2.5 minutes down position
5 minutes reset noose
5 minutes add 6%
7.5 minutes add high heat
7.5 minutes add 6%
10 minutes add 6%
12.5 minutes add 6%
15 minutes add 6%
17.5 minutes add 6%
20 minutes add 6%
22.5 minutes add 6%
25 minutes add 6%
26.5 minutes medium heat
27.5 minutes add 6%
50 minutes turn off heat
55 minutes remove pad
60 minutes end session
Heat tolerance was slightly better got to 26.5 minutes before going to medium heat. In addition I did cycle between medium and high heat throughout. In the beginning of cycling I was able to tolerate the high heat for as long as 90 seconds but then towards the end only for 30 seconds. to me that tells me that the internal temperature builds through time, so not sure how much help the cycling is but it can’t hurt.
Glans at end looked like too much tension on it, but I think I had the noose on too tight as the tissues at the attachment were none the worse for wear and the tension of the apparatus did not seem greater.
Looking at 2 weeks from now for the next tension increase. 7 more increases to go so ~ 16 weeks to go on this campaign. I am going to be out of the country for a week or so at some point so maybe that extends the campaign if I have to back track.
I will want to consolidate any gains should they occur and have a long period of remodeling, but I do have a couple more things I want to explore. One is the use of the vacuum pump as a preventative maintenance device for EQ, the other is extended clamping whereby a slight tourniquet effect is applied to the base during extending. I have a hunch based on something I experienced early on when extending with a more constricted base and also based on the articulating function of the Restorex device as a corrective to a hinge effect.
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.