Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Originally Posted by waterman888
A few other things I was thinking about in bed last night and also this morning when doing stretches:
- For the tiger trap, I understand that you use it when clamped & erect, so in this case I can see that the penile tissues are then squashed/stretched intensely at certain points. But what happens if you go in flaccid? Does the fact that you’re flaccid mean that there is more inherent flexibility and therefore less intense stretch? What would happen if you lined the rows of teeth with theraband/swim cap material, then clamped down when pulling out and flaccid - presumably there would be good grip at each end and then you’d get the intense stretch along the shaft in this case too. Just an idea.

I haven’t used the TT flaccid…ever, which is kind of amazing to me given my experimental nature…but what happened is Bearded Dragon tried the Tunica Tenderizer, which operates on the same premise as the TT, tunica stretching, and he had blood emanate from his urethra…”urethra tenderizer” he called. So yea, after reading that report, I’ve not used either device flaccid.

Originally Posted by waterman888
- When you were hanging weights during the “I” phase before, I think you’d mentioned going very heavy. For me I’d need to figure out what range to aim for - was thinking between 4 and 8kg, somewhere in that range. Also regarding the timeframe, you said you did that in the morning, but for how long do you think in general one should aim for? Might be good to have your take on this before I dive down the rabbit hole of the hangers forums and threads. Initially I was thinking something like 3 x 20 min sets, then put on the ADS. But from my notes I made some years ago, it seems that hangers experience is that 10 hours/week should be the minimum to create enough stress, so in this case if during one week you’re doing an on/off routine, that means perhaps 3 hanging times per 7 days, so if keeping to that 10 hour rule it would be something like 3.3 hours per day. So interesting to know how long you think the hanging part should be before reverting to the ADS.

Honestly, I’m not much of a fan of hanging anymore. I’ve demonstrated to myself that I can grow length with much less time spent by using BB and Sumo stretches, a Tiger Trap, multiple cable clamps and Cock Coils. Having stated that, hanging will still work for length. My heavy weight work was my foolish attempt to combine hanging for strengthening the bulbospongiosis muscle (for semen retention/SKF purposes), which requires kegeling against a “immovable force” and hanging for PE purposes. I did gain early, at weights below 20lbs. but when I starting working with weights in the 30lbs. + range, gains dried up…I don’t have a biomechanical explanation for that happening, but it did. Anyhoo, your weight and duration plans sure seem appropriate to me.

Originally Posted by waterman888
- About a proper ‘stretched’ feeling - I’ve had this question in my mind for a long time actually. When doing manual stretching with fulcrum, I sometimes get a burning feeling especially in certain positions especially pulling up in the bucking bronco type of position. I’d thought before that it could just be skin stretch, especially since the harder you pull and/or when your thighs descend, the fulcrum moves up the shaft and this is when the burning starts. But if it was just skin stretch then presumably I’d feel it when doing the stretch over and down over the fulcrum, but I don’t get the same sensation there. Anyone has an idea on when we really know (by feeling) when the important tissues (tunica et al) are being stretched?

With the BB stretch, yes, the fulcrum does tend to want to ride up the shaft; really important to dig the fulcrum into the pelvis prior to initiating the stretch. I’ve been able keep it much less mobile by using a oval cross-sectioned Pulaski tool handle. All I know on that one!

Originally Posted by waterman888
Otherwise just ordered/paid for the BiB!

Really recommend making the modifications to your new BIB; your hanging will be much more comfortable.

Good Luck!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the reply.

- Tiger Trap: OK noted. I did a pumping session this morning but did it with 4 jelly cock rings along the shaft - definitely felt girthier when I came out, so there is definitely something about localized stresses when erect. Then tried gently doing a manual tiger trap just using fingers on both sides if you see what I mean, while clamped at the base, and can feel how that will put stresses in localized spots. So will be trying this erect, once I’ve made the TT.

- For the BiB, yeah I read that you’re getting better results with simpler stuff, but thought I’d try it and see which gives better results for me. At the mo it’s length I’m after.

- Stretching: OK thanks. This morning the combination of coming out of the pump and then stretching seemed to be effective.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

The CCCC thing I read about earlier, can’t seem to find it again. Can you point me to where it was discussed in terms of design etc?


Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by xenolith
Well being a cat lover is also an adventure!

Ah, very good to know. If I may offer where none was solicited, I recommend using a BIB Hardcore, modified in this manner: BeardedDragon - Finding xeno: a penis tale for your qi gong hanging instead of the silk scarf attachment…far better circulation with no loss of firmness of attachment. I humbly offer that I’ve used my modified BIB Hardcore for routine lifting in the 50 to 130 lbs. range and have used it for dead lifts above 200 lbs.

Comfort is such that the hanging “endorphin bloom” is unattenuated by any sensation on the discomfort to pain spectrum…thereby making meditation easy and natural while hanging. This is what propelled SKF progress beyond the Sacral Pump for me; conversion of Qi to Shen and Shen body excursions on Indra’s Web followed.

Best Wishes for a Human Life nourished by inquiry.


Good to know Xeno and much obliged.
advice is always welcome from those who have a clue. I will look into the bib hanger HC. Are they still available? I was looking at purchasing one years ago, but it was almost impossible.

Originally Posted by Ailurophile
Good to know Xeno and much obliged.
advice is always welcome from those who have a clue. I will look into the bib hanger HC. Are they still available? I was looking at purchasing one years ago, but it was almost impossible.

Yep; here they are:
https://www.bib …

It’s kinda cool that I got to be part of the testing team for the BIB Hardcore, so got mine free :)


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by waterman888
The CCCC thing I read about earlier, can’t seem to find it again. Can you point me to where it was discussed in terms of design etc?


It’s just cable clamps that are Crazy Glued together. I much prefer simply using multiple clamps; like this:
/attachment.htm … chmentid=125387

Allows one to utilize different spacing between clamps.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
Yep; here they are:
https://www.bib …

It’s kinda cool that I got to be part of the testing team for the BIB Hardcore, so got mine free :)


Much obliged, big fella.

Originally Posted by xenolith
It’s just cable clamps that are Crazy Glued together. I much prefer simply using multiple clamps; like this:
/attachment.htm … chmentid=125387

Allows one to utilize different spacing between clamps.


OK brill thanks

So I’m nearing the end of my first two week intense period - have got the materials to make a TT, still to make it but no rush as I’ll use that the next time round.

For the intense part I started out doing fulcrum style manual stretching, but have also started 3 of the days with a multiple clamp type of session. For this I tried it out using one cable clamp at the base and then 4 jelly cock rings along the shaft - 2 sets of 5 mins. Seems to distend the shaft quite well between the jelly rings, and wow sure did feel big the whole day after the second time I did that. I then do ADS all day with 1lb weight, and getting between 7-9 hours in most days.

About the ADS, you mentioned before using weights AND a cock ring - I get that, it’s to cause ongoing tension in different directions. Question is, did you always use the cock ring or only after you’d got some of the length gains? And how tight a ring did you use, and around balls too or only at base of shaft? The one I use I’ve been putting around my balls, and after say 5 mins the penis stretches out more and the base gets thinner so it’s OK. But at this stage when the penis is fully stretched/relaxed, do you want the cock ring to still be tight-ish, or by that stage a bit looser?

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by bigzin
What’s the ESL hanging cup size you use? Does it fit nice for you? Whats your girth?(on esl40 website they ask for girth I presume it should be the flacid girth near the coronal ridge/circumcision scar)

Just to take note, I’m currently learning how to wrap and hang correctly.

My head girth is small unfortunately. I went with the smallest size cup.

I think the head is around 4.5ish when erect, 3.5ish flaccid.

Eh.. My taper from 6 at the base to 4 at the tip depresses me at times.

It does fit nice though. I just have to make sure I roll the cup all the way back and press the head into the bottom before I roll the sleeve back or it slips out when the weights are hanging from it.

Last edited by Maximus7 : 12-01-2016 at .

Originally Posted by waterman888
…have…started…a multiple clamp type of session.

No you haven’t; you’ve started a single clamp with multiple jelly cock rings type of session.

Originally Posted by waterman888
For this I tried it out using one cable clamp at the base and then 4 jelly cock rings along the shaft…

I’m sorry to have to inform you of this wm, but based on my experience with discrete stress application, which I’ve written about here: Strain ellipse mechanics adjacent to clamps, there is 0% chance that a non-rigid impingement apparatus, such as a jelly ring, will achieve the strain ellipse generated deformation that it is the goal of discretized stress application. The obvious corrective measure is to actually use multiple rigid impingement apparatus, i.e. multiple cable clamps.

Originally Posted by waterman888
About the ADS, you mentioned before using weights AND a cock ring - I get that, it’s to cause ongoing tension in different directions. Question is, did you always use the cock ring or only after you’d got some of the length gains? And how tight a ring did you use, and around balls too or only at base of shaft? The one I use I’ve been putting around my balls, and after say 5 mins the penis stretches out more and the base gets thinner so it’s OK. But at this stage when the penis is fully stretched/relaxed, do you want the cock ring to still be tight-ish, or by that stage a bit looser?

In the interest supplying the most current, i.e., that which I consider most useful, information, I’m going to offer this: a cock ring has no use in PE. What does works is simply a Cock Coil over two HTWs with the second HTW wrapped back over the CC. Provides both radial and longitudinal stress…a perfect complement to the multiple cable clamp (MCC) + Tiger Trap (TT) + PeForFun (PEFF) pumping protocol that I’ve described in this thread.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

waterman, I think it’s important for you to understand what I told you in post #594; this in particular:

Originally Posted by xenolith
…if one is not generating genuine tissue deformation, then all they are doing is conditioning their tissues…highly counter productive for purposes of enlarging one’s penile tissues.

Honestly, I think you would benefit your self by a slow, careful read of that post…if something is unclear, let me know, I’m happy to help you understand.

Not trying to beat you up, just trying to help you…I know there’s a psychological barrier to what seems like hurting one’s prized anatomy; in my opinion, this barrier and the logical and oft seen manifestation of it of a PE practice that serves only to condition the penile tissues, that your current practice so classicaly represents, is the single most contributing factor for most men being limited to newbie gains. Which ultimately means that post-newbie gains are not going to be for every PE practitioner; I understand that. Everyone undertaking the pursuit of post-newbie gains needs to understand that…and DECIDE if one is psychologically fit to pursue the difficult post-newbie gains…most will not be. Which is as it should be; not everyone who likes hiking is meant to climb Everest. Cranking down rigid devices on your soft tissues is nothing to be taken lightly, but, based on my experience, and I have gained a lot of post-newbie gains by such means, if one decides to purposefully and with focussed intent experience post-newbie gains, that’s what one must do. It’s not unlike "a leap of faith."

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Become well informed; as I have tried to assist you (and the rest of the Forum, :) ) with before you leap, and your foot will land firmly. Not becoming well informed is not an option.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hi Xeno,

Thanks for the clarity - all well noted, thanks for the advice/time.

I think I had thought the jelly clamps thing would be a way to ease into things, and the distention my shaft had looked similar (though not as extreme) as the photo you linked to earlier with the multiple clamps. Plus I got some positive feedback from how big everything felt the days after. Actually I’d used the jelly rings inside a pump first, so maybe that helped. But for sure I don’t want to do stuff that has no impact, or where things get toughened up. I’ll look into getting some more clamps then, and look at that and the TT as a way forward. Anyway my 2 weeks are just about up now - had planned to lay off and go into P phase which assumes I’ve done something so far - but even if I hadn’t and have been conditioning instead through not enough stress, I’m not sure if I should restart another 2 weeks of things like multiple clamps and TT on top of that…

About the ADS though, I made a cock coil a while back, and recently have been trying to get back to using it, but it doesn’t seem to work easily with me. I understand it can provide stress in different axes, but in practical terms I’ve struggled with the practical use as it twists the shaft when you try to tighten it, and different parts tighten at different rates and soon enough I’m left with this mangled thing that needs to come off and be rewound onto a pole to try again…. Anyway, will try to see if I can figure it out with some more attempts. At the mo I’m using Monty’s weights and getting used to those.

About post 594, have definitely taken that on board before. I guess it’s a learning process and trying to understand what’s going on, without overdoing it too soon. But definitely get it that we don’t want to be too cautious…

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Hope waterman doesn’t mind, but I think I’ve figured out his problem with his CC and I think it likely that others could benefit from this infromation; from my PM response to him as a result of inquiries about his difficulty with it:

Are you using two HTW under the CC? If not, you should be. Place the CC over your two HTW wrapped penis and then pull the tag end of the second HTW out so that you can grab it with your finger tips through the CC. Now slide the CC over the two HTWs and position the CC at the base. Now take the tag end of the second HTW and fold it over the CC. You’re done. Walk around all day with your CC. Removal and replace for urination just as you originally installed it. You should never have to alter the diameter of your CC…consider it a rigid, but adjustable device. I hope that helps.


p.s. you don’t have to use 2 HTW, you could use one…also wrapped back over the CC, but I like having the first HTW to cover my glans…for comfort and for catching any stray urine drops that would otherwise be caught by underwear and pants.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 12-05-2016 at .

Thanks xeno,

Don’t mind at all. So how you describe the use of the CC is different from how I use it. I use a wrap and can try a second one, but main difference is that I twist CC into a narrower diameter once it’s over the shaft, otherwise no way it will remain in place above the glans. Have tried constricting the glans end more and leaving the rest more open, but is just uncomfortable at glans area.

From what I can gather, you thread your HTW shaft through the CC and do no twisting at all? Which means my coil might need recoiling on narrower wood. Just not sure I’d easily get the shaft through in this case. But can try if you think that is the issue?

Btw, halfway through making a TT, and more cable clamps ordered. Do you think I should try a bit more I-phase once I get the clamps or better now to leave it till the next cycle? I fear the collagen III scenario…


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