OK so I’ve now read the whole thread. Very interesting to hear that the cylinder takes up most of the red light at both wavelengths, I’d been wondering about that.
My routine at the moment is pumping a few times a week followed by ADS, along with some Angion work at times. I’m now planning to add vac hanging using my LG hanger and was going to use traditional heat with that but now thinking I’ll use red light instead. I actually have two target red lights already that I could use. They have both wavelengths (660 and 850nm) that can operate together or independently, and at 10cm distance it has 135 mW/cm² from both wavelengths (see independent data as pdf via link below), so presumably a bit closer than that and it would be around the right level of irradiation you recommend. So while they are not pads I can wrap, but they are giving the right wavelength and have been tested by a third party laboratory, so I’m fairly confident of the quality. I’m wondering then even with the scatter effect you mentioned, I’d imagine these would still be pretty effective? Maybe even with one target light either side of the shaft at something like 5cm distance while hanging. Link is below:
https://redligh trising.co.uk/p … rget-light-2-0/
Would be good to know your thoughts. Thanks.
Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)
Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)
Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)