Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bathmate Users -- how do you manage pressure?

Originally Posted by sparkyx
More thoughts on air vs water.

In air, if you hit a vacuum point where you can’t expand the tunica anymore or at least very little, and you keep raising the vacuum level (which you can) it puts tremendous strain on the surface blood vessels and either damages them and or cause a huge fluid shift (edema).

In water, it seems that when the tunica can’t be expanded any further, further increasing of vacuum becomes exponetially harder…like you hit a wall. BECAUSE you cannot further expand the water volumn and the resistence you feel is primarily the tissue strength of the tunica preventing further expansion.


I think you are onto something with that theory. It also explains the results that users report about condom pumping.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

More thoughts on water pumping.

If when you feel that real resistance to pumping out more water, you’ve hit the boundaries of the tunica’s elasticity, then that last little bit might have the biggest effect on the surface vessels. In other words, the tunica isn’t expanding any more to give that surface vacuum reduction, and perhaps that last little bit is effecting the surface vessels the most.

If thats correct, then maybe take it as far as you can, then just back off a little to hit the most effective range. I’m am going to try that because my last session, I got quite a bit of darkening of the skin after 15 minutes. I was able to “helicopter” it away, but I don’t want to risk permanently darkening the skin.

By the way, I recommend EVERYONE do helicopters after pumping or clamping. It seems to be the best way to get rid of that dark purple color that can begin to creep in. For those unfamiliar, its spinning your penis is a circle as fast and as hard as you can. If you get it right it will spin like a helicopter blade (hence the name), and will replace any darkening with bright redness, which indicates flushing out the de-oxygenated blood with fresh oxygenated blood.

More thoughts;

I think the guys that say “vacuum is vacuum” are engineers that deal with water pressure and the like. The reason they are wrong is that they are used to dealing with an object of one density, like a pipe.

I think when you are dealing with a complex structure like a penis, it can effect the different structures and layers in different ways. So it would be more like a pipe covered in latex, with water in each layer. OF COURSE the effect on the latex layer will react differently than the pipe wall, and blow out much sooner from too much stress.

I think this is why we have seen the different effect from condom pumping, it supports or adds negating counter force to surface structure, without it being enough counter-force to negate the effect on the deeper structure, primarily the tunica.

That is why clamping allows much higher internal pressures, because the external surface area only has to stretch WITH the tunica, which is a minor task. The tunica will blow out long before the skin and the external blood vessels are severely stressed. The only limiting factor to the surface is the effects of increased pressure IN the blood vessels and the fluid migration it causes.

Because of the limiting factor of the water, water pumping might be a really good middle path between air pumping and clamping.

Last edited by sparkyx : 09-03-2008 at .

So in a way, water pumping is safer because there are limits of expansion, versus air pumping. Where you could blow your dick up.

Originally Posted by invictus
So in a way, water pumping is safer because there are limits of expansion, versus air pumping. Where you could blow your dick up.

I think the danger in air pumping is damage to the superficial blood vessels and fluid migration. I really don’t think the tunica is in danger, the superficial blood vessels would blow long before the tunica is anywhere near its limit.

Clamping on the other hand can generate very high internal pressures. Water pumping seems to direct most of the force to the tunica, which is ideal, plus the non-compressibility (expandability?) seems to limit the vacuum level to the elastic reserve of the tunica.

Remember, this is my SPECULATION at this point, I bring it up here for further discussion and observation. As always, it best to approach ANY PE with respect because we are dealing with a fairly important organ which is easily damaged…do ALWAYS, ALWAYS use common sense when doing ANY PE method. Also, guys that have water pumped have reported some nasty blistering of the skin on the glans when they pushed too far.

sparkyx — thanks.

Just updating, I do really like this bathmate thing.

However I do still find myself wanting to alternate pumping sessions between the water and the air pump. Dunno why exactly. So it is nice to have both options, at least for me.

Just want to bump this thread and see how you guys are doing with the bathmate.

I have been using my rig consistently and am very pleased with it so far. Can’t say that I have seen any gains yet, but I think I may have been over doing it a bit.

I will say that I think water allows me to use a higher vacuum with less stress to the surface skin and blood vessels. It allow me to generate a substantial pull for length as well as girth. I really think this is superior to air pumping for me at least.

How about you guys using the Bathmate, what can you report?

I am just now easing back into using mine. Just as before, the combination of using the Bathmate and my regular pump pushes me over the line so I had to take a short break.

I do think it gives a faster expansion then the air pump and it is a great way to start the day in the morning shower.

This time, I will stick to lower pressures and see if I can still get back into my air pump also without crossing the trauma line.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

For the moment, my restart is just the Bathmate. I’ll see how it goes for a while. Just taking a break always does me good, which is funny because I always hate taking breaks. You would think I would learn, but something in the brain just wants to keep going.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
For the moment, my restart is just the Bathmate. I’ll see how it goes for a while. Just taking a break always does me good, which is funny because I always hate taking breaks. You would think I would learn, but something in the brain just wants to keep going.

You’re preaching to the choir brother! I know I need breaks but I do them kicking and screaming!

I think its a combination of two things. First, I truly believe PE generates dopamine or whatever is the pleasure chemical in the brain, so most of us are addicts to that chemical. Second, the fear of either losing some of the gains, or losing potential gains when we take time off!

We are basically a twisted group, but don’t notice it as much when we hang out with the other twisted guys here! :)

I use mine in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings. Due to when I have my daughter / traveling this means I use it maybe everyday of the week and then a three-day break, or something like that. I’ve noticed that I get up to a slightly longer length inside the tube than when I started.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Sparkyx - I’m with you on the belief that PE releases dopamine/pleasure chemical. Especially pumping - it really makes me feel calm, relaxed and even blissful.

I’ve been alternating air and bathmate. The bathmate is still a little tricky for me as l like to pump at 80% erection or so. By the time I get everything set up with the water I’ve usually dropped below that. It then takes a few tries to get a good seal, so erection level drops further.

With the air pumping, I just get everything ready to go before I sit down to get erect. Haven’t mastered using the bathmate in the shower yet, which would probably make it easier.

It is just me I guess but I have some “PE anxiety” - when the erection goes, I sometimes get too stressed to get it back.


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