Hello everyone, I am asking for an advice to everyone (and also to Kyrpa who is our guru) to resolve some doubts and start training as I have all the material. I have been practicing PE since 2005 with poor results and I decided to commit and try this method. I have read all the posts in this forum and I am reading the posts in the “gaining volume with Kyrpa” forum. Now I would like to start to put into practice what I have read and am reading (because the material is so much and I’m doing a lot of confusion, also because I’m not a native English speaker) and I wanted to ask you some things:
1. I have a single US Pro 2000 2nd for now, instead of putting it against my thigh I bought this: . Can I put it on the opposite side of the US (so that the waves don’t come out, as if it were a heating pad)? And does the thermocouple go between this and the dorsal part?
2. I read that Kyrpa did various cycles and various routines: I can have PE only in the evening. So I would do this: first phase 30 minutes (stress relaxation 1-2 kg), then 20 minutes ( US 2-4 kg) and then 10 minutes (fulcrum stretch). Some posts mentioned that girth follows length, so don’t I have to jelq? Or do I jelq during rest periods?
3. How many weeks of training and how many weeks of rest do you practice?
4. As I’m having trouble getting an erection (since so far, I need to use viagra), I didn’t understand how to do the “penile bodybuilding” exercise (post 12 of “gaining volume with Kyrpa”), maybe about IS muscle do I have to stretch in front of me and about BS muscle do I have an A-stretch and at the same time do I have kegels?
These are my first doubts: I tried to read the posts to solve them but till now I could not find any solutions. It is 3 months that I have been reading and now I want to practice to better understand and to test what I have read.
Thanks to all for any advice :)