Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reflections and Progress: thoughtfulgold

Hey TG,

I was just thinking about something. How long do you think it would have taken you to make your total gains if you had your current knowledge level when you started?

And what might have been your over-arching algorithm? A sort of experience-based standard search pattern which can guide adjustments and overhauls of your routine for longer time periods.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by austfred

I use a silicone sleeve with a condom covering my glans. My HW system is set for 50℃(122℉). I tried straight hot water once and found it a little hard to bear at first but got better as the temperature dropped during the 60 min session, Allowing for some loss the temperature would have been over 110℉. After that session I felt a few micro sore points along the shaft that disappeared soon after. I was hoping they were micro tears. I can only assume the highest temperature you can bear without injury is the best to promote stretching. Might try 40℃(104℉) which I think I can easily handle. The beauty of the heating element is that it maintains the temperature throughout the session whereas at the moment the temperature in the reservoir drops to ambient by the end of the session though the heat pad wrapped around the cylinder helps keep my unit warm.

With dynamic water pumping I find I can last much longer before real soreness creeps in. The longest I have gone is about 120 mins. With dynamic air pumping I found soreness can on after about 30 mins. The soreness seems to be partly from fluid uptake in part of the foreskin and some stretching soreness along the shaft from what I feel while under vacuum. It dissipates as soon as I release the vacuum.

I tried hot water in the Penomet when I was using it. Because I had issues creating consistent pressure (as erection level, water level and exact amount of amount I pushed the cylinder down couldn’t be calibrated with a gauge) I didn’t stick with it. When you say “dynamic” pumping routine what exactly do you mean? How do you use a pump that you find it dynamic compared to typical use?

I’ve only been able to water pump for 20 minutes at a time before I had to quit. Longest running air pumping session was like 95 minutes. I feel more comfortable and in control with air pumping honestly.

Thanks for the link.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Hey TG,
I was just thinking about something. How long do you think it would have taken you to make your total gains if you had your current knowledge level when you started?
And what might have been your over-arching algorithm? A sort of experience-based standard search pattern which can guide adjustments and overhauls of your routine for longer time periods.

Honestly, with my knowledge probably 4 years. But remember, my extending went well. That was 1.3” length and I can’t calculate how much of that was EQ gains. I gained close to .5” from the removal of the skin tag in the months after the surgery in EQ and easier gains. The last .75 could have been done with hanging properly and then some or just with manual stretching if I were patient instead of chasing gadgets. So I also am not a typical case in the least.

Overarching algorithim? You mean, what order of operations would I likely use after things stop working and how to keep gains coming? A system on what to do next when gains stall or PIs drop?

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Overarching algorithim? You mean, what order of operations would I likely use after things stop working and how to keep gains coming? A system on what to do next when gains stall or PIs drop?

Yes, exactly that. Do you have any system like that? Maybe a flow chart of sorts? After 7 years of tinkering I’m pretty sure I’d have made a few. Then again I’m an engineer and we tend to made schematics. A lot. Haha.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

thoughtfulgold's algorithm for continued gains

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Yes, exactly that. Do you have any system like that? Maybe a flow chart of sorts? After 7 years of tinkering I’m pretty sure I’d have made a few. Then again I’m an engineer and we tend to made schematics. A lot. Haha.

PE is too dynamic to chart out. A lot of it is feel, at this point. When my gains stall, is it because:

I overdid it? -Rest
Am I hurt?- Rest, evaluate methodology
Have I exhausted the method for this time span? -Research and deconb
Are my hands cold? -Heat
Is the room cold? -Check maximum ambient heat
Am I upset or depressed? -Stop PE Immediately
Is my lube shitty?- change lubes
Am I masturbating too much? -rest and stop jacking off
Am I fucking too much? -Go on decon
Do I measure too much? -Lock ruler in safe, destroy it
Am I obsessing and placing value on gains that’s not sensible? -Soul search
Is what I’m trying to do feasible for my penis? -Evaluate methodology
Does it have a purpose? -Evaluate purpose of exercise or routine versus personal hard data
Am I just doing too much PE so often I’m losing perspective? -Decon, soul search, Talk to friend
Do I have the means to do the exercise or device usage in question? -inventory
Am I using this device properly? -assess personal gains, losses and discomfort. Research.
Do I really feel right about gaining? -Soul search

After I run through all these possible outcomes, perhaps…there’s a reason to look for a natural progression method to exercising.

Typically if length stalls, I switch to girth, and vice versa. That’s about as algorithm as it gets for basic routine changes. The soft problems algorithum works better for my continued gains. A hard system of stretches and other exercises to cycle through when you plateau would ignore the most common and dangerous pitfalls of PE.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by ErnieBanks : 10-23-2016 at . Reason: request of author

dynamic pumping

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
When you say "dynamic" pumping routine what exactly do you mean? How do you use a pump that you find it dynamic compared to typical use?


The concept of dynamic pumping (or dynamic stretching as HomerJS calls it) is cycling the vacuum during the session

I originally got the idea here This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

Here is another link Dynamic pumping resource and discussion. but there have been some supply issues lately and Mr Fantastic no longer seems to be around.

I took up dynamic pumping to help with some ED issues and it has been a great help. It has also given me at least 1/2" in MSEG and possibly more but I have not measured lately.

You can do it manually as HomerJS suggested by pumping up and periodicly releasing vacuum and then pumping up again but that is a bit tedious. An electric pump makes it easier and there are options other than the Mr Fantastic including DIY.


Originally Posted by austfred

The concept of dynamic pumping (or dynamic stretching as HomerJS calls it) is cycling the vacuum during the session

I originally got the idea here This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

Here is another link Dynamic pumping resource and discussion. but there have been some supply issues lately and Mr Fantastic no longer seems to be around.

I took up dynamic pumping to help with some ED issues and it has been a great help. It has also given me at least 1/2" in MSEG and possibly more but I have not measured lately.

You can do it manually as HomerJS suggested by pumping up and periodicly releasing vacuum and then pumping up again but that is a bit tedious. An electric pump makes it easier and there are options other than the Mr Fantastic including DIY.


Ah, so my own pump routine is dynamic as it cycles every 30 seconds to a different pressure? I use an electric and have it set. Routine and Gear List #1

The pumping section lists my favorite pressure set.

The concept is one I like and picked up from Big Al, actually. I do like the resources you linked though. Very good.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Hey TG,

Some very good reading in your threads. Im shocked at our similarities in GAS (gear aquisition syndrome). I think I have nearly every item you mentioned including the DP4000 and the Lengthmaster!!!!! Oh and I did some work with Big Al too. Be fun to compare lists. I dont think Im near $9000 but then I have to ship everything to the bottom of the earth. I’m in New Zealand.

While Im only 4 years into my PE journey with reasonable gains, I have encountered many of the situations you mentioned and I have been pursuing a routine based on the ideas you talk about. Titleist and Gprent were a great inspiration for the approach to pumping that Im doing now. But I love clamping too so I’ll modify things closer to what you are doing too.

I have 3 things to ask if you would be so kind.

1-Clamping. The brand of clamps you linked to look to be slightly rounder internally than the Cable Clamp brand. Do you find this beneficial? Also what sort of pressure are you clamping at?  Do you do Big Girtha type fully clamped tight,  or Drilla/Houstonwoods light pressure?

2- DP4000. Did I read right that you are unable to disconnect the pump to use it away from your computer?  I read it at 2 in the morning on night shift at work so may have misread. If so, pm me and I’ll explain how to save to the pump so you can take it anywhere and the programme is stored.  Love that pump.

3-Sleeves for pumping. Im assuming they need to be quite thin to allow expansion of the tissues. Is that link for the sleeves the only ones you reccomend or is there an alternative? I have some vac extender sleeves but they seem to thick to me to be useful for that.

You’ve given me hope that after many failed attempts,  more gains are possible. Many thanks,  keep up the good work. I’ll be following your threads closely.

Clamping, DP4000 and Sleeves

Originally Posted by Ramrod360
Hey TG,

1-Clamping. The brand of clamps you linked to look to be slightly rounder internally than the Cable Clamp brand. Do you find this beneficial? Also what sort of pressure are you clamping at?  Do you do Big Girtha type fully clamped tight,  or Drilla/Houstonwoods light pressure?

2- DP4000. Did I read right that you are unable to disconnect the pump to use it away from your computer?  I read it at 2 in the morning on night shift at work so may have misread. If so, pm me and I’ll explain how to save to the pump so you can take it anywhere and the programme is stored.  Love that pump.

3-Sleeves for pumping. Im assuming they need to be quite thin to allow expansion of the tissues. Is that link for the sleeves the only ones you reccomend or is there an alternative? I have some vac extender sleeves but they seem to thick to me to be useful for that.

You’ve given me hope that after many failed attempts,  more gains are possible. Many thanks,  keep up the good work. I’ll be following your threads closely.

Hey Ramrod360

I figured someone had to have rode the path similar to me at some point. But you probably didn’t dabble into the pills like I did, buy as many toy pumps, and there’s gear I’ve lost that I can’t tell you what it is. I wish that folder wasn’t gone…*sighs*

1-Clamping, I do with full on pressure. However if you aren’t used to that don’t start at full erection. Then, only start at 3 minutes. Work your way up. I work to an average of 7 minutes clamped and never exceed 13, fluid buildup may start after 7 depending on your penis.

2-DP4000- Yes, that’s correct. I pump at my damn desktop every time I pump and if I’m daring I’ll take the lappy somewhere. If there’s a key, share it and I’ll at least give it a whirl.

3-Sleeves- They don’t HAVE to be thin. I mean this one is of average thickness. If you’re familiar with the autoextender product line…the normal sleeve thickness is what AB Silicone offers. The thinnest sleeve I’ve seen is the hard, light blue sealing sleeve that autoextender uses for his Vac Extender.

I am also told that the softest NORMAL thickness sleeve that autoextender offers is comparable. However, I find that all of his sleeves simply wear much faster than this one is wearing. I’ve had no nicks or tears and I know I’ve nicked this with my fingernails by now. But nothing. It functions perfectly. I mean I have to say I recommend the original link more than the autoextender version but they handle orders worse than sending a letter to Santa Claus.

There is more than hope. It is a fact that you can keep gaining, diligence and attention are the keys. Nothing more. After all, diligence and attention will keep you from injury and keep the gains coming when you decode your current PE puzzle. And I’m honored that you’re reading along. Hopefully, I can help you with my continued bumbling.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Thanks TG,

The only pills I tried were the ones that came with my size genetics extender, I forget the name. Needless to say they were crap.

Ive clamped quite a bit in the past but have been trying Houstonwoods approach of not closing the clamp all the way. Had a small gain after a long plateu. But as with all clamping I approach it carefully.

To save to the DP4000 you just load the programme you want into the software with the pump connected to the computer. Choose the input from the drop down box on the lower right and then select “save to device”. The screen on the pump should say saving to device and you’re done.
If you have any trouble just let me know and I’ll send you some screenshots which should be clearer.

Yeah Im just gonna keep chipping away at those gains. I will try the sleeve pumping with the autoextender sleeves I have and see how I go. Thanks for your help.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Hey Ramrod360

I figured someone had to have rode the path similar to me at some point. But you probably didn’t dabble into the pills like I did, buy as many toy pumps, and there’s gear I’ve lost that I can’t tell you what it is. I wish that folder wasn’t gone…*sighs*

1-Clamping, I do with full on pressure. However if you aren’t used to that don’t start at full erection. Then, only start at 3 minutes. Work your way up. I work to an average of 7 minutes clamped and never exceed 13, fluid buildup may start after 7 depending on your penis.

2-DP4000- Yes, that’s correct. I pump at my damn desktop every time I pump and if I’m daring I’ll take the lappy somewhere. If there’s a key, share it and I’ll at least give it a whirl.

3-Sleeves- They don’t HAVE to be thin. I mean this one is of average thickness. If you’re familiar with the autoextender product line…the normal sleeve thickness is what AB Silicone offers. The thinnest sleeve I’ve seen is the hard, light blue sealing sleeve that autoextender uses for his Vac Extender.

I am also told that the softest NORMAL thickness sleeve that autoextender offers is comparable. However, I find that all of his sleeves simply wear much faster than this one is wearing. I’ve had no nicks or tears and I know I’ve nicked this with my fingernails by now. But nothing. It functions perfectly. I mean I have to say I recommend the original link more than the autoextender version but they handle orders worse than sending a letter to Santa Claus.

There is more than hope. It is a fact that you can keep gaining, diligence and attention are the keys. Nothing more. After all, diligence and attention will keep you from injury and keep the gains coming when you decode your current PE puzzle. And I’m honored that you’re reading along. Hopefully, I can help you with my continued bumbling.

Originally Posted by Ramrod360
Thanks TG,

The only pills I tried were the ones that came with my size genetics extender, I forget the name. Needless to say they were crap.

Ive clamped quite a bit in the past but have been trying Houstonwoods approach of not closing the clamp all the way. Had a small gain after a long plateu. But as with all clamping I approach it carefully.

To save to the DP4000 you just load the programme you want into the software with the pump connected to the computer. Choose the input from the drop down box on the lower right and then select “save to device”. The screen on the pump should say saving to device and you’re done.
If you have any trouble just let me know and I’ll send you some screenshots which should be clearer.

Yeah Im just gonna keep chipping away at those gains. I will try the sleeve pumping with the autoextender sleeves I have and see how I go. Thanks for your help.

Also, regarding the clamp question I missed…can’t speak to shape. Only used one type of clamp. So I don’t want to pretend I know the difference.

Also, the clamp isn’t all the way closed. Just pretty damn tight is a better description.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Ah, so my own pump routine is dynamic as it cycles every 30 seconds to a different pressure? I use an electric and have it set. Routine and Gear List #1

The pumping section lists my favorite pressure set.

The concept is one I like and picked up from Big Al, actually. I do like the resources you linked though. Very good.


Thanks for sharing that. Your DP 4000 pump being computer controlled is much more precise than my Mr Fantastic one in that you effectively can dial in the vacuum settings you want. The Mr Fantastic works by pumping up to a set max vacuum and then leaking the vacuum through an adjustable leak valve. You effectively set you pump up and leak cycles by adjusting the pump speed and the leak valve. The pump is only on in the pump up cycle. Works pretty well but the vacuum is constantly changing. The water version I have uses a special cylinder and a leak valve at the end of two hoses that you place in a water reservoir. My next mod is to use a small temperature controlled heating element in the reservoir to keep the water temperature up.

I pump in a much wider range of vacuum than you do ( 3 ” Hg to 10” Hg) but built up to the max vacuum over about 3 months. I used to pump up to 14” Hg but got the occasional glans blister. By reducing the vacuum a bit and using baby powder as a drying agent under a condom held in place by a silicone sleeve I have not got any more blisters.


Originally Posted by austfred

Thanks for sharing that. Your DP 4000 pump being computer controlled is much more precise than my Mr Fantastic one in that you effectively can dial in the vacuum settings you want. The Mr Fantastic works by pumping up to a set max vacuum and then leaking the vacuum through an adjustable leak valve. You effectively set you pump up and leak cycles by adjusting the pump speed and the leak valve. The pump is only on in the pump up cycle. Works pretty well but the vacuum is constantly changing. The water version I have uses a special cylinder and a leak valve at the end of two hoses that you place in a water reservoir. My next mod is to use a small temperature controlled heating element in the reservoir to keep the water temperature up.

I pump in a much wider range of vacuum than you do ( 3 ” Hg to 10” Hg) but built up to the max vacuum over about 3 months. I used to pump up to 14” Hg but got the occasional glans blister. By reducing the vacuum a bit and using baby powder as a drying agent under a condom held in place by a silicone sleeve I have not got any more blisters.


I personally am leery of heading over 7Hg. But, I can see the reasoning for the range you use. That’s interesting in itself, especially the setup you created. Dynamic and ingenious.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Also, regarding the clamp question I missed…can’t speak to shape. Only used one type of clamp. So I don’t want to pretend I know the difference.

Also, the clamp isn’t all the way closed. Just pretty damn tight is a better description.

Thats cool. Yeah I think I understand what you mean about rhe clamp pressure. Thanks TG.


I need your priceless advice. I felt that my length gain has already stalled, although, I may still do 1 minute of manual stretching in 4 directions. If I don’t gain length, I’m flirting with x4 labs.

Please advise.

Started 4-27-16: BPEL 6.06; MSEG 4.625; Base EG 4.88; Current: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.81; Base EG 5.0; Goal: BPEL at least 7.5; MSEG at least 5.25

"She takes, she fakes, she aches and makes love just like a woman. But she breaks just like a little girl." BD


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