Pumping Intensity
Guys, I need some clarification on pumping intensity. The consensus is to pump no more than 3-5hg. When I do this
I feel instinctively that this is to low. For bigger guys, I can’t see how this amount of force could translate
into any gains. I’m about 9x5 and at this level I don’t feel any hard work being done. I mean the object of PE
is to push your penis, to an extent, to a higher level of pull, push, bend whatever to give the body an incentive
to grow. So what I do is, for a brief moment, pump to 15-20hg and hold it for about 15 seconds. For me this level
is not painful, it actually feels good. It’s like a good stretch and then relax and I repeat this a few times.
When I see the slightest indication of lymph build up I stop and terminate the session and end with some jelgs and
manual stretches for about a minute. My pump sessions last only ten minutes. The first five I pump to just 5hg and
progress from there.