Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Read This First: Warning To Newbies

Originally Posted by stateless
With all due respect, this should’ve been posted years ago. There has been an attitude from some in the hierarachy here that if a person is injured, they simply MUST have done something wrong. That obviously wasn’t the case then, and equally still isn’t. A few examples here are almost shameful, where a person is very troubled by something that has occured and are greeted in an almost accusatory tone, as if that is going to help. Hopefully now if somebody is injured, the only concern will be what they need to do to start to see improvements. If that change takes place, then this announcement is postiive and constructive.

You appear to make this statement without having read many threads and posts on this site. If you read as many as I have, you will see that the injured fall into two main camps.

1)Those that throw caution to the wind and use far too much force in an attempt to get fast gains.
2)Those who do almost nothing, and still get a problem. Some of the injuries reported here are from people who did not even get them from PE.

People in group 1) will simply not listen even if you tell them their dick will explode.
People in group 2) are unfortunate because it seems they are born with a malfunction waiting to happen - all it needs is some extra strain to make it manifest. This can come from mild PE, over-zealous masturbation or even rough sex.

In both cases, it’s not the fault of Thunder’s Place, or the good people who participate here. TPs has enabled me to proceed with caution, while making my own risk assessment. Yes there is risk. But I got run over by a car on two different occasions when I was a kid. I think the setup here is a safe as it can be without actually keeping the methods SECRET!

As for your mention of how some of the injured posters are treated at first, this is probably due to a few trolls spoiling it for everybody. Injuries from a carefully followed newbie routine are rare enough, that suspicion can easily arise. Once trolling is ruled out, everybody rallies round to support the injured person. People rack their brains to come up with a solution. I doubt you will find better elsewhere. Paid or not.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Well put, Marky.

I’ve noticed for awhile now that whenever I have an erection the head of my penis is never really full. I can kegel and pump in blood and it will fill almost instantly and “deflate” even more quickly when I let go. I have a pretty small head to begin with but this has kind of bothered me for awhile.. I always assumed it was normal and can’t put a time on when I first noticed it.. Do you guys think this could be a venous leak? My erections are great otherwise.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

So, ok it took a while to come up with this warning, but we did. What other pay PE site has come anywhere close to what we do here for free?

Yes, we’re not perfect, but we put in a lot of time, effort and money to run this site for the good of others WITHOUT any profit, keep that in mind also.

So, I hear what you are saying, but I say to you…keep a little perspective along with your critique.

My comments aren’t aimed at every single person moderating the forum. There are plenty of people here who are helpful and sympathetic towards men with penile injuries (whatever the cause). You may be seeing this as a personal attack, but it certainly isn’t. I was simply stating that it was always rather obvious that some people can be injuried while undergoing what are not excessive or seemingly dangerous exercises. This is the same with any type of exercise, and should not have ever been something that was difficult to comprehend here, but for a time it was. My criticism is that some men who fit into this unfortunate category were treated in ways that I feel were not at all helpful by some high ranking members. I am greeting this front page announcement in a postiive light, because I now feel that the emphasis concerning injury will now be more guided towards potential treatments and seeking advice, rather than an undercurrent of suspision at how a person developed an injury to begin with, or a distinctly unhelpful tone.

Originally Posted by marky777
You appear to make this statement without having read many threads and posts on this site. If you read as many as I have, you will see that the injured fall into two main camps.

1)Those that throw caution to the wind and use far too much force in an attempt to get fast gains.
2)Those who do almost nothing, and still get a problem. Some of the injuries reported here are from people who did not even get them from PE.

I may not have posted here often, but in addition to joining the forum years ago, I have certainly spent many hours specifically reading posts relating to penile injury and potential treatments for that. My time spent reading those threads is entirely the reason for my post in this thread and not in spite of it. I do not and have not disagreed that many injuries here do fall within the category 1 above, rather than 2. I also have not ever stated that Thunder’s Place is to blame for any injury that a person has acquired. People make their own decision to perform these exercises, and it’s common sense that they may not be safe for all people. That said, people are perhaps now better placed to make decisions relating to whether PE is right for them, because acknowledgment from some (not all) of the hierarcahy here that injuries can take place through no fault of your own was certainly not at all vocal until recently, and as stated that was a tone of “you must’ve done something wrong for this to happen”.

Again, I see this thread as an official acknowlegement of a slightly changing attitude that will put people in a better position to make decisions. It will also likely result in a more positive approach, and perhaps even more knowledge concerning treatments that are helpful for people with injuries, due to exchanging opinions and news of improvments (in addition to telling them to seek help immediately). Thunders Place is a rather fascinating place as the majority of the population are not even aware that penis length can be increased. While some people here obviously do things that hold some risk of injury, there are of course many success stories here too, and in terms of people with existing injuries or rare issues (peyronie’s, micropenis) findings here are certainly of interest because it clearly displays that over a period of time, tissue can in the majority of cases be stretched somewhat over time to increase length. These findings have now been demonstrated in some peer reviewed studies (albeit years after it was common knowledge here). So there is as much, if not more capacity to improve a condiiton due to knowledge here, than a healthy person develop problems. If people clearly know where they stand (as they now do, due to this very clear announcement) then as a community that is probably a good balance.

I think this was already clear enough:
“Penis enlargement can cause permanent damage and you use the techniques here at your own risk. Minimize any risk by reading as much as possible here and elsewhere before committing to a program.”
Penis Enlargement Manual

Of course repeating things can’t hurt, so this thread is the welcome. But when we say “You are not reading enough, you are doing something wrong”, most of the times that’s actually what is happening.

Originally Posted by stateless

My comments aren’t aimed at every single person moderating the forum. There are plenty of people here who are helpful and sympathetic towards men with penile injuries (whatever the cause). You may be seeing this as a personal attack, but it certainly isn’t. I was simply stating that it was always rather obvious that some people can be injuried while undergoing what are not excessive or seemingly dangerous exercises. This is the same with any type of exercise, and should not have ever been something that was difficult to comprehend here, but for a time it was. My criticism is that some men who fit into this unfortunate category were treated in ways that I feel were not at all helpful by some high ranking members. I am greeting this front page announcement in a postiive light, because I now feel that the emphasis concerning injury will now be more guided towards potential treatments and seeking advice, rather than an undercurrent of suspision at how a person developed an injury to begin with, or a distinctly unhelpful tone.

Fair enough.

Originally Posted by stateless
These findings have now been demonstrated in some peer reviewed studies (albeit years after it was common knowledge here).

Do you have a link to any of this? It would help me settle an argument on another board where posters are saying it’s scientifically impossible - even after I offered to send in my before and after pics.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777
People in group 1) will simply not listen even if you tell them their dick will explode.

I do that! I tell over zealous n00bs, “be careful or you dick will explode!” Some few listen but most ignore me.

Originally Posted by marky777
People in group 2) are unfortunate because it seems they are born with a malfunction waiting to happen


Originally Posted by stateless
Hopefully now if somebody is injured, the only concern will be what they need to do to start to see improvements.

Nope. This is after all the internet, full of whackjobs and the transpositionally insane. In the case of a newbie or a guy that simply hasn’t posted much we will always need to consider neurosis or trolldom. That, just as much as injury prevention, is part of the job of protecting the members.

Are we concerned for the safety and health of the guys? Most certainly. Someone that has been around enough to demonstrate some degree of responsibility we will take at face value. Likewise, a few WTF!?! questions and an injured new guy will be offered all the help we have.

Stateless, I actually agree that sometimes new guys are not warned enough, hence my oft posted, “do not break your penis”, and, “be careful, your dick might explode”, comments.

Originally Posted by stateless
I may not have posted here often, but in addition to joining the forum years ago, I have certainly spent many hours specifically reading posts relating to penile injury and potential treatments for that.

This is a free forum but it is still nice if you pay a bit. We are built on a “pay it forward” model after all. I put it to you that you, and guys like you, are actually part of the problem of which you complain. All those hours gaining knowledge and so very little contributing back? In the future why not help out in the newbie forum. Read and reply to the kooky new guys talking about hanging with 40lbs one week into PE.

Originally Posted by marky777
another board where posters are saying it’s scientifically impossible - even after I offered to send in my before and after pics.

Them would only “prove” to them that you can photoshop. People that have already made up their minds sans any true research; what can you do?

Running a Massive Co-Front.


It is always someone new with the exploded penis?
It is always someone who can’t find a doctor to give a medical DX or TX or prognosis. These doctors seem to always shrug their shoulders.
The “Vic” seems not to adhere to healing protocol. Why? Because the injury simply does not exist. The sad thing about these bogus hard flaccid penis threads is that guys who really did injure their penis’s will be ignored as well.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole

The sad thing about these bogus hard flaccid penis threads is that guys who really did injure their penis’s will be ignored as well.

This is simply untrue. It’s a big planet, and Thunder’s seems to collect the unusual examples in one place :) Considering you work in the medical field I’m surprised to hear such denial from you.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by kingpole

It is always someone new with the exploded penis?
It is always someone who can’t find a doctor to give a medical DX or TX or prognosis. These doctors seem to always shrug their shoulders.
The “Vic” seems not to adhere to healing protocol. Why? Because the injury simply does not exist. The sad thing about these bogus hard flaccid penis threads is that guys who really did injure their penis’s will be ignored as well.

I totally hear you man.
It’s like the boy who cried wolf.

And I remember this one thread where someone had an injury like this and started dismissing all the help the members were trying to give.
Which really makes it look like it’s fake.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

There has been a few similar cases on the matters of size message board, but I can’t recall the members names.

Massive props for posting this and being real about it the dangers however small, well done.

Originally Posted by avocet8
“Venous Leakage” is a mysterious condition, therefore all the more appealing to fall back on when any erection fails in its potential.

What occurs during venous leakage - I have it and had it before I even knew about PE - is this: As an erection builds, or begins to build, arteries bring blood into the CCs; meanwhile, the venous system is carrying blood out of the penis, back to the lungs/heart for re-oxygenation. As the CCs expand, and more arterial blood comes in during sexual stimulation, pressure is applied against the venous drainage system. The venous system is clamped down such that more blood flows in than is drained out and we get hard. Keep in mind that during a normal erection, there is _continuous_ new, oxygenated blood flowing in and de-oxygenated blood flowing out. Only in the case of an extended priapism do we get in trouble for lack of oxygen.

In venous leakage, the venous system is not “failing,” per se - it is doing its job, only too well. Arterial in-flow is not sufficient to clamp the venous system off enough to stay hard.

There are many degrees of venous leakage. Some men cannot get an erection at all when venous leakage is severe because the arterial system is insufficient to overcome the venous flow out of the penis. (This is not “venous leakage” necessarily, rather arterial insufficiency perhaps.) Those with a lower degree of issue may get a partial erection, or a full one only to lose it shortly because there is not enough compression within the CCs to slow venous drainage out sufficiently for us to stay hard.

Venous leakage does not occur overnight. In most cases, it creeps up on you - and very slowly. You are having sex and you experience an erection failure. Many possible reasons for that. We all have failures now and then. But gradually you experience more and more failures, among successes, and that is the time to look more deeply into the cause of the ED. The test for venous leakage just now is the Doppler Color Sonogram. An easy and not very expensive test. It can indicate where the problem is and it can indicate if there is arterial insufficiency, as well.

My suggestion, in this well-meant and useful thread, is that no one leap to the conclusion that he has “venous leakage” from reading all this. It is not a common condition in younger men and the likelihood of your getting leakage from beating your cock up in some way is not very high. The probability of your getting some other, transient form of ED is high though, if you insist on overdoing any form of PE exercise or routine.

Disagree with parts of this. Venous leakage can happen quickly and dramatically. If venous leakage occurs from old age or drugs, and the offending vein(s) are relatively ‘minor’ in respect to how much blood they take out, sure it would appear to happen gradually.

However I’ve probably spoken to around 3 -4 (young) guys that I believe to genuinely have a venous leak & they’ve all relayed to me the same thing. It seems if you’re young, the cause is trauma & the offending vein plays a large role in the system there will be an immediate and dramatic change. I guess the problem could have been building up without symptoms for for a while, but once the straw breaks the camels back the difference is huge.

Last edited by Yataghan50 : 11-19-2009 at .

Originally Posted by marky777
This is simply untrue. It’s a big planet, and Thunder’s seems to collect the unusual examples in one place :) Considering you work in the medical field I’m surprised to hear such denial from you.

I am a super moderator over at pegym. We had a rash of these type of complaints. It turned out to be penis pill slammers trying to dis credit manual PE. Eventually when questioned the perps fessed up. Some had multiple accounts. So we banned their ip account so that they could not come back on the forum.

I’m not saying there are no injuries out there. I’m saying the fakes are making it harder for the reall “vics” to get sensible help.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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