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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Points made, we will continue the as we were.

Pics, tutorials and manuscripts will most certainly arrive. Not on demand but as they are produced. If someone will miss an opportunity waiting, it is his bad, can`t help with that.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Hezz
Now you sit down and use something like a low table or a cupboard:
- put the heating blanket on the table
- put the ultrasound pad on the heating blanket so it simulates the warmth of the thigh (maybe not needed, but you can check it with a thermometer)
- after you do the initial low weight stress-relaxation routine, you lay the penis + extender onto the ultrasound pad
- increase the tension to 3 kg (or whatever it was) and start ultrasounding away from the top (dorsal side)
- ??
- profit

Are there downsides to it? It seems to me it would be simpler than doing it over the thigh.

I have looked at your proposal again and now the gap closes. I had overlooked that you want to apply US from above. Sorry for that.

Under these circumstances, your setup with 3 MHz will probably work fine, as Kyrpä has already written. If you want to work with 1 MHz, you will probably have to turn the whole thing upside down. That means US pad and heating pad on top, US on the bottom (ventral). If you turn the setup around, you can also support with IR from above instead of heating pad. This is how I did it. The US pad sticks thanks to the US gel and nothing falls off.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
I have looked at your proposal again and now the gap closes. I had overlooked that you want to apply US from above. Sorry for that.

Under these circumstances, your setup with 3 MHz will probably work fine, as Kyrpä has already written. If you want to work with 1 MHz, you will probably have to turn the whole thing upside down. That means US pad and heating pad on top, US on the bottom (ventral). If you turn the setup around, you can also support with IR from above instead of heating pad. This is how I did it. The US pad sticks thanks to the US gel and nothing falls off.

And, if sandwiching the shaft between two ultrasound standoffs, the 1 MHz work as well if applied dorsally.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Not worth the time. Sorry for the hijack Kyrpa. Please proceed.

Originally Posted by Tutt
Not worth the time. Sorry for the hijack Kyrpa. Please proceed.

Caravan goes on. There are few things still to come.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Tutt
If you lookup the pictures that I posted of my device you’ll see similarities to what you’ve described, but mine also includes a precision micrometer translation stage to allso for very slow and controlled extension while heating. Now it even has an electric motor on a foot switch to keep my hands free.

It took me a while to find it, here’s the link. Tutt - Gaining volume with Kyrpa Yeah this is pretty much what I was thinking about, although I might leave out the foot-controllable electric motor.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
Hello Hezz,

A lot of content has come together to arrive at the current state of knowledge. That is correct. There has been a lot of discussion and some things have been asked several times. Like from you at the moment. But I think it is not fair to the others to call these posts garbage posts.
This also has nothing to do with gatekeeping, but with the complexity of the topic. In the end, Kyrpä has done a tremendous job, both in terms of content and effort. Thank God (and Kyrpä) he presented it to us and that’s what we’re working with now. Then we were joined by many other smart people who shared their experience (thanks for that, too). And that is what we have in front of us now. I find it extremely exciting in what different directions this is going. What we are doing here is pioneering work and not simply applying state of the art.

How did this grow? Kyrpä simply posted his findings and then the thing went through the roof. Meanwhile, people expect a simple tutorial as if it were a matter of course. And at this point, you have to be fair. The information is all there and you can’t expect someone to take the time to write the tutorial that everyone understands. Moreover, one must not forget that this business with US & co. Is not risk-free. Therefore, it is important to understand what you are doing and it is virtually a duty to deal intensively with the subject.

It also took me a lot of time to understand the connections and I am very sure that I have not understood everything yet. I, too, would have been happy to learn about the subject in a more compact way. But do I have the right to expect that? The answer is no.

Well here’s the thing. If someone wants to find relevant info, then my own post is definitely garbage as well. To me it would make a lot of sense to have two separate threads:
1) First, one simple tutorial reflecting the current state of progress and a faq section. There really isn’t that much needed, just a short explanation of each step, the reasoning behind it and links to the posts where this is discussed more thoroughly. You lock the thread to avoid unnecessary spam.
For instance:
A) start with 30 minutes of low weight stress-relaxation routine. Do this and that so that your penis gets this and that.
In the faq there’d be a short explanation of what are stress-relaxation (SR), strain and creep, because the terminology here makes absolutely no sense to a beginner. Also add a couple of links to the relevant SR discussions here on thunders.
B) do the next 20 minutes ultrasounding you penis leaving no room between the transducer and the skin, keep checking the temperature and use whatever tension was supposed to be used.
To relate to this point, you could explain that you do this for 20 mins because the body starts to regulate the temperature after 15 min (if I remember right). You could also show what kind of thermometer to use and how to set it up (because even I’m still not totally sure how people are doing this).

Do this for all the relevant steps. Because if not.. How many times do you want to answer ‘hey guys what US device should I use’? Just put it in the faq section with the basic info like:
1-3 Mhz because reasons
X w/cm2 because reasons
5:1 ratio because reasons
X cm2 size because reasons
Examples of US devices matching the aforementioned criteria are x, y and z.

2) And then the second thread would be this one. Here you could actually discuss stuff and if people asked the same question for the 20th time, you could just point them to the faq thread.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
Your suggestion of the extender design has also been discussed. Kyrpä is working with it:
Stress Relaxation Extender
Kyrpa - Gaining volume 2
Kyrpa - Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Thanks for the links, this must have taken ages to find. ^^ It seems the basic design does make a lot of sense.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
I have built myself a phantom from silicone with very good coupling properties.
US Phantom made of silicone

What is this, what does it do? I’ve tried googling for US phantom and couldn’t quite make sense of it.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
If I understand it correctly the solution will work. Using standoff aka ultrasound pad is for the continuation of the wave front through the shaft.

If applied dorsally, then the 3mhz might be the primary choice.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking as well.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
Maybe the instructions, step by step, will arrive and that will be great, if not it is not s end of the world for me. And neither for you.

I mean.. Obviously. By now I’ve read enough to have an idea on how to proceed, so neither you nor me need a tutorial. I’m just pointing out that atm the information is presented in a very confusing and difficult to find manner. Igigi linked to a post #352 lol. #352!

Originally Posted by Rocco25
I have looked at your proposal again and now the gap closes. I had overlooked that you want to apply US from above. Sorry for that.

Under these circumstances, your setup with 3 MHz will probably work fine, as Kyrpä has already written. If you want to work with 1 MHz, you will probably have to turn the whole thing upside down. That means US pad and heating pad on top, US on the bottom (ventral). If you turn the setup around, you can also support with IR from above instead of heating pad. This is how I did it. The US pad sticks thanks to the US gel and nothing falls off.

Yeah this makes sense. It just seems a bit cumbersome to have your penis turned upside down, so I was looking for solutions.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
And, if sandwiching the shaft between two ultrasound standoffs, the 1 MHz work as well if applied dorsally.

Hmm I can see that yeah.

Are these devices you are using same specwise as they use in ED cure therapy? They have seen improvements in EQ in only few (6) 20 min threathments.

I will dig deeper into this and will maybe try it for example fulcrum hanging with vacuum hanger. Heating topside of penis. Or with extender.
This is only if those 1/3 MHz +2W/cm2 devices for few hundred dollars are good to go. I can’t invest +3000 dollars.

Now I’ve only used rise rock and electric heating pad. Never tried IR lamp. It would go deeper tha pad heat but I want to read more is IR dangerous to tissues.

Originally Posted by Hezz
What is this, what does it do? I’ve tried googling for US phantom and couldn’t quite make sense of it.

The phantom is what you call a pad. It ensures that the sound waves do not reflect off the skin and thus a standing wave can be created. This is actually explained in the linked posts. And no, I found it quickly because I remembered where it said what info. At least for some things I still remember.

I also don’t work OTL and was looking for a durable solution for the pad. The properties of the silicone are perfectly suited. If you are interested in the theory on this, you can find it here:
Rocco25 - Gaining volume with Kyrpa

I use a vac hanger. My setup is in the following order from the top:

- IR (100 W at a distance of approx. 20 … 25 cm)
- Silicone phantom (pad)
- US gel
- penis
- US gel
- Transducer (1 MHz, 1,6 W/cm^2, applied ventrally)

Between pad and penis I measured the temperature and I reach temperatures above 40 °C quite fast.

Have you guys noticed improved EQ from ultrasound?

Originally Posted by Rocco25

The phantom is what you call a pad. It ensures..

Interesting and I think it makes a lot of sense to invest some time and money into coming up with a good setup. I’ll definitely come back and check out this post again once (if) I start the US routine. Vielen Dank!

Originally Posted by Hezz
Interesting and I think it makes a lot of sense to invest some time and money into coming up with a good setup. I’ll definitely come back and check out this post again once (if) I start the US routine. Vielen Dank!

You’re welcome!
I don’t know why you write “if”. My tip: Just do it!

Originally Posted by igigi
You can take it to any advanced electronics repair shop for that. They can bench test the sound wave frequencies with oscillators.

I’ll contact all my local shops and see what they can do. I’ve emailed and received responses from the few ultrasound technicians (nationally there is only a handful) and they bluntly stated that the India machines are not worth repairing but did not specifically respond to my question about merely bench testing them where no repair is explicitly required. My country is quite small, niche business/services are often rare if not non-existent, any assistance in this endeavor would be appreciated and add significantly to the collective knowledge. The US PRO 2000 2nd Edition is hands down the best and most affordable low-end US, however machines capable of greater than 2 W/cm2 (alongside the required ERA >=4cm^2, 100% Duty Cycle (continuous), 1 + 3 MHz, BNR <=5:1) are prohibitively expensive for many, except for these Indian/Chinese machines.. Thus the utility in finding out if any are legitimate.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
Every general hospital and even smaller units having the capacity to maintain heathcare equipment has one of these :|

https://www.ohm icinstruments.c … ound-wattmeters

I contacted the local hospitals but none were able to offer any such services. I suppose I could try smaller clinics, at least if I have no luck with bench testing at local electronics stores.

I do not have an indian/chinese machine. I’m waiting on a more professional device to arrive. So my efforts might be redirected, again I’d like to encourage others, especially those who already have one of these cheaper machines, to go find out if they truly got their monies worth.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
2. By using the thermometer. Placing the thermocouple between the leg and the shaft, we have measured readings correlating with inside urethra measurements.
People finding these sudden overheating issues are probably not using thermometers.

Apologies for the maybe-seemingly trivial question, but would this sort of thermometer, placed between shaft and leg (or other object), work?
For those who can’t access the picture: BG-HH1C Inkbird Digital Food Thermometer

Also, I’ve only done a cursory search, but it is unclear to me what is the consensus on using an infrared thermometer? I would presume they’re ineffective, at least when it comes to comparing them to urethral temp. Measurements, due to IR light penetrating not much deeper than 3mm - though I’m stating that from memory and after googling it on scholar, can only find conflicting results, but not by more than a few millimeters in most cases.

(10.5 KB, 66 views)

I tried an Indian machine. It had enough power initially, but the BNR was not as advertised. There were lots of sharp peaks that would hurt even at low power. I tested it in cooking oil and could visually see the hot spots. There was a dangerous peak right in the middle.

After about 10 uses, it stopped working altogether. No response from the manufacturer. I decided it wasn’t worth fixing given the very poor profile.


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