Penis shrunk permanently
You heard it right folks. I shrunk my penis considerably. I am now calling it permanent because, well, it’s been like 2-3 years, and might have even gotten worse tbh. I tried to jelq and etc a few years ago, and must have went too hard. It resulted in my penis shrinking in length and girth.. Unless I have a very hard erection my penis is at like 5.5” and it looks very small to me. This killeddd my confidence. Destroyed it. I have to struggle, and be as hard as possible to hit around 6.5”. Sure you can say 6.5” is average but to me it looks really really small and kills my confidence. Before at the same erection hardness I could get over 8 inches. But usually sat at around 7.5. And by full erection I mean at 7.5 I was rock hard but the tip wouldn’t be inflated at all, at above 8 The tip was fully inflated. Now where I was a 7.5 I’m like 5.5 and where I was at above 8 I’m 6.5-6,75 on a good day. And it is thinner. I still master bate sometimes, and can’t help but to randomly grab my penis now (lightly though). I’m going to not touch it all all for 3-4 months to see if it changes anything. Like maybe I screwed it up, and just haven’t given it time to heal? I hope that works, but really don’t know seeing how its been years.. If anyone knows what I did or how I can get even to just over 7 inches again let me know. I know this post should be in injury section but I don’t have access to that yet.. Someone give me some ultimate secret that can return my old penis back! I feel like there is still hope somehow, even though it’s been so long. I feel like because it was there before it will be back once more! Also to add. Before when my penis would be soft it was 100 percent extremely soft if you would squish it and very floppy. Now it isn’t as soft, before it would almost feel like just skin flopping around it was so soft now its constantly like a soft rubber feeling never as soft and relaxed as before, maybe that has something to do with it? Like it can’t relax enough to fully inflate I don’t know. Someone save my willy! Lol.