Originally Posted by manko007
Is the proportional limit the 1 to 1 so increase stress increase gain?
Proportional limit is used with elastic materials behaving linearly.
It represents the point where the tissue still recovers to its original length after load is removed.
I insisted that we are not there, instead we are in other end of the final elastic slope. As we truly are operating
Originally Posted by manko007
Interestingly I overlooked cumulative strain and just calculated for my 1-3 cycles and found that every time I stagnated, I had to reach about 5-6% cumulative strain from prior BPFSL stuck at, to break through to higher post BPFSL. I will call this a displacement event. This happened in about 6 occasions, median around 4.5%, avg. 4.5%, and as high as 7.5%, and as low as 4.3%. So perhaps there is something there. I could have cherry picked a little as the data is not perfect, so I had to, but it seems atleast 70% of cases it could be true.
My cumulative BPFSL gains have been exactly 6,5% and 6% at the point the strain percentages have started to diminish. BPFSL still continued to increase up to 7% and 7,5% while being at the second parts of the Periods. There is definitely something in it.
Originally Posted by manko007
About the toe region extended, I think I agree. My data my pre BPFSL always aproach ending BPFSL before a displacement event. This means the standard deviation of strains for each consecutive set in a workout goes down. Thus easily replicating the transitional region and going into linear territory faster. Perhaps displacement events occur right after in linear territory.
I am not sure we are only operating in the toe region and moving knee region further as to date my cumulative strain since inception is 17%. How can this be only toe region and moving the knee region further?
What you described is the whole curve moving forward as the consequency of the displacement. Baseline moving forward in increments, stress strain curve staying the same.
We were talking about kneepoint moving forward with heat cycle during exercise.
What I really meant to say was the initial regions in general, toe region in complete including initial elastic slope and the stiffening transitional region.
Anyways I haven´t reached that final linear slope. As the indicator of it should be the fact that up to the estimated 9kg manual loads , penile tissue keeps stiffening as the modulus still increasing.
Just like the ligament study with those lower stress figures up to 14.1 MPa.
Loading more should at some point get me to the linear slope with the constant modulus. Like the 28 MPa was.
“The stress-strain behaviours of ligaments are non-linear, comprised of a toe-region (increasing modulus) and a linear-region (constant modulus). “
Excerpt from the study referred in your log.
Several studies and texts say the same thing, we are still operating in the transitional region until the modulus decreases and stays constant obeying the Hooke´s law.
Originally Posted by manko007
But the thing that makes me think you are right is that the tunica is quite large and it is a meaty thing with many components, not just a tendon/ligament period. So the fibril rupture hypothesis seems hard to imagine as the penis it is one solid quite big piece, which can resist huge loads before deforming, such as 400lbs world records. But who knows, maybe at the micro level it is. Or it is only elongation. As you said we can’t know for sure so it is best to dwell in a results based aprpoach and having more data from more users can help us determine things.
This was one of my arguments on rejecting the idea of exceeding proportional limit. With linearly behaving materials this point is located high , just below elastic limit and yield point. In our case so high on the linear region because of the high tensile strength of penis that we never reach it.
Originally Posted by manko007
Another interesting thing is anecdotally most hangers gain at 15lbs and then gains stop. People claim to stop gaining even after going to 30lbs etc. Xeno even went up to 100lbs I believe and didn’t gain much. The key I think lies in finding the sweet spot.
That doesn´t take in account the time period hanged. Also remains unknown how much they have gained during this period. So there is not much to comment, other than that I suppose 30lbs being at the linear region, like the 28MPa stress in the study.
We have already seen that we gain in cycles then we plateau, independently of the loads used.
START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"
When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)