Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Originally Posted by Stixman
My Transducers should arrive on Friday.
I have most of the other gear to emulate the tools and equipment required for the protocol (load cell, 4 port “K” thermometer. gel, phantoms, pulley, clamp, etc).
Still need to place an order for smaller weights and metric rulers. Still need to rig up my pulley system.

I have posted pics in the past and will post more as I document my Ultrasound campaigns and campaigns to then fill in the new BPFSL with BPEL

Awesome Stix! Looking forward to your setup

I don’t care about dick pics, I’d rather see some pics of the set up. Quite some people would probably give this a go if there was a reasonable tutorial stickied. As it is now you have to waddle through literally hundreds of pages filled mostly with garbage posts. Obviously people will wonder if it’s some weird gatekeeping tactic or if it’s even real.

For example, I was thinking - wouldn’t it be easier to:
- use an extender
- remove the springs
- make that extender double the length, so that you can
- use one of those 10 € luggage scales and hook it up between the vacuum cup and the end of the extender: (groin====D)—(scale)—(end of the extender)
- use a ultrasound pad
- use a heating blanket underneath the ultrasound pad

Now you sit down and use something like a low table or a cupboard:
- put the heating blanket on the table
- put the ultrasound pad on the heating blanket so it simulates the warmth of the thigh (maybe not needed, but you can check it with a thermometer)
- after you do the initial low weight stress-relaxation routine, you lay the penis + extender onto the ultrasound pad
- increase the tension to 3 kg (or whatever it was) and start ultrasounding away from the top (dorsal side)
- ??
- profit

Are there downsides to it? It seems to me it would be simpler than doing it over the thigh.

Originally Posted by Tutt
Pictures aren’t needed and are actually less reliable than detailed description of progress. In any case, nobody here is trying to sell you anything.

It’s crazy to say pictures are less reliable. Do you buy a house by description instead of seeing it? Do you think the tons of people who have taken photos of their hair loss journey would be more trusted by just saying “hey my hair line filled in half an inch, so do this thing like I did”?

A “detailed description” of progress can easily be nothing more than a person trying to feel better about themself and/or doing exaggerated measurements. Faking pictures is a lot more effort or is noticeable, so there’s inherently going to be overall better information from that than people writing whatever the hell they want. From pictures taken, I’ve seen a ton of bad measuring and lots of examples of marks and discoloration that I don’t want. That information, combined with the accurate measurements I’ve seen and examples of people doing PE without making their dick into more of what I would call “a microwaved hotdog”, has been very useful to me about how realistic people actually are and how I want to approach all of this.

And as for people selling things, who knows if people are working for a specific company? If ultrasound is a revolutionary and easy to use thing for dick size and performance increases, with no downsides at all (plus the device being usable for other body therapy), then it’s on the verge of becoming a massive industry. Obviously there’s people who will want to make money off of it, and it’s not uncommon for companies to pay individuals to go around the internet and promote their product. If it’s all legit though, then great! Let’s SEE it.

Originally Posted by Hezz
Quite some people would probably give this a go if there was a reasonable tutorial stickied.

Definitely! And like I was talking about before, it’s not just pictures but rather VIDEO that is the most convincing and informative thing. This is 2021. Anyone can take a video with the click of their phone and it’s not difficult to angle/zoom the phone to just show the relevant area, to help maintain anonymity. If people want to be as safe and effective as possible, then seeing those kinds of tutorials and examples is incredibly helpful.

Hello Hezz,

a lot of content has come together to arrive at the current state of knowledge. That is correct. There has been a lot of discussion and some things have been asked several times. Like from you at the moment. But I think it is not fair to the others to call these posts garbage posts.
This also has nothing to do with gatekeeping, but with the complexity of the topic. In the end, Kyrpä has done a tremendous job, both in terms of content and effort. Thank God (and Kyrpä) he presented it to us and that’s what we’re working with now. Then we were joined by many other smart people who shared their experience (thanks for that, too). And that is what we have in front of us now. I find it extremely exciting in what different directions this is going. What we are doing here is pioneering work and not simply applying state of the art.

How did this grow? Kyrpä simply posted his findings and then the thing went through the roof. Meanwhile, people expect a simple tutorial as if it were a matter of course. And at this point, you have to be fair. The information is all there and you can’t expect someone to take the time to write the tutorial that everyone understands. Moreover, one must not forget that this business with US & co. is not risk-free. Therefore, it is important to understand what you are doing and it is virtually a duty to deal intensively with the subject.

It also took me a lot of time to understand the connections and I am very sure that I have not understood everything yet. I, too, would have been happy to learn about the subject in a more compact way. But do I have the right to expect that? The answer is no.

But be that as it may, I have a few comments on your suggestion.

Your suggestion of the extender design has also been discussed. Kyrpä is working with it:
Stress Relaxation Extender
Kyrpa - Gaining volume 2
Kyrpa - Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

What I don’t understand is what you mean by heating blanket. Is this due to my lack of language skills? If you mean a heating blanket as I understand it, your US pad makes no sense at all. The pad is meant to absorb the sound waves so they don’t reflect off the skin of the shaft. With a heating blanket as I understand it, there are no sound waves.
If you meant the US transducer and I’m just too stupid to understand, please accept my apologies. In case of US I can recommend you the following.
Heating problems with extender users

I have built myself a phantom from silicone with very good coupling properties.
US Phantom made of silicone

But in my opinion, these are only details of execution. Ultimately, it is about the following:
- Stress relaxation (SR) below the sweet spot where tissue stiffening begins. This is where the time frame of 30 min has settled in.
- SR above the sweet spot under therapeutic heat (Kyrpä has chosen US as the means of choice, there is also success with IR or RF), current recommendation 20 min
- Cool down under SR, current recommendation 10 min

As already mentioned, we are still pioneers and every new experience brings us further.

Last edited by Rocco25 : 06-25-2021 at .

Originally Posted by Hezz

Now you sit down and use something like a low table or a cupboard:
- put the heating blanket on the table
- put the ultrasound pad on the heating blanket so it simulates the warmth of the thigh (maybe not needed, but you can check it with a thermometer)
- after you do the initial low weight stress-relaxation routine, you lay the penis + extender onto the ultrasound pad
- increase the tension to 3 kg (or whatever it was) and start ultrasounding away from the top (dorsal side)

If I understand it correctly the solution will work. Using standoff aka ultrasound pad is for the continuation of the wave front through the shaft.

If applied dorsally, then the 3mhz might be the primary choice.

About the gatekeeping and the realism, you can’t possibly be serious. If you are, I am afraid you are most likely getting bored about this all before being convinced.

That said I am still hopeful some of these wonderful enthusiasts are able to pull out the easy to follow instructions you and few others have been after.

I am really sorry but me personally am not motivated to producing the step by step manual.
You take it as it is and bring it further.
There will be additional information pouring for sure and synopsis popping put every now and then.

Maybe the instructions, step by step, will arrive and that will be great, if not it is not s end of the world for me. And neither for you.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Obviously there’s people who will want to make money off of it, and it’s not uncommon for companies to pay individuals to go around the internet and promote their product. If it’s all legit though, then great! Let’s SEE it.


Still waiting them to contact me. Haven’t happened yet. Don’t know if they are reading such a marginal sources.

Look. You have been heard. I would love to give you and Hezz and co. all this.

I am relying on the fellow pioneers on this. I feel there is too much to explore and the clock is ticking already. I can’t see any lucrative opportunities ahead so there is a limit one person can do voluntarily.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Kyrpä, you sound tired and I am with you. Lately a lot of reproachful expectations came up (dick picks, proofs, tutorials….) and I can understand that makes you tired. It’s the words of Tutt, igigi & co that show me that we are still grounded.

I really don’t understand that some members dare to make accusations or demands here. If you have doubts about the whole US/therapeutic heat story, then you better look for another method to enlarge your best piece, instead of making any abstruse demands here. TP offers all kinds of possibilities.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
Kyrpä, you sound tired and I am with you. Lately a lot of reproachful expectations came up (dick picks, proofs, tutorials….) and I can understand that makes you tired. It’s the words of Tutt, igigi & co that show me that we are still grounded.

I really don’t understand that some members dare to make accusations or demands here. If you have doubts about the whole US/therapeutic heat story, then you better look for another method to enlarge your best piece, instead of making any abstruse demands here. TP offers all kinds of possibilities.

Take it easy my friend. There is no reason to get provoked. I am sure you can understand the demand, I genuinely do.

We continue doing the best we can and that will be it. If the world population will not make penile size gains, that is their loss.
We can only grow our own units, we make it happen, we document it the best we can and then move on. With tutorials or not. The rest is for each one to personally deal with.

The decades of misleading gurus are over, I am calling for individual thinking here.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

I do not feel provoked, especially since I am not the initiator of the whole thing. Ultimately, I am a slipstream driver of your results and therefore I should just be grateful and shut up. Nevertheless, I have to admit that I have delved so deeply into the subject that I am full of enthusiasm.

It seems to be a trend not only in Germany that people are saturated and make stupid demands for no reason. It’s generally a trend in the Western world that people are fed up and expect everything as a matter of course. And I think that sucks.

And even if the decades of misguiding gurus seem to be over, it’s up to everyone to choose their own path. I can only say one thing: The community that has emerged here really impresses me and even a destructive feedback brings you further.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
I do not feel provoked, especially since I am not the initiator of the whole thing. Ultimately, I am a slipstream driver of your results and therefore I should just be grateful and shut up. Nevertheless, I have to admit that I have delved so deeply into the subject that I am full of enthusiasm.

It seems to be a trend not only in Germany that people are saturated and make stupid demands for no reason. It’s generally a trend in the Western world that people are fed up and expect everything as a matter of course. And I think that sucks.

And even if the decades of misguiding gurus seem to be over, it’s up to everyone to choose their own path. I can only say one thing: The community that has emerged here really impresses me and even a destructive feedback brings you further.

There is no destructive feedback seen here yet. All feedback has the potential to build something positive.

The credibility of PE itself will never be 100%.
We can’t expect everyone to jump in cheering.

I respect the calls, but I am afraid this being just the first wave, not every one will be pleased.
There will be followers building on this with the understanding wide enough, with the resources for popularizing this as the grounds has been laid already.
If this dies within the departure of the first wave, that will be sad but at least some of us leave with the results.

I have already said it many times, I am not here for staying. I will make it happen and leave, forgetting I ever had penis not big enough.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Hezz
I don’t care about dick pics, I’d rather see some pics of the set up. Quite some people would probably give this a go if there was a reasonable tutorial stickied. As it is now you have to waddle through literally hundreds of pages filled mostly with garbage posts. Obviously people will wonder if it’s some weird gatekeeping tactic or if it’s even real.

For example, I was thinking - wouldn’t it be easier to:
- use an extender
- remove the springs
- make that extender double the length, so that you can
- use one of those 10 € luggage scales and hook it up between the vacuum cup and the end of the extender: (groin====D)—(scale)—(end of the extender)
- use a ultrasound pad
- use a heating blanket underneath the ultrasound pad

Now you sit down and use something like a low table or a cupboard:
- put the heating blanket on the table
- put the ultrasound pad on the heating blanket so it simulates the warmth of the thigh (maybe not needed, but you can check it with a thermometer)
- after you do the initial low weight stress-relaxation routine, you lay the penis + extender onto the ultrasound pad
- increase the tension to 3 kg (or whatever it was) and start ultrasounding away from the top (dorsal side)
- ??
- profit

Are there downsides to it? It seems to me it would be simpler than doing it over the thigh.

If you lookup the pictures that I posted of my device you’ll see similarities to what you’ve described, but mine also includes a precision micrometer translation stage to allso for very slow and controlled extension while heating. Now it even has an electric motor on a foot switch to keep my hands free.

Rocco, no reason to feel bad my friend. Simply ignore the bad posts or comments. It is expected. I was able to forsee this. The thing is, I believe, after all the many years the I have been in this game, a little over 2 decades to be more exact, that this is the most revolutionary approach to PE. In fact, something I was waiting for. I did not even imagined it, but I was hoping for some sort of “breakthrough”, at least for my situation in which I reached a dead end so many years ago, and I am sure many others like.

And for the same reason, the results we are posting, fall in the category of “too good to be true”

At the same time, to be fair, I understand the sentiments of many. I can put myself on their shoes. If I join the forum today, because I would love to enhance myself, and I see these posts about massive gains with US, is true, I would be digging and digging through multiple threads an hundreds of pages. Which creates frustration and desperation in many. But its part of the process. This is still rather new, and those of us who started this, have been following and reading the developments for months and years.

Now, of course, eventually there will be a step by step guide. As more people do it, and more details are corrected, a more standardized approach will be born, and not one, but many, will join to create a tutorial. I personally dont have the time. I barely have the time to follow through my protocol these past couple of weeks.

For the record, I posted pictures of all my setup and materials on my log igigi - Igigi’s quest for the foot long with UltraSound Therapy post #352 of page 24

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL


We must come from different backgrounds. Mine is based in bioengineering and data science. Pictures mean nothing to me without the methods and data to replicate the results precisely. Anyone in any field can misrepresent or fake pictures and video to substantiate wild claims.

As it relates to PE, the general methods being claimed by most here stand in strong opposition to the scientific literature, so any pictures presented are suspect regardless of how convincing they appear. Because they contradict the literature, the burden is on them to demonstrate how those results could’ve been achieved.

The methods being explored by Kyrpa, myself, and others aligns with the literature, so the focus is more on optimizing the protocol and discovering the nuances. You are treating this as if the science is settled and the procedure is standardized after late stage clinical trials. In fact, the protocols discussed here are the equivalent of pre-clinical research which is generally the stage in which scientists discuss iterative testing and hypotheses, but nobody is publishing research at this point. Kyrpa has spent countless hours researching and documenting self experimentation. I’ve put in some time and spent somewhat stupid amounts of money testing various technologies to see whether they might be more optimal for members here. All of this info has been shared freely. Nothing further is owed or reasonably demanded.

It’s interesting you mention hair loss pictures. The most broadly advertised hair transplant company in the US is also very mediocre and not aligned with the most recent literature and best practice. Yet they succeed by showing cherry picked pictures and video to unsuspecting clients. Those who know the literature recognize that even the mid-grade doctors in Turkey provide better results utilizing the most current techniques despite not having ever seen an advertisement for them here in the US. But again, this is technology that has already been through full late stage trials with well established protocols.

You are welcome to join the effort, but if not, I’m afraid the only thing to do is sit back and wait patiently while others fill in the gaps.

Originally Posted by Tutt
It’s interesting you mention hair loss pictures. The most broadly advertised hair transplant company in the US is also very mediocre and not aligned with the most recent literature and best practice. Yet they succeed by showing cherry picked pictures and video to unsuspecting clients.

This is a strawman. First of all, I was talking about the MANY people out there on the internet who’ve showed actual photo/video evidence of their regimens and results, thus fostering better and more clear understanding of the subject. Secondly, what you describe as a mediocre company is providing actual visibly proven results. Not anonymous words with no verifiable evidence (aka, the marketing strategy of lots of random pills or serums). So regardless of a result being mediocre on the full spectrum of what’s possible, at least their product visibly does something for sure, and more safely for the client than doing something like a taking a drug that dangerously alters their hormones and kills their erections.

There’s no scenario in which not having picture or video evidence is better than having it. None, ever. While it’s possible for a certain claim to be more valid than another without showing visible proof, having that proof inherently creates more trust and better understanding. There’s a reason why many sports have been able to drastically advance in the digital age from where they used to be - because being able to actually see something is often a key to learning it better.

Your argument of whatever “aligns with the literature” being inherently the best is very simplistic. “The literature” can easily be less accurate or contradictory, coming from different sources or trials. It’s a basic thing children are supposed to learn - something isn’t true just because it’s been written down. A good reason for children’s curriculum to include the novel Charlotte’s Web.

There’s another strawman you used too - “You are treating this as if the science is settled”. I never said that. What I’ve said is I’d really like (A.) actual proof to help judge for myself the validity, (B.) a tutorial of how people are doing this and why they deem it to be safe, to reduce the chance of damaging myself if I do it.

And since there’s so much activity in this thread, I have a related question - there is conflicting info about using infrared heat on the testicles. I’ve read that using a wavelength under 900 for a 20 minute period is healthy. Other sources are saying “no, you don’t want to have infrared on your balls at all”. I feel like some heat shouldn’t be bad, personally my balls easily get cold and I don’t want them that way and don’t think that’s the most healthy thing either, so actually how much infrared heat and what wavelength would people here say is safe?

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
There is no destructive feedback seen here yet. All feedback has the potential to build something positive.

Okay, there we go again with the language issue.
By destructive feedback, I meant feedback that tells you you’re going in the wrong direction with your chosen method. The community straightens it out and you can take a new path. And that brings you further.

Originally Posted by igigi
Rocco, no reason to feel bad my friend.

Igigi, I don’t feel bad, just thought it was time to raise my voice. I have already discreetly tried to communicate once during the thread that a little more humility would be appropriate. That’s all it’s about.


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