Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Originally Posted by igigi
Apply a thermocouple between the leg and the septum. The main target of all this whole "arm" of PE, is the septum. That has been the target all along. I believe sometimes new people reading about this and starting on this, forget the objective. The target here is not your penis as a whole, is not the tunica, is not the CC’s, is not the CS, is specifically, the septum. That has been the limiting factor, that has been the genesis of the application of the US technology.

Therefore, I could care less about the temperature in your urethra, the most important temperature is the one reaching the septum. And as you stretch the penis, the place were you feel the septum the most clear is on the dorsal side. Now, of course, it is not the same measuring temperature outside of the penis on top of the septum, as being inside the penis next to the septum. However, that can be replicated when the the septum is laying over the leg. That space right there will be very similar as the internal temperature next to the septum.

Excellent response, I am thinking of changing my routine to do this right. However, I do hang for ligament gains at the moment, so that is something I am more focused on. Hence why I am doing this a bit differently, for comfort reasons.

Anyways, would this suffice? https://www.ama … /dp/B071V7T6TZ/

Yes that will do the job.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL


Hi guys,

Sorry for my english and sometimes dumb questions. I finally I get a set up like Igigi, and in 2days arrive my new fishing weight to measure exactly the weight on my cap.

I´m thinking about a thermometer to complete the set up, because I use a digital thermometr for flu but after a lot of measurments between shaft and leg and 15min of US (with US pro 2000 2nd edition, level high) I measure only 40,2 C, it´s possible that the error is on the thermometr side or is just lower because It´s still outside? I´m doing OTL with US, gel on the ventral side where I do US and on the leg.


I bought my ultrasound machine yesterday. Its 1MHz or 3MHz with 0-3 W/cm2.
I tried to use it today on setting 3MHz - 2w/cm2, but didn’t feel any high heat only a weird pain when I stop it on one place and 2nd side was a bit warmer.
It is normal or I received broken machine?

I don’t know if it is broken. But I can tell you there’s safety guidelines that you’re not following .

Main Safety Notions

- The main safety notions in the manuals tells not to use ultrasound on reproductive organs or intestines.

- Therefor DO NOT point the transducer beam towards TESTIS, PROSTATE OR YOUR INTESTINES OR THE ANUS.

- AVOID CONTACT of any kind on testis with the transducer head.

- Treating the base of the penis or the cruras of the penis use the 3MHz instead of 1MHz if possible.

- Transducer should be constantly moving.


- Circulate the transducer head around the target for maximum of 10 seconds and move outside the area just treated in circulating pattern. The patterns overlapping slightly.

- Not to immediately visit same spot with the transducer head area to allow the possible excessive temporary peak temperature drops down.

- Not to use more than 2.0w/ cm^2 intensity with the knowledge available at this point.

- Several sources indicate that the intensity can come intolerable for many at 2.5w/cm^2 especially using 3MHz US application.

- Total of 20 minutes application with 1.6- 2,0 w/cm^2 intensity can be considered to be relatively safe as the build up to + 40° C takes time up to 10 minutes which after the duration limitations comes safety issue depending of the temperature value.

- There is very little actual knowledge of any total time limitations for the ultrasound therapy applications.

- After the 10 minutes application temperature tends to stabilize at the desired level.

- With a transducer having bigger than 1:4 beam non-uniformity ratio (BNR) it is recommendable to stay at low as possible intensity still heating the penis. BNR tells the non-uniformity of the ultrasonic beam, the ratio between he highest intensity in an ultrasonic beam and the output reported on the meter.

The bigger the ratio the greater the uncontrollable peak intensities outside the labelled uniform beam intensity.

- Don´t use above 3.0 w/cm^2 intensity in any case. Above the intensity the probability of the adverse effects raises significantly

- These are applications made for professional use therefor you should self-educate yourself on the topic before incidentally risking your health.

- Be aware of the risks involved with the unappropriated and irresponsible use.

You are using the ultrasound application with a considered risk on the site not recommended by the machine manufacturers.


Warning for anyone reading, most probably this is not the correct way of doing this exercise, please do not follow.
I simply want to get it clear to me :

Stress Relaxation

Guys please correct me if I’m wrong.
I hope I understand the Stress relaxation exercise.

I am still reading this thread and Kyrpa personal log , I finished Igigi log.

All hypothetical in my mind ( havent tried doing it, still havent got all tools needed)
What I think stress relaxation is :
Penis - vac cup on glans - fishing scale -cable going through pulley with a basket hanging at end where you place weights.

Penis is being streched with first 200 grams( fishing scale is showing 200 grams pulling at that moment)

You add 200 grams more to the basket - penis is now streched under 400 grams load . You put a clamp right where the cable enters the pulley to fixate this load so that penis cannot strech more , but is still held under 400 grams tension. After some time you check the scale and it is showing 380 grams or less . So penis has minimaly elongated and this has led to decrease of load?(is that stress relaxation being successfully done?)

Then you remove the clamp -penis is once again streching, fishing scale shows again 400 grams pulling force ,
You add 200 more grams in the basket and you put the clamp again , so the penis cannot be streched further but is kept under that tension of 600 grams now .

Once the scale shows 540grams e.g. Once again stres relaxation is successful

And we repeat this process until the fishing scale is not showing a decrease in the tension load any more . Is that correct?
We keep workouts with that load range?
Maybe increasing after decon in 2nd period US?

Also another thing - you sitting , laying standing … stretching the penis under load,

When applying the clamp on the cable to begin stress relaxation , how do you stay static not moving even 1 cm forward or backwards- I have the feeling that this will result on the fishing scale ( move forward decreases the load) ( move backwards will increase the load ).
Maybe if structure everything being very close to my reach so I can operate with minimum Body movement ( just hands one putting weight the other placing the clamp )

How to perfectly execute stress relaxation?
Without mastering this I cannot replicate what Kyrpa has done, therefore US won’t help. Or is it ?

I remember Igigi did his whole 1st period US by doing creep and not stress relaxation.
He was just increasing tension load gradually. ( and still had great results)

I am slowly getting the pieces together,
I just want to know what part is playing the stress relaxation and the creep tension.

Thank you guys!

Last edited by Karroko2 : 01-15-2022 at .

Hi All - question about weight.

Using the Load Calculator my weight should be 7.7lbs (at .17 MPa) which is about 3lbs more than I have been using. Should I be upping the weight to see maximum results? Is there a minimum weight that I should use (like .1 MPa) which is 4.4lbs?

I know the adage that “if it’s working don’t change it”, but just asking for any thoughts.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Jan22 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 5.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6"

The load calculator is good but there is so much estimation in there it can only be used for a first guess. The idea of it is to get to the start of the elastic zone and then hope a combination of time and heat will give results. The academic papers that are referenced and used for some of the data show that the force needed to get the TA to start of elastic zone varies wildly. There is also no data or understanding, in a scientific manner that we can apply, on how the use of heat and time relates to the force needed to give permanent results.

The main thing here is every dick is different so trust and follow what is working for you, and don’t worry about the load calculator.

Originally Posted by Willis99
Hi All - question about weight.

Using the Load Calculator my weight should be 7.7lbs (at .17 MPa) which is about 3lbs more than I have been using. Should I be upping the weight to see maximum results? Is there a minimum weight that I should use (like .1 MPa) which is 4.4lbs?

I know the adage that “if it’s working don’t change it”, but just asking for any thoughts.

I think you should focus on strain %. What is your average pre - post BPFSL %?

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by scienceguy
The load calculator is good but there is so much estimation in there it can only be used for a first guess. The idea of it is to get to the start of the elastic zone and then hope a combination of time and heat will give results. The academic papers that are referenced and used for some of the data show that the force needed to get the TA to start of elastic zone varies wildly. There is also no data or understanding, in a scientific manner that we can apply, on how the use of heat and time relates to the force needed to give permanent results.

The main thing here is every dick is different so trust and follow what is working for you, and don’t worry about the load calculator.

Thanks - makes sense.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Jan22 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 5.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6"

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I think you should focus on strain %. What is your average pre - post BPFSL %?

Typically between 4-5%.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Jan22 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 5.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6"

Originally Posted by Willis99

Typically between 4-5%.

That’s probably the best numbers anyone ever had here on Thunders. I guess the best thing to do is to just keep going until your gains stall and then take a Deacon.

Follow the protocol that’s proven so successful.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
That’s probably the best numbers anyone ever had here on Thunders. I guess the best thing to do is to just keep going until your gains stall and then take a Deacon.
Follow the protocol that’s proven so successful.

I’m pretty sure that I’m not doing anything ground breaking so I doubt that :)

How long a decon is recommended these days - I’ve ready anywhere between 3 weeks and 3 months or more. I’ve been doing extending or hanging with fir pad plus this for nearly a year with only a few decons of not more than three weeks. Don’t want to get greedy and risk the future gains…

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Jan22 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 5.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6"

Originally Posted by Willis99
I’m pretty sure that I’m not doing anything ground breaking so I doubt that :)

How long a decon is recommended these days - I’ve ready anywhere between 3 weeks and 3 months or more. I’ve been doing extending or hanging with fir pad plus this for nearly a year with only a few decons of not more than three weeks. Don’t want to get greedy and risk the future gains…

The most common scenario is that you stop gaining and need a longer break like 2-3 months. In the beginning of a period it’s normal to gain 1,5-3 % strain in every session but after 4-5 weeks or more strain will go down to under 1% or nothing and gains in BPFSL stall. Then it’s time for a deacon. But if you have 4-5% strain as average you can just keep going.
You might not doing any groundbreaking but your average strain is by far the best I have read about hear and I read allot.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

I just started with vacuum hanging and am wondering what kind of a difference does heating make? Especially ultrasound one?

I just find it that if I try using ultrasound my whole hanging time just decreases a whole lot, compared to just hanging SD without any heating, while I’m working at the desk.

5 hours of hanging per day without any heating vs. 2 hours of hanging with heating and even ultrasound. What would the difference be?


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