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Hanging with FIRe

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Here are some more promising “test” results i got with the thermedic heat pad.

Already shared these with StrangerCK so I’m just copy pasting.

“I did a test where I wrapped the thermedic pad into a circle and put it in the totalman one also in circle. But with the totalman velcro it stays put. I left the totalman one off and put the thermedic on on setting 2 and once it got up to 104ish degrees it held heat for a while. I used a digital cooking thermometer.”

“Just did the same exact test again. Totalman turned off wrapped around thermedic on level 2 and once it got up to heat it held it around 112 to 114. When I turned switched it to level 3 it held heat at 116 to 118. So that’s promising. I wonder if there is some sort of breaking in period or if using the totalman as a a heat shield/insulation is helping.”

I was happy with these results for the Thermedic. I might heat it up before I start each day to sorta pre heat it. It seems to work better the second time used in a short time frame. And ill be using the TotalMan to hold the TherMedic in place and I may use the low or medium setting on the TotalMan as well. I believe it helps keep the heat in.

So if you’re someone like me who has both you can try and use both and just keep the TotalMan off and use it as a heat shield sorta and keep the other heating pad in place or even keep the TotalMan on one of the lower settings.

@5.5Squared, you used any devices outside of hanging? To keep it a little bit stretch for longer periods? Or you just did the heated hanging sessions and that was it?

Originally Posted by IntroHanger
@5.5Squared, you used any devices outside of hanging? To keep it a little bit stretch for longer periods? Or you just did the heated hanging sessions and that was it?

Before I figured things out I was doing all the usual stuff. ADS, sleeve. Doing everything I could think to ‘heal in an extended state’. I’ll get flamed if I call it BS, so I’ll just say that IMO it’s not needed and completely unnecessary with this approach.

Proof you ask? I have attached screenshots of my log from first 2 cycles.

Cycle 1:
2 one hour sets of hanging with heat.
Followed by 2-3 hours in my homemade ADS belt.
Think about it. That’s 4-5 hours of tension daily.
BPEL gain was ~0.5” That’s really good for 6 weeks of effort.

Cycle 2:
1 90 minute set with 30-45 minutes of heat. First cycle with incremental loading.
Zero ADS.
BPEL gain: ~0.6” Pretty good for 6 weeks of effort.
That’s right. I gained more with significantly less time under tension.

Frankly less is more with this approach. But it still takes more consistent effort to put in the 60-90 minutes under tension on a daily basis than most are willing to expend.
This is why I keep telling the new guys to stay light.

(55.7 KB, 107 views)
(92.8 KB, 114 views)

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Last edited by 5.5Squared : 01-30-2022 at .

How long does it take for the Thermedic pad to come to proper temperature? How long does it take for you to actually feel the heat?


Can somebody point me in the direction of a study on heat penetration into the body?? I am starting to have my doubts on the worth of the use of these costly devices. Not to mention possible dangers of prolonged use of these devices.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
Can somebody point me in the direction of a study on heat penetration into the body?? I am starting to have my doubts on the worth of the use of these costly devices. Not to mention possible dangers of prolonged use of these devices.

"FIR wavelength is too long to be perceived by the eyes, however, the body experiences its energy as a gentle radiant heat which can penetrate up to 1.5 inches (almost 4 cm) beneath the skin."

Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications - PMC)%20beneath%20the%20skin.

Originally Posted by midatlantic
How long does it take for the Thermedic pad to come to proper temperature? How long does it take for you to actually feel the heat?

5.5 turned it on after 10 minutes into his session to give it 20 minutes to heat up. I had best results with the totalman, and it took 22 minutes to heat up.

StrangerComeKno - Hanging with FIRe

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
the question becomes, is it SAFE?

From that same study I linked:

“Specialty lamps and saunas, delivering pure FIR radiation (eliminating completely the near and mid infrared bands), have became safe, effective, and widely used sources to generate therapeutic effects. Fibers impregnated with FIR emitting ceramic nanoparticles and woven into fabrics, are being used as garments and wraps to generate FIR radiation, and attain health benefits from its effects.”

I doubt we’ll find a study with how we’re applying it, but these things are made to be placed on the body.

Originally Posted by StrangerComeKno
5.5 turned it on after 10 minutes into his session to give it 20 minutes to heat up. I had best results with the totalman, and it took 22 minutes to heat up.

StrangerComeKno - Hanging with FIRe

Seeing this i will most likely get the total man

Originally Posted by eivbisi
Seeing this i will most likely get the total man

FWIW, I could have a bad unit. WantMore12 has two of each of the thermedics (3x6 and 4x7), and he noted that one of his units didn’t get as hot as the other. Could be quality control issue. I ordered a 4x7 pad and will test it when it comes.

Wantmore12 - Hanging with FIRe

Originally Posted by StrangerComeKno
From that same study I linked:

“Specialty lamps and saunas, delivering pure FIR radiation (eliminating completely the near and mid infrared bands), have became safe, effective, and widely used sources to generate therapeutic effects. Fibers impregnated with FIR emitting ceramic nanoparticles and woven into fabrics, are being used as garments and wraps to generate FIR radiation, and attain health benefits from its effects.”

I doubt we’ll find a study with how we’re applying it, but these things are made to be placed on the body.

Exactly, these can be used all over the body. One application is on the abdominal for females to help with their periods. They are safe to he used on the body. If you search for infra red and testicles you will also find information on the safety. If too much heat goes to the testiciles it my prevent you, temporarily, from been able to have children but that is the same as any heat source on the testiciles. I haven’t seen or read anything to have any safety issues plus I don’t want any more children.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
the question becomes, is it SAFE?

Huh? Like everything we are doing to out dicks isn’t really safe to some degree. Does that escape everyone? Lol


12/31/17 BPEL= 6.25 MEG = 5.00 , 08/24/22 BPEL= 6.875 MEG = 5.125, 01/16/23 BPEL= 7.0 MEG = 5.25, 01/08/24 BPEL= 7.125 MEG = 5.25

06/12/24 BPEL= 7.25 Meg = 5.50 <---- Goals Reached

Next Goal ---> BPEL = 7.5 Meg = 5.75

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
the question becomes, is it SAFE?

It’s very similar to standing in front of a bonfire, except a bonfire also emits in other ranges too (blackbody radiation). In a highly simplified way, a FIR heat pad can be considered the same except with only the FIR component (note visible and NIR light have a smaller penetration depth than we desire, hence why we try eliminate them). The source of radiation does not matter, two photons with the same wavelength are indistinguishable.

So in short, the answer is yes, it’s just as safe as the heat you feel from any typical bonfire, oven, etc. Note, don’t get FIR confused with convective or conductive heat transfer, we’re only talking about radiative here.

Compression guys had this down a long time ago. Rice Sock, simple.

10 minute warm up
First 10 minutes of your AM sets.

same results without all the high tech and spending $$.

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