Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Originally Posted by waterman888
Thanks xeno,

You’re very welcome waterman; it’s a privilege to be of service to others; thank you for that opportunity.

Originally Posted by waterman888
So how you describe the use of the CC is different from how I use it.

And therein lies the problem!

You may rest assured that in developing the device, that I encountered and experimented with every possible permutation of it’s use. I apologize if I’ve not made it clear how the device needs to be applied in order to be useful at it’s intended purpose of being an effective and comfortable ADS device, but suffice it to say, once one does understand how in needs to be applied, I would consider that person wise to use it that way. If there were some better way, I assure you I would have found it and would be therefore describing that, instead of what I’m presenting here.

Originally Posted by waterman888
I use a wrap and can try a second one, but main difference is that I twist CC into a narrower diameter once it’s over the shaft, otherwise no way it will remain in place above the glans.

This is very revealing. I’m positive that the origin of your CC difficulties is in two misunderstandings regarding retention of the device: 1) That the CC needs to be tightened once on your penis; and 2) that retention of the CC should be provided by the glans. Neither of these are correct.

The CC should be shaped into a uniform diameter that will fit slightly looser than snug, and then threaded over 1 or 2 HTW which have been installed on one’s penis…and it is critically important that you use a HTW type wrap…i.e. cylindrical cloth that is installed on penis like a condom…not a length of cloth that you wrap around your penis. There are several reasons for this, which if need be, I can discuss later…more important things to convey now. Once the CC has been threaded over one’s 2 HTW covered penis, the CC should be placed tight up against the pelvis at the base of the penis. Now take the second HTW and fold it back over the CC…and you’re done. A tiny itsy bitsy bit of tightening of the coil (really tiny, like 1 mm) can be done to accommodate the slightly narrower cross section of one’s penis under tension compared to not under tension, but even that isn’t necessary to retain the device.

Originally Posted by waterman888
Have tried constricting the glans end more and leaving the rest more open, but is just uncomfortable at glans area.

No, don’t do that; defeats the purpose of comfort.

Originally Posted by waterman888
From what I can gather, you thread your HTW shaft through the CC and do no twisting at all?


Originally Posted by waterman888
Which means my coil might need recoiling on narrower wood.

Yes, reform your CC to the “slightly looser than snug” diameter as described above.

Originally Posted by waterman888
Just not sure I’d easily get the shaft through in this case.

Yes, I can tell you’re not. But I am :) . You’ll be amazed how easy it is to thread the CC over the 2 HTW when you pull on the tag end of the 2nd HTW; doing so lengthens and narrows the penis that is therein contained, making the threading of the CC over the 2 HTW covered penis an approximately 1 second maneuver. It’s one of those things that seems difficult to impossible until you know a critical piece of information.

Originally Posted by waterman888
But can try if you think that is the issue?

Yes; try :) Again; I predict…no, take that back…I know that you’ll be amazed how easy installing your CC really is…now that you know the critical information.

Originally Posted by waterman888
Btw, halfway through making a TT, and more cable clamps ordered. Do you think I should try a bit more I-phase once I get the clamps or better now to leave it till the next cycle? I fear the collagen III scenario…

Hard to say wm; I think that’s really a question for the owner of the penis in question. For what’s it’s worth, in my world view, experimentation is always indicated, so I wouldn’t be able to wait to experiment…but you may be more disciplined than me :)

Thank you for your inquisitiveness; I’m sure that many others will benefit as a result of it. And benefitting others is the purpose of human Life. So we have done well here.

Please let us know how it goes for you with your CC; and remember, it is a fools errand to try to use it some way other than that which I’ve presented…I’ve already covered all that ground, and it’s barren.

Good Luck!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 12-05-2016 at .

Thanks Xeno. By ‘tag end’ you just mean the bit extra that extends past the glans right? I’m trying the CC now with an HTW first and tubular bandage second - then pull the CC through using the extra bit of the second wrap while holding the part of the wrap near the base of the shaft in place. Then have folded back the second one. So the CC is actually resting on the retracted foreskin above the glans, so I guess (a) I need to put the CC further towards base of shaft to start with, and (b) possible reduce diameter slightly since it should be a snug fit when shaft is pulled/extended. So as I understand, the idea with a CC is that it should partly work by the weight being pulled by gravity, and partly by the shaft being elongated in a smaller diameter cylinder. Do you reckon that’s going to be very different over say an ADS using Monty’s weights?

About the inflammation phase, have decided to try another 2 weeks with doing multiple cable clamps before ADS. See waterman888 - Waterman888’s progress log for pics during and after - not as engorged/expanded between clamps as yours but then this is my first time. But definitely can see the effect and the stress on the tissues during and after (what do you reckon?) so will continue that every other day before rolling over to the P phase.

Your comments regarding your CC are all correct except the part about “…the shaft being elongated in a smaller diameter cylinder.” The CC diameter on installation should be whatever it needs to be to be juuuuust snug…really shouldn’t be any appreciable compression at all.

The key concept to keep in mind is: it’s a rigid device…that’s adjustable.

I really think that once you master the installation…which is all about pulling on the tag end (yes, the distal end of the HTW) in order to cause temorary Poisson Ratio deformation of your penis (make it longer and narrower) for the momentary purpose of threading the CC on, that you’ll realize an “ah ha” moment and won’t feel the need to coil and uncoil your CC anymore. You’ll understand that you can…one more time :) …treat is as a rigid device.

The kindest thing I can say about Monty’s weights is to say nothing. What I will say is that once you master the “on-off” technique of your CC, you’ll think you’ve gone from a pinto to a Maserati.

Your multiple clamping looks good! Not bragging, just relating a fact; I was practically flaccid by the time I got that photo that was both in focus and contained all of Tiger…but it gets the idea across.

Little tip on multiple clamping: order of clamping: base -> behind glans -> then shaft clamp(s). The objective is to trap blood between the base clamp and the behind the glans clamp. Reason for this is that the glans has a much lower yield stress than do the CCs, so without that behind the glans clamp being positioned prior to clamping of the shaft clamps, the majority of induced deformation is transferred to the glans rather than to the CS. based on my experience, this technique is equally effective for length and girth; i.e. have gained both at approximately the same rate.

Of course, as I’ve enjoyed, one may build a monster glans by not installing the behind the glans clamp and then clamping sequentially up the shaft with multiple clamps…thereby allowing the stress of the multiple clamps to be generated within the glans (physiologically, the terminus of the CS). I recommend doing both methods while one is at it, as of course, the tips of the CCs are nested within the glans and are also affected by that sequential clamping induced stress…which, of course, is where a majority of the stress generated from jelqing is focussed…this method just accomplishes it…more. So, glans girth and shaft length gains…yep.

I’ll post a shot of multiple cable clamping for glans (and length!) gains in my Tiger thread.

Please let us see your TT when you get it done, eh…and how the build went for you.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Tiger Trap parts list:

2 blocks of wood, sized for your penis. I use 6” L x 4.5” W x 7/8” thick. You want to consider the length of shaft that the device will be placed on…while accounting for the width of whatever number of cable clamps (@ 0.5” wide per clamp) that will be affixed to the base of your shaft before applying your TT, and the length of your glans…you don’t want your glans in the TT. For a sense of what that means in terms of deciding on block width, Tiger is about 8.5” NPEL; now subtract 1” for the 2 cable clamps that I clamp the base with when performing TT compressions, = 7.5”, now subtract 2.0” for the length of my glans, = 5.5”. So the maximum width of TT that I could use would be 5.5”, which would place the edges of of the TT snug up against the 2nd cable clamp and snug up against my coronal ridge…ouch! So, point being, I think it’s good practice to subtract about another 1”, = 4.5” for what width is right for my TT…pretty close to 0.5 x Tiger’s BPEL (9.125”)…which, can probably be used for a rough approximation of what width will work best for most penises. That inch allows for longitudinal flexibility of placement that is important to utilize, otherwise one will always be straining the same place on the tunica…don’t want to do that, want to strain a location, then leave it alone. Instead, move the device and strain another location. That’s the whole raison d’être for the Tiger Trap…to be able to apply stress to discrete locations of the tunica. But, I digress…
4 lag bolts, length can vary a bit, ideally long enough so that when open, the TT allows quick entry and exit (6” L works well for me); diameter isn’t important; I use 1/4”.
4 ft. of floor edge “corner” trim. You’ll have some left over unless you make several booboos with it.
4 each: washers, nuts and wingnuts to match lag bolts. Nuts to fasten lag bolts and washers and wingnuts to press the two sides together.

Happy hardware shopping!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the reply. OK I’ll give it another go soon with the CC.

Good idea about the sequence of clamps, I already have a fairly large glans so best to work on the shaft for now, will sequence as you suggest.

For the TT, the bolts I got were bad quality so more are coming tomorrow, will then be able to put the thing together. I think I will need to plane down the wood teeth though to get the 1” wavelength and 0.75” height, since it’s not an exact half of a square block that is needed. Will report on that later.

I feel something is going on in my shaft though - good news. Feeling fatigue during the later stages of the day with the ADS.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by waterman888
I feel something is going on in my shaft…

No doubt something is… :)

Originally Posted by waterman888
Feeling fatigue during the later stages of the day with the ADS.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

BPEL = 9.25”.

I’ve only done 5 weekends of the planned 8 weekend campaign, but am sufficiently pleased with the results…it appears that there is no girth gain, but that sometimes blooms well into the R-phase…we’ll see…but, point being, I’m calling this campaign done. I’m going to rest for 3 months for this R-phase. I’ve consistently had better results with a 3 month rest compared to 2 months. I think that the 3 month break followed by my slightly longer/slightly lower stress levels I-phase may be the sweet spot for my tissues and my methods.

I’ll pop in from time to time, but won’t be around as much until mid-March when I start my next campaign.

Stay thirsty my friends :)


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Just an observation: my PE practice has gone completely dry. I guess what that really means is that jelqs are no longer part of my practice. Stretches, compressions, multiple clamp clamping, PEFF pumping and Cock Coil use…none are done (by me anyway) wet.

Probably emblematic of the advanced state of my PE career; I no longer have the time, patience nor inclination for diddling around with my penis; I go in, I cause inflammation, I get out.

Well now I’m musing…

But I would assert that, based on my, and I think most others’, experiences, post-newbie gains, jelqs are a very inefficient means for making PE gains. Indeed, I would assert that manual exercises in general are inefficient at generating post-newbie gains, but there are exceptions; lig stretches and the various girth maneuvers (Ulis, Horse 440s and of course, the HP2 (hundred pound hali pull :) ), but these are all done (by me anyway) dry…needing a good grip appears to be a common aspect among these maneuvers.

Soooo…I’d sure suggest that any PE practitioner who is post-newbie gains and finds their practice to be largely focused on wet jelqs…that they consider whether their practice needs to be adjusted somewhat.

Just an observation and a musing…perhaps not amusing, but a musing nonetheless :)


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

But xee its soo hard to do my jelqs unless I use clamps to deform the base penis before I can get a good grip. And this may cause the motion to feels sort of like the shaft bulges in a weird way and just throws off the whole jelq.

Did you ever have trouble doing the ulis or erect jelqs because your gripping point was so big? How do you manage bro? Maybe I need to modify my grip, I’ve been using palm facing down underhand which is my stronge grip

Originally Posted by battman
But xee its soo hard to do my jelqs unless I use clamps to deform the base penis before I can get a good grip. And this may cause the motion to feels sort of like the shaft bulges in a weird way and just throws off the whole jelq.

Did you ever have trouble doing the ulis or erect jelqs because your gripping point was so big? How do you manage bro? Maybe I need to modify my grip, I’ve been using palm facing down underhand which is my stronge grip

Well two hands still fits around it! :D


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

OK good to hear Xeno, well done.

I’m in my first P-phase at the moment. I’d extended the I-phase by 2 weeks to ensure I stressed the tissues enough with the multiple clamp routine. I definitely felt the plumpest/biggest immediately after and also many hours after the clamp session, but this was most marked during the first couple of attempts at that. I kept a very close eye on the clamping routine - did something like 5 mins then 6-7 mins as a second go. Once I got some blood seeping through the skin from a minor burst blood vessel and I stopped immediately so no harm done, but made me wonder if I was overdoing it. Maybe not overdoing it, rather going in too hard and too fast - next time I think I’m going to warm up better first, maybe loosen things up with some low pressure pumping for some minutes or use the IR lamp, then for the first clamp session not to over-tighten.

Btw, do you have any experience of when you’re in your ADS phase and for whatever reason you’re not able to wear the ADS for a few days at a time - you reckon it will make any difference?

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Naw, you should be good waterman. Of course, ultimately, I don’t know, but on the basis of the nature of your communication and the relatively advanced state of your PE career, It’s clear that you’re quite adept at reading your physiological response. Your rational response to the minor blood vessel burst is exemplary of that. Honestly, that kind of tissue response is to be expected as one is maneuvering right around the inflame/injury threshold. I had blood emanate from my meatus once. Just ratcheted the stress down a bit. In subsequent sessions, I was able to blow by that same stress level without issue…indeed no inflammation was caused at the same stress level that previously caused bleeding. Tissues adapt…thus the utility of mechanical devises!

The duration of the actual inflammation causing stress can be as little as a few seconds for each set of maneuvers. But yes, the warm up to those few seconds is important. If one can end their session with a TT compression done at just under PONR conditions, well, that’s ideal. Absolute maximum possible CC deformation occurs under that condition. Sets one up for a good wind down edging too. But don’t bust…that energy loss completely steals the healing force that we want to exploit for generation of maximum tissue proliferation in response to our highly focused stress application. It’s like fumbling the kickoff return on the 1-yard line. Hang on to that thing!

So yea, ADS use fluxuations during the P-phase are no big deal in my opinion. Really, in the IPR approach to PE, the P-phase is much less important than the I and R phases; I’d estimate it’s relative importance at less than 10%. But every little bit helps, and a well executed P-phase that contributed 10% toward gains, is well, 10%.

Thanks for the update. It’s a joy to be able to help one with such a robust career and understanding of our craft already under his belt, uh, well…below the belt :D

You’re gonna gain dude.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I hope I do gain, it’s an interesting experiment at any rate. So really according to what you’re thinking, most of the ‘work’ done in the IPR routine occurs during the fairly short intense stage at the beginning then…

Btw, I’ve figured out the thing about the CC - was a matter of narrowing the internal diameter to around 3 to 3.25 cm for me, and then pulling through. I still don’t get it right every time, but can see how it’s a lot more comfortable since it holds itself on through friction of the whole coil rather than at one point as with Monty’s weights where things are concentrated near the glans. The pull on the shaft feels different though - I feel it stretching/pulling between the base and the start of the CC, compared to Monty’s weights where more of the shaft seems to be stretching.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Right on the I-Phase work; it’s very brief; like well under 60 seconds during each of my sessions, although each session typically lasts 20-30 minutes…the rest of that time is warm up and tumescence build up for each individual deformation producing stress application. I think it’s important to keep in mind that most of the actual “PE-ing” in IPR based PE is…doing nothing, in other words, resting. That’s when the actual growth happens.

Glad to learn of your improved experience with your CC. And yes, unlike weights that rely on either the glans or some mechanical constricture positioned as a “backstop” against the bottom of the weight(s), the CC simply utilizes a shear couple from friction between the entirety of it’s internal surface and the HTW covered shaft that it encloses. By the way, the magnitude of the shear couple is enhanced by the “ridge” geometry that the CC presents to the shaft, thereby making retention of the device that much more effective and therefore, that much more comfortable…as no mechanical constricture below the device is required.

And yes, placement at the base is what I recommend to new users of the device as it is the easiest to master, and serves well to pull the “inner penis” (IP) out in that placement configuration. Given that my I-Phase work is so shaft focused, it seems perfectly acceptable to me to use my CC for supporting my lig work (Sumo Stretches, Bucking Bronco Stretches) in achieving that exhumation of inner penis…because that IP is the shaft of tomorrow (well, next cycle anyway) that I’ll next be applying I-Phase work to. Having stated that, with increased familiarity with the device, the CC can be located further down the shaft with comfort and security of retention comparable to the basal placement. The best use of the device, at least for the type of I-Phase work that I do, is when it’s placed just behind the frenulum…the tissues between the base of the frenulum and the base of the glans “bunch up” in front of the CC, retaining it quite well. Best balance of lig stretch and shaft stretch in my experience.

Thanks for the update. If you’re interested, I think that there’s some validity to research out there that indicates that both Tongkat Ali and the Citulline->Arginine cascade support endothelial tissue growth…something of prime interest to an IPR-based PE practitioner. I use both during each cycle. Not recommending it; nothing unequivocal enough in my experience with either (although there are other equivocal benefits) to provide a basis for that; but if you’re so inclined, there is evidence out there that appears to support the validity of both of these substances having that effect…FYI.

Later dude!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

OK so when you say that the actual deformation stage is very short, I think here you refer to when you’re very hard and near the PONR. In my experience I think I know what feeling this equates to, probably like just before I got that bleeding before, where it felt like a real overpressurised internal lateral stretch. Difference with me is that I wasn’t near PONR and got to this stage too rapidly… So perhaps I can change that where I’d build up to it, which would include some warm up and getting myself nearer blowing, which would need time, time which would be needed to prep for the crazy phase.

If it’s like that, then it indicates that the rest of the clamp time is in fact not all at a very high intensity? Rather the build up clamp phase occurs at moderate to high intensity where there is a pressure build up but slower? And that the final part of the last clamp session needs to be the most intense?

Re the supplements, haven’t heard of those but will look it up. Any links or leads you have?


Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)


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