Thunder's Place

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Corpus Spongiosum: Has Yours Grown from PE?

View Poll Results:

If you’ve gained over 0.5" (girth), have you noticed considerable gains in your CS?

Yes, further my CS has grown more noticeably than my CC.





Total Votes: 137. You may not vote on this poll

Hey guys… haven’t posted in the main forms in a while. I have made some pretty substantal girth gains… Here’s my 2 cents.

1) If you have made girth gains, have you noticed considerable gains in the CS?
—> I have noticed what seems to be more of a gain in the CS when compared to the CCs but I see growth in both.

2) What girth exercises have you used and gained most from?
—> Fully erect jelqing (slow strokes). Basically a manual clamp followed through with a jelq.

2) Do you make a point of kegeling while working on girth? Do you think this may have been associated with gains?
—> Given my method of jelqing, yes I kegeled a lot (inadvertantly as it wasn’t a focus of mine). It might have, its unclear.

3) Is most of your girth work done while fully erect?
—> Yes.

4) Have you noted gains in your glans also?
—> Yes, at least more flare and “fuller” glans then it used to be.

5) Has your CS grown uniformly? That is to say, is the base area of your CS thicker than the rest?
—> Base has grown a little more than the rest of my shaft. There is also extra skin there so that could attribute to some extra measurement as well.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

braindrain - are the erect jelqs the same as the Perfect Jelqs you described in your progress report? Or something different?

My memory may be faulty but I am thinking the Perfect Jelqs were at a lower erection level.

Originally Posted by Religion
1 and a half years…

Thanks Religion, great information.

Originally Posted by avocet8
No more than the CCs.

Relatively speaking, base is still in the same ratio as before PE.


Thank you so much for your reply :) . It seems that your experience doesn’t conform to my expectation about pumpers. Do you tend to kegel in the tube (while milking, to maintain the erection)?

Another question I hoped to ask you arises from a discussion I had with sta-kool over PM about cylinder shapes and their relation to penis structure changes. What kind of cylinder did you use for these girth gains? I have had two forms of non-elliptical cylinders: one which ended at a right angle (same circumferene to the end and then it flares straight out on the sides), and one ended with a smaller circumference than the rest of the cylinder (it pinches inward at the end and then flares out), where the latter actually clamps a bit of blood flow and the former does not. I gained ALL my pumping length with the former pump - not coincidentally. I believe the constriction of the end of the latter pump could cause base girth growth.

Originally Posted by avocet8
PS: I’m curious. If one is measuring girth (say you get 5.0”), how do you tell how much of that is CC and how much CS?

I don’t think one can easily do so without making some sort of mould of the penis. In case I wrote something confusing, in the thread question, I just mean to specify people who have gained 0.5 inches or more in girth (to avoid the girth bump that comes with better EQ), while in my initial post I mentioned that when the CS protrudes from the bottom of the penis, it adds more in circumference than equal mass spread in the CC, which is just a physical reality.

Originally Posted by braindrain
… Here’s my 2 cents.

I was hoping you would post braindrain, thanks! Great to have your experience here.

Originally Posted by braindrain
4) Have you noted gains in your glans also?
—> Yes, at least more flare and “fuller” glans then it used to be.

I didn’t mention this in my original reply, just didn’t even think about it, but this has definitely also happened to me. Glans definitely has a nice crown now!

My name is sarcastic.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle


Thank you so much for your reply :) . It seems that your experience doesn’t conform to my expectation about pumpers. Do you tend to kegel in the tube (while milking, to maintain the erection)?

Another question I hoped to ask you arises from a discussion I had with sta-kool over PM about cylinder shapes and their relation to penis structure changes. What kind of cylinder did you use for these girth gains? I have had two forms of non-elliptical cylinders: one which ended at a right angle (same circumference to the end and then it flares straight out on the sides), and one ended with a smaller circumference than the rest of the cylinder (it pinches inward at the end and then flares out), where the latter actually clamps a bit of blood flow and the former does not…

I’ve always used a straight sided cylinder, nothing else.

I did Kegels as a separate exercise, rather than in the tube. But I think Gprent recommends Kegels while milking in the tube. He’d be a good pumping resource for sure.



Originally Posted by sta-kool
braindrain - are the erect jelqs the same as the Perfect Jelqs you described in your progress report? Or something different?

My memory may be faulty but I am thinking the Perfect Jelqs were at a lower erection level.

Yeah I was referring to my perfect jelqing, which isn’t anything revolutionary, just literally jelqing as perfectly as possible focusing on expansion. True maybe it started at lower level, like 80% or so… but as the session went on so did the erection level and so did the pressure; by the end of a session I would likely be at 110% if that makes sense.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by avocet8
But I think Gprent recommends Kegels while milking in the tube. He’d be a good pumping resource for sure.

Yes, I got my "50 tube milks alternated with 50 jelqs, rinse and repeat" workout from one of gprent’s posts.

Originally Posted by braindrain

Yeah I was referring to my perfect jelqing, which isn’t anything revolutionary, just literally jelqing as perfectly as possible focusing on expansion. True maybe it started at lower level, like 80% or so… but as the session went on so did the erection level and so did the pressure; by the end of a session I would likely be at 110% if that makes sense.

Yes that makes perfect sense. Reminds a bit of kingpole’s Erect Kegel Jelqs

I’ve pretty much just noticed gains throughout the whole length. The base is definitely thicker than the head. I’ve never really done anything other than jelqs so that might be the reason?

1) yes
2) no kegels
3) 80% erect once I reach full erection I allow to go back down to near flaccid and start again
4) somewhat but not as much as I’d like
5) base is around 6.875”, tip is a little under 6.5” so semi even but definitely more girth in base area

Hey LV! Great to see you back and contributing, I have the highest respect for your imput!


1) If you have made girth gains, have you noticed considerable gains in the CS?

[I really never paid attention to which one was doing what, sorry.]

2) What girth exercises have you used and gained most from?

[Again, hard to say, I have done a bunch of different things, but I will say probably pumping.]

2) Do you make a point of kegeling while working on girth? Do you think this may have been associated with gains?

[Definitely! My favorite technique in the pump is to get fully erect (and now I add two thick silicon cock rings while in the tube) push into the tube while kegeling hard. Its like it slightly inflates the penis and is confirmed by a slight vacuum drop. I then pump the vacuum back up to the level I am working at. I use the cock rings to further increase the internal pressure without having to increase the external vacuum…more bang for the buck!]

3) Is most of your girth work done while fully erect?

[I have always felt full max erection is best for pump work, but that’s just my opinion.]

4) Have you noted gains in your glans also?

[Yes, to the point where my wife can’t deep throat me anymore.]

5) Has your CS grown uniformly? That is to say, is the base area of your CS thicker than the rest?

[Hard to say, I think its fairly uniform.]

I’ve been at this a while and as you know, I have experimented with many, many different approaches. I find for me, slow steady seems to be best, I don’t respond well to too much force or time (relative term, I know). After years of experiments, it still boils down for me to about 10 minutes of pumping at 5 in hg. This I do about 4-6 days a week and it gives me really good EQ and it appears to be slow gains, that seem to come in spurts. Nothing for a while, then some growth.

For me, at this point, its important to keep great EQ, in that I believe prolonged and frequent nite wood is key for penile health and slow gains. I totally agree with Avocet in that so many guys figure if it doesn’t happen in 6 months or less, they just give up and leave. Its important for guys to realize there is a huge spectrum of responses to PE, that the key is to find what works for them and then stick with it.

Some are lucky enough to find that quickly, some it may take a while…one of these days we should try and collect and summarize the main categories that guys fall into and create a systematic way for a newbie to walk through them and be able to identify which category he is in. Like the “less is more” or “more is more” division is important to figure out as quickly as possible. If you settle into the wrong category for you, it will be virtually impossible to gain. ONCE you figure out your broad category, then you can begin to tune it to begin to see gains.

I am a “less is more” guy and really wasted years trying to make “more is more” work for me. I’m sure there have been plenty of “more is more” guys wasting time with “less is more” routines as well.

Anyway, great to see you back and contributing!

Sparkyx: interesting idea on the silicon rings. My first cylinder was from Boston Pump and is advertised as having a “built in cockring.” It narrowed at the entrance and has a rather thick lip. Have since switched over to vacutech thickwalls. Am gonna give the stretchy ring a go.

I believe Peforeal has been using a “broccoli band” for a long time with good results. I think he also uses it most of the day after pumping. The net effect is like using higher vacuum force, but without the additional stress, good effect.

Me, I take it off when I am done with my 10 minutes, because if I leave it on, it acts as stress, similar to pumping but with little benefit… and sets me back. I would LOVE to be able to leave it on all day, but alas…no can do! :cry:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Sparkyx: interesting idea on the silicon rings. My first cylinder was from Boston Pump and is advertised as having a “built in cockring.” It narrowed at the entrance and has a rather thick lip. Have since switched over to vacutech thickwalls. Am gonna give the stretchy ring a go.

I think this MAY be why when a cylinder gets tight around the base, you may actually get better results.

Considering that almost half the guys who’ve voted say they haven’t noticed considerable CS gains maybe it’s something specific about the way the exercise is performed or the equipment used that causes it ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Considering that almost half the guys who’ve voted say they haven’t noticed considerable CS gains maybe it’s something specific about the way the exercise is performed or the equipment used that causes it ?

The problem with CS gains is unless you are looking for it, you may not notice it. We see our dicks from above, and CS is mostly visible from the side. If your dick doesn’t look much thicker to you, but the tape says it is…its mostly CS. Plus, if your glans is getting bigger, that’s CS primarily.

I’ve always wondered if sleep position effected the growth of this. Sleeping on your stomach with a tuck-up would most likely push the blood out of it. Anyone else here sleep on their stomach with a tuck-up?

PS I can’t make a new thread… any idea why?


Last edited by bigballz : 04-17-2012 at .

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