Big Girtha, the doctor doesn´t want to sell me anything. In fact, he doesn´t agree with the implant because of my age, but if you search on google or where you like, there´s no cure or treatment reliable for venous leakage. Believe me he is not a bad doctor, and even better of more Americans, he´s member of the American Urological Association and many associations where is recognized there are only the best. Trust me when I said I really investigated who I´m trusting too.
(Man of 10, venous leakage happen´s when veno occlusive system collapsed and It´s not more allowed to keep blood in your pennis. Believe me, I´ve read every link for the ten first pages of google about venous leak, it was the first thing I did) Sugarfree, I do use a cock ring, but the effect don´t last more than 3 or 4 minutes, and I´ve been treating with a psychologist about my mind and all that. But I tell you, that If with the max dosis of viagra or Papaverina (like viagra but inyectable and stronger and pass by the nerves because you don´t need to be excitated to achieve an erection with this) and a cock ring I couldn´t have more than 5 minutes, it´s not much what I can do with my mind.
Iamaru, don´t know about previous condition, but I say again, I was and felt perfect before PE.
I didn´t notice any pain, nor visible blood. What happens is that the vein loose the capacity to close as it have to, but it doesn´t broke, what happens is that it continues absorbing blood from the pennis. It´s not something you can perceive or feel, only prove it with internal images when there is a suspect about it.
THUNDERSS, if you think I´m here to stir up shit, I am able to say that you adding more shit? Because my last post in the thread was written 3 days ago, but it says it was written yesterday. How? Time pass in a diferent way here and there?
And Why was my other name blocked to post or search? Just for the first time when I post this? If you wanna talk more deeply send me and MP and we can talk with the true cause it seems that it´s forbidden in public.
Thanks to the others for the good wishes, I really apreciate that.