel in more blood to keep the pressure of the squeeze high. If you get numb, cold, or tingling sensations stop immediately.[/color]

If your length is too short or you have crazy large hands…simply skip the first step and only use your strong hand to perform the squeeze.

Those are my recommended methods to get a good sized glans going and some of these you likely have already run across or heard of. But they all have worked with some degree of success for me in the past so I’m passing them on to you.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 05-17-2017 at . Reason: clarity on TG's squeeze

Great Information. I was actually thinking of this yesterday while I was jelqing and noticed the girth of my shaft seems to outdo that of my head. I was really wondering that if in the future there could be anything I could do about this. I’m going to have to add this to favorites for future reference, since I’m a newbie and plan on following the routines the right way. :)

I read a lot of your tips. Thanks, they are so informative.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Good one.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
Good one.

Thanks bill10.

Also, have you heard of what I describe as “thoughtfulgold’s Creeping Squeeze”? I haven’t been around as long as you so I was just asking to see if the exercise had been discussed before.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by James N
Great Information. I was actually thinking of this yesterday while I was jelqing and noticed the girth of my shaft seems to outdo that of my head. I was really wondering that if in the future there could be anything I could do about this. I’m going to have to add this to favorites for future reference, since I’m a newbie and plan on following the routines the right way. :)

I read a lot of your tips. Thanks, they are so informative.

Thank you very much for the compliment, James N. I try my very best.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

WOW defintely gobba try it out soon besides my penis head is smaller a little bit than my glans and shaft thanks for the tip TG.

The most effective routine I’ve used for glans gains has been this:

At the end of any Jelqing/extending routine (say I extend for 4 1/2 hours, split into 1 1/2 hour segments, I would do this at the end of each 1 1/2 hours)

I take an elasticated bandage with a flaccid unit and kegel hard whilst I began to wrap the bandage gently but firmly around the base of my unit. I wrap towards my glans, keeping the wrapping pressure low until I reach the last 1/4 of my unit. I then wrap much more tightly, layering the bandage atop itself so that the last 1/5 of my unit is uncovered and is engorged to 110% of normal erection levels. I tuck the last part of the bandage beneath the previous layer to hold it, and then sit for 15-20 minutes before removing the bandage to continue extending. (Or to stop if I’ve just finished my jelqing routine)

This isn’t a beginner exercise and should be done with extreme caution. Not wrapping too tightly for the first 3/4 of my unit appears to negate any drop in EQ (which does happen if I wrap tightly from the base)

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Thanks bill10.

Also, have you heard of what I describe as “thoughtfulgold’s Creeping Squeeze”? I haven’t been around as long as you so I was just asking to see if the exercise had been discussed before.


I am here for abut 2 years too.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by Sophomoric
The most effective routine I’ve used for glans gains has been this:

At the end of any Jelqing/extending routine (say I extend for 4 1/2 hours, split into 1 1/2 hour segments, I would do this at the end of each 1 1/2 hours)

I take an elasticated bandage with a flaccid unit and kegel hard whilst I began to wrap the bandage gently but firmly around the base of my unit. I wrap towards my glans, keeping the wrapping pressure low until I reach the last 1/4 of my unit. I then wrap much more tightly, layering the bandage atop itself so that the last 1/5 of my unit is uncovered and is engorged to 110% of normal erection levels. I tuck the last part of the bandage beneath the previous layer to hold it, and then sit for 15-20 minutes before removing the bandage to continue extending. (Or to stop if I’ve just finished my jelqing routine)

This isn’t a beginner exercise and should be done with extreme caution. Not wrapping too tightly for the first 3/4 of my unit appears to negate any drop in EQ (which does happen if I wrap tightly from the base)

Interesting. I’ll have to try this. I can really use some help in the glans department.

Thanks for the tips, I have used them all and they do help. Thanks for bringing them in one location. I tied an adjustable knot with some soft bungie material and have found it easier to take on and off than the condom rim. Also the creeping squeeze I believe is the two hand version of sadsak’s head squeeze originally described by sadsak

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

Last edited by longerstretch : 10-14-2017 at .

Originally Posted by longerstretch
Thanks for the tips, I have used them all and they do help. Thanks for bringing them in one location. I tied an adjustable knot with some soft bungie material and have found it easier to take on and off than the condom rim. Also the creeping squeeze I believe is the two hand version of sadsak’s head squeeze originally described by sadsak

I’m glad that they were of service to you. Folks have serious trouble putting them all together so I cobbled my list from experience and made it easy to reference.

Sadsak I was unaware had more exercises than the slinky. However, the TG Squeeze is simple in concept so I fully expected it to be some thing done before.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Mordecai_
Interesting. I’ll have to try this. I can really use some help in the glans department.

Have these been of service to you? Pardon my late reply, I missed this message originally.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by longerstretch
Yes here it is, its from the old site.

Sadsak’s Head Exercise - Repost from old Big Penis Forum

He hit it long before I did. Thanks for that, longerstretch.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Yeah he really hit the nail on the HEAD. Haha great minds think alike.

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

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