With all due respect, this should’ve been posted years ago. There has been an attitude from some in the hierarachy here that if a person is injured, they simply MUST have done something wrong. That obviously wasn’t the case then, and equally still isn’t. A few examples here are almost shameful, where a person is very troubled by something that has occured and are greeted in an almost accusatory tone, as if that is going to help. Hopefully now if somebody is injured, the only concern will be what they need to do to start to see improvements. If that change takes place, then this announcement is postiive and constructive.
You appear to make this statement without having read many threads and posts on this site. If you read as many as I have, you will see that the injured fall into two main camps.
1)Those that throw caution to the wind and use far too much force in an attempt to get fast gains.
2)Those who do almost nothing, and still get a problem. Some of the injuries reported here are from people who did not even get them from PE.
People in group 1) will simply not listen even if you tell them their dick will explode.
People in group 2) are unfortunate because it seems they are born with a malfunction waiting to happen - all it needs is some extra strain to make it manifest. This can come from mild PE, over-zealous masturbation or even rough sex.
In both cases, it’s not the fault of Thunder’s Place, or the good people who participate here. TPs has enabled me to proceed with caution, while making my own risk assessment. Yes there is risk. But I got run over by a car on two different occasions when I was a kid. I think the setup here is a safe as it can be without actually keeping the methods SECRET!
As for your mention of how some of the injured posters are treated at first, this is probably due to a few trolls spoiling it for everybody. Injuries from a carefully followed newbie routine are rare enough, that suspicion can easily arise. Once trolling is ruled out, everybody rallies round to support the injured person. People rack their brains to come up with a solution. I doubt you will find better elsewhere. Paid or not.
I'm fed up of having a signature!