Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
(1) Using US while hanging “BTC” straight down between the legs while sitting in a computer chair. Probably wont be able to put the applicator on the bottom of the shaft, but will hit the top and the sides. Any problems here? How necessary is it to have something on the opposite side of the shaft while applying the applicator? If it is vitally important, could a finger against the shaft suffice?
Straight down you are putting you testicles on the line very easily. That is the biggest not do to aiming the ultrasound beam towards. For what I can think of it might be the worst position for using the ultrasound.
Many have been running with the fingers on the opposite site. It is crucial for temperature control, firm contact for transducer to skin pair and most importantly to terminating adverse sound reflections which are attenuating the heating effect.
Ultrasound gel pads are great for this. I recently purchased a synthetic medical gelatin for $50 and it is working wonderfully with extender setup.
Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
(2) Longerstretch says he doesnt advocate heat during the warm-up and I saw elsewhere that heat applied when the tissue is not stretched could even be counter-productive. Is this the right idea? No heat while doing the stress-relaxtion warm up? And for the warm-up, would cyclical 15 second stretches be best, or just hanging with 2.5lbs or so for 10 minutes be better?
Not to use ultrasound (not mentioned heat in other forms) without applied stretch.
It goes down collagen fibril orientation aligning for the direction of force more pronounced under US. Without applied stress in longitudinal direction the internal ECM stress being multi axial US might be forming a fibrillar mesh down there.
After you know the load you will need then you can apply another variable such a heating of some sort. Prefer not to use the ultrasound at this stage.
As far as my understanding goes you can produce similar strain with cyclical manuals as you can have with the hanger. But done correctly you utilize stress relaxation and the strain comes in shorter time a it comes with continuous pull of hanging weight.
Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
(3) The routine only calls for 20m of stretching under US heat. I have seen a couple of places mentions of something about achieving maximal elongation within this time frame and that additional time wouldnt achieve more elongation. Is this right? Whats the data on that.
The routine calls for minimizing the use of ultrasound. It is not like taking a hot shower as a warm up. It is a powerful tool and excessive use forming a possible health risks.
Data and reasoning are on the 1500 post thread on the progress log. A compromise of the time under unnatural heat combined with an efficient stretch with a correct load.
Surely it is possible to have more strain for longer hang.Would it be certain is another thing. The individual stretch has been limited to 30 minutes with 20 min heated stretch in combination of 10 minutes cooldown stretch. It is optimized by several different aspects, that´s all.
If you can collect precise data of the temperatures and times you are putting your penis under then you might prolong the session if you see it relevant
There is a guidance on this thread of the times under given temperatures being healthy to go with.
Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
Other hanging routines call for 20m sessions several times a day, spaced a few hours apart. Could this be beneficial here too?
You don´t need anything like that with these tools.
Maximize the effort in one session that’s all you will need.
Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
(5) I thought at first you guys were keeping the weight very low, like 2.5-5lbs only, but then I say longerstretch’s “low” was actually around 10lbs. What do you recommend in terms of weight and weight increases over time? Should I be trying to increase weight every couple weeks?
We should keep the load as low as possible.
It should be individual and should be tested where are the threshold loads for each one´s penis. It is s simple procedure which everyone despite the form of their approach should do.
Not going blindfolded and loading progressively if it is not needed.
I think it has something to do with the fact Longerstretch has been elongating his penis whopping three (3) inches already with very abusive methods and loads during his long PE history. That is before he ever heard anything about US.
For me it is clear I can´t use no more than maximum of 2.5kg at phase 1 before the tissue starts to stiffen and resist to strain longer. Pretty sure the same strain percentage should come with lower load as well put the time needed for it should be longer too. There are reasons not to prolong single stretch longer than 30 minutes.
You should find the lowest possible load bringing you the best strain. We are building this on monitoring the strain. At each phase the elongation should be the main target and it should be measurable.
For the heated phase the 3- 3.5 kg is enough to yield the best result grip not slipping and not being un-tolerated to bear.
Done everything with the same loads the whole two years now, still producing similar strain in every exercise.
Progressive loading is for bodybuilding, we should avoid it as much as possible. It will lead to a stiffer connective tissue in the penis making it harder to stretch and grow.
We are looking for maximal strain within the compromised time under the heat using as least load and sets as possible.
START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"
When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)