Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Long Game: Learning with Longerstretch, Key Principles to Make Sustained Growth

Originally Posted by IceAngel08
Does having sex the same day as hanging affect results?

I have not seen a problem. I’d choose sex over PE any day.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Originally Posted by flowsky
It should not affect gains in any way, since the tissues, in my opinion, are recovering after elongation rather quickly.
However, those are just my assumptions, since I had no sexual activities since starting PE over three months ago.

Giving your dick several hours of rest before sex can be crucial for keeping EQ levels up to a working minimum for sexual intercourse, since many workouts, if done hard enough, can lead to short-term ED, which is just a penile defense mechanism.


Starting measurements: Oct 2 2021: NBPFL 4" (10cm), BPFSL 5.7/8" (14.9ish cm), NPBEL 5.5" (13.9cm), BPEL: 5.75" (14.6cm), EG 4.5",

Current Measurements: Jan 11 2022: NBFSL 15 cm, BPFSL 17 cm, NPBEL 13.9 cm, BPEL 15.4 cm

Goals: BPEL 7.25" (18.4cm), NPBEL 7" (17.7cm), EG 6", Flaccid 5.5" Dream: NBPEL 8" (20.3cm), EG 6.5", Flaccid 6"

Breaking Down Tunica Before Advancing To US Heating Technique

Originally Posted by longerstretch
This thread was originally posted at MOS and I think it deserves it place here as well. So keep in mind this was originally intended for the MOS audience which is generally of the more is more approach and never ever take rest days.

"I’ll preface this with not everything mentioned here will be applicable to newbies and many things I’ll discuss will go beyond this thread. However some of the things will be applicable to newbies and veterans alike. Personal research, thought and application will be warranted.

This thread will start and evolve. I will first seek to lay out some principles that I have found to provide sustained growth. I will then in as layman’s terms as I can attempt, provide some of the science behind the principles. Continuous growth until end goal is reached is ultimately all our goals but many stall after making initial gains and keep sputtering along with little to no progress. The response to this stall, especially on this forum in particular, is well wrong.

I fully expect for many here to dismiss some if not all these principles. Especially those set in their ways. Revolutions aren’t accomplished in a day. I also expect with enough interest and time the majority will come around, especially when results.. Well results speak for themselves.

I don’t claim to have all the answers. Many things discussed here you can see evolving in my own progress report, especially with my comeback this year. However I am gaining consistently and my hope is to bring those results for other souls. Currently I am gaining 0.1 cm per week during my campaign, which is as fast as I could probably hope for being that I’ve done PE for 15 years.

Again this will be a evolving thread as there is too much to discuss in one post. Much that will be discussed I have recently talked about in my log and in other threads.

1.) Decondition Breaks: I put this at top of the list for a reason. The other forums have accepted decon breaks as a tool but this site in particular seems to resist them. Not surprisingly, to me at least, there are more and more cases of gains stalling here. My first post after this one will go in on decon breaks and offer suggestions. Straight up everyone should have scheduled decon breaks in their routine if they want to have sustained growth.

2.) Using BPSFL as a guide for their routine. BPSFL can be a guide on BPEL gains. You can also use them to determine the effectiveness of your routine. On this principle I will discuss heavy on accurate measurements, basics of the stress-strain curve and how that relates to connective tissue and the penis as a whole and even how you can use these measurements as a guide for when you need a decon break.

3.) Therapeutic heat: ideal heat should be 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C). 45°C and up causes tissue death, below this and the connective tissue will not behave like we want it to in the stretch . I don’t mean warm up either. I don’t warm up. This heat is a tool only to be used under a tensile load. A natural cool down (no ice) is advised after heat and this as well will be under tension.

These principles can be used to adjust any routine. I am now making great gains using "light" loads and the majority of my routine is right at an hour. More to come stick around and learn with Longerstretch."

Greeting everybody!!
Last night I started reading this thread.
Let me thank you Longstrech, Kypra, Manko and all other pioneers of this promising PE technique!!

Devoting your time to research and document everything and make it available to the ones who need it deserves RESPECT !!

As a total newby I want to ask you for some advice.

I follow the Subred on Reddit Grttingbigger:


Also the other subred Ajelqforyou:

Your Source For Real Penis Enlargement Information

From what I read there I need to go through at least a month of manual exercises to soften/break down my tunica to allow expansion ( both lenght and girth).

Whats your thoughts about that?

How long should I exercise manualy before begining pumping and also hanging + simultaneously US Therapeutic heating technique ?

Apart from manual exercises are there any ointments that you use to soften your tunica.

One ancient PEer Sayan22 from this Forum has been using DSMO 70% solution mixes ( with Paba Powder, another with magnesium ) also some cream/ointment used for treating Peyronies. He claims that this way his tunica has become more malleable, softer and stretchier.

On Reddit Gettingbigger forum the Admin BD is also using a mixture ointment:

Shea butter
Coconut oil
Hyaluronic acid
Vitamin E
Copper peptide GH - CKU
Body safe fragrance

What’s your thoughts ?

Thank you for your time everyone !

I’m posting this also on other threads - hopefully get more comments and advice.

Hi Longerstretch (and others who can give advise),

I had a hopefully quick question.

I stopped vacuum hanging in early December after finding 5.5squared’s post which led me to Kyrpa’s post and yours.

I had gotten up to about 9-10 lbs vacuum hanging for an hour long set. I had worked up to that weight over the course of 1.5 years I’d say with virtually no gains. For half of that time (8ish months) I’d say I did two sets of one hour long hanging sessions in a day.

My plan is to follow a routine very similar to 5.5’s starting February 7th. But I want to make sure I take enough time off before starting. Do you think 2 solid months will be enough of a decon?

Well, following longerstretch’s initial posts on this thread a pause of 3 months may be well advised since you have been stalling like practically for ever, right?

This thread appears a little dead to me, though. Maybe a sign that all words regarding this matter have been said.

If you are interested in learning more on this topic, there are a few threads which have incorporated this information and expanded on it. Notable members who have been involved include, but are not limited to: Kyrpa, Tutt and 5.5Squared. There are more.

A couple of the threads, and there are more, are listed below. You can review these and/or search for the above member’s other threads.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE (p. 61)

The characteristics of the tunica albuginea revisited

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
If you are interested in learning more on this topic, there are a few threads which have incorporated this information and expanded on it. Notable members who have been involved include, but are not limited to: Kyrpa, Tutt and 5.5Squared. There are more.

A couple of the threads, and there are more, are listed below. You can review these and/or search for the above member’s other threads.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE (p. 61)

The characteristics of the tunica albuginea revisited

Thanks for sharing!

I cannot seem to get above 2% strain. How would you guys approach this, increase weight first or time under heat?

(I re-posted this here as I accidentally posted it under a progress thread).

(50.9 KB, 183 views)

Originally Posted by AAGaper
I cannot seem to get above 2% strain. How would you guys approach this, increase weight first or time under heat?

(I re-posted this here as I accidentally posted it under a progress thread).

I’ve had successful cycles where strain averaged ~1.5%. You may not have a problem.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

This really a great thread. I’m currently taking a deconditioning break. My question would be what do some of you guys think about 2 weeks of hanging which would be 5 total workouts working 1 day followed by 2 days rest then move onto the pump focused on girth for 2 weeks followed by a month deconditioning break? Then basically repeating the process so a month on and a month off. I’m trying to really work the less is more mentality.

I just don’t know if 5 total workouts dedicated to length then 5 workouts dedicated to girth will provide enough work to stimulate growth.

For what reason are you planning a month deacon break every second month?

I look at PE much like investing in the stock market.
Theres an old adage in investing that says you let your profits run and you cut your losses short.That is, while your stock is gaining value you keep with it, but once it turns and you start losing value, you get out.
I think of PE the same way. While you are still gaining, why on earth would you stop?
Personally, I keep going with my routine till I have a reason to stop, be that either negative PI’s or the gains have stopped. Only then would I consider a decon break


Okay, well that definitely makes sense. I guess I was thinking if I routinely ran breaks that my gains would be consistent and I wouldn’t need long breaks.

Originally Posted by A69
For what reason are you planning a month deacon break every second month?

I look at PE much like investing in the stock market.
Theres an old adage in investing that says you let your profits run and you cut your losses short.That is, while your stock is gaining value you keep with it, but once it turns and you start losing value, you get out.
I think of PE the same way. While you are still gaining, why on earth would you stop?
Personally, I keep going with my routine till I have a reason to stop, be that either negative PI’s or the gains have stopped. Only then would I consider a decon break

This is my thinking as well on this subject. Keep it going until the gains stop.

@ gomitadelimon

Thanks!!! Will do.

is there a short version of this thread? I cant understand anything!


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