Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When is penis size too big & counterproductive?

Get over threads like this lol… there both nen and women who can take double fists in their asses and pussies… quit boing down to pussy!!! They are elastic, dirty guts if not kept up… that said, they will always have penis envy..

Originally Posted by Tbjorns1153

Get over threads like this lol… there both nen and women who can take double fists in their asses and pussies… quit boing down to pussy!!! They are elastic, dirty guts if not kept up… that said, they will always have penis envy..

I 100% agree with you, but you are only seeing it through a superficial biologic view and neglecting the factor of the sensibility, feeling etc. of women.

Can you insert your stiff erected penis through a coca-cola bottle hole?

I will speak for myself here: almost every time I will have sex with any women for the first time they can only take it to the middle of my penis, it take time until inside the pussy open up for me and that is because of the girth, 2 years to today it fluctuated between 14.5~15.2cm MSEG and as it gets bigger until the very pubic bone reaching 16~16.5cm BEG. So I make sure women orgasm at least once before I penetrate, so the pussy walls are ready, grool dripping from the pussy, wetting the floor and welcome my penis, a delicious paradox of pain and pleasure all women seek between their legs.

After I reached 14.3~14.5cm MSEG all pussies became TIGHT.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

First world problems, huh?

6.0 Nbpel 5.0 Eg

I think the term “counter-productive” ought to be replaced with “diminishing returns.” As someone who moderates a site where 6 and 7+ inch girths are commonplace, I can reaffirm this “diminishing return.” Even more so because many of the men on my site once having possessed thinner shafts, opted to enlarge their penises, getting an “immediate before & after insight” most other men can’t.

From many of their anecdotes, things like “quickies,” or “anal” became less of an option (or less frequent) the “bigger they went.” Obviously, your mileage may vary depending on your partner, but this was something I observed in a decade+ of moderating my corner of the internet.

Again, the topic title “Too Big” and “Counterproductive” ought to be re-examined as “Can increased size have diminishing returns,” which in my opinion it does.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

This question has a lot to do with your goal.

If you find yourself with a woman you want to be with in the long run you need to limit your PE to her tolerance, I’ll use my situation to make the example.

When me and my partner met she was unable to go much past 1/4 of my length because she is a small woman who had very little experience or previous partners to break her in. The first two to three months was just getting her to the half way point. This took making her climax first while using two then three fingers to get her started, then slow insertion till I would gently press her for a little more. I repeated this process for over a year and got her to the 3/4 mark. The last 1/4 took almost three years and zero PE on my side.

Now she is able to take it all, so I’m back doing PE and have regained some minor losses during her adaption to my size. Even now after seven years if we take a break from sex for 2+ weeks she then needs about ten to twenty min of me just inside her letting her slowly expand until I can go all the way. This all includes making sure she has climaxed for at least five or so minutes to help her relax and expand. (this is in missionary with her lags down, I can very easily bottom out if I lift her legs or go doggy style, position matters when you are big for her)

At my size a good number of women need time to adapt, but not one woman has said not again. What I do hear from the ones it won’t fully fit in is “I want to take it all” and they work at it so sex with them becomes constant. (I used to be a swinger, retired now) Being able to make a woman climax and feel safe will get you a very long ways in your relationship.

Oral and Anal at my size are almost never, but some prostitutes’ can.

We will all be with different women so our experiences will vary, but getting a woman’s pussy to expand is a time and patience thing. I have been with women who want to be fist-ed or use titanic toys so they would skew any mans perspective if they were an early partner.

If your goal is to make a woman look at you bug eyed trying to decide if she is willing to let you put it in, no size is to much.

My obsession is what keeps me going, the question is will I ever stop.
Start (Jan 2003) 17cm - 6.7in BPEL by 13.5cm - 5.3in MEG, no BEG
(Oct 2022) 19.5cm - 7.7in BPEL by 14.5cm - 5.7in MEG , 15.5cm - 6.1in BEG

Originally Posted by Sizeomatic
This question has a lot to do with your goal.

If you find yourself with a woman you want to be with in the long run you need to limit your PE to her tolerance, I’ll use my situation to make the example.

When me and my partner met she was unable to go much past 1/4 of my length because she is a small woman who had very little experience or previous partners to break her in. The first two to three months was just getting her to the half way point. This took making her climax first while using two then three fingers to get her started, then slow insertion till I would gently press her for a little more. I repeated this process for over a year and got her to the 3/4 mark. The last 1/4 took almost three years and zero PE on my side.

Now she is able to take it all, so I’m back doing PE and have regained some minor losses during her adaption to my size. Even now after seven years if we take a break from sex for 2+ weeks she then needs about ten to twenty min of me just inside her letting her slowly expand until I can go all the way. This all includes making sure she has climaxed for at least five or so minutes to help her relax and expand. (this is in missionary with her lags down, I can very easily bottom out if I lift her legs or go doggy style, position matters when you are big for her)

At my size a good number of women need time to adapt, but not one woman has said not again. What I do hear from the ones it won’t fully fit in is “I want to take it all” and they work at it so sex with them becomes constant. (I used to be a swinger, retired now) Being able to make a woman climax and feel safe will get you a very long ways in your relationship.

Oral and Anal at my size are almost never, but some prostitutes’ can.

We will all be with different women so our experiences will vary, but getting a woman’s pussy to expand is a time and patience thing. I have been with women who want to be fist-ed or use titanic toys so they would skew any mans perspective if they were an early partner.

If your goal is to make a woman look at you bug eyed trying to decide if she is willing to let you put it in, no size is to much.

My obsession is what keeps me going, the question is will I ever stop.
Start (Jan 2003) 17cm - 6.7in BPEL by 13.5cm - 5.3in MEG, no BEG
(Oct 2022) 19.5cm - 7.7in BPEL by 14.5cm - 5.7in MEG , 15.5cm - 6.1in BEG

You can’t be serious? We have almost the same size and I have never had any problems with any 50+ women i had sex with including 2 virgins.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

This could be because of the women I have chosen to be with, but the simple answer is women are different.

The way I see it, if you ever reach HUGE. There will be a lot of women who say, “Keep that thing away from me!” But there will be just as many who say, “I gotta try that!”

So far, I haven’t had any complains about my dick, and I’m 21,5cm now. That’s above 8 inch, with 15cm MSEG. So apparently it’s still not counterproductive, so I’ll keep on growing it.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

It's counterproductive when....

It’s counterproductive when she can’t help herself and takes a souvenir…..

Routine Questions

Hey buddy! What was your routine that helped you get that big in the first place?

Great thread obviously there are some extremely gifted amongst us! But the friendly encouraging nature of this place really helps. I have got a lot of hang ups about my size. I am a fairly large guy 1.8m tall 85-90kg recently dropped body fat and look a bit better. I am know I am not small but I know I am not big too. BPEL 7.25-7 NPEL 6.5-6.75 depending on day. EG 5-5.2 hoping .5-1 extra length and .5 in girth and it can’t come soon enough. Any way I have a lot of issues around my size and I am trying my best to fix them. Posting me and my dick here hopefully will help too.

Dick pics are not allowed in the public forums, which this is. Post the pic in your personal progress thread and you can post a link to it here.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Sorry I had two tabs open and posted in the wrong thread. Realised to late and have asked an admin to move the post my apologies

Originally Posted by xscreamj
Okay, a lot of good opinions out there on this subject. For what it’s worth, here is my 2 cents. First, my cock is currently 6.5 x 4.5, bone-pressed. Much smaller than many posters on this forum, and I suspect the same or bigger than a lot of non-posters, as well as much of the general public. I’ve been with a lot of women and I consider myself pretty talented in the bedroom. My current girlfriend repeatedly tells me that I’m the best she’s ever been with, and she has said this over and over again despite being very frank about other aspects of my character—I could dress better, I’m too skinny, etc. One day she looked at my laptop while I was away and saw that I was doing penis enlargement. Being the very open person that she is, we had an interesting conversation about it when I got home. It was actually kind-of fun/turn-on for me, as it helped fuel a weird sexual fetish I have about penis size (which I’m sure most Thunders members have as well). Of course she started out saying things like, ‘you should really know that size doesn’t matter’. My response was, ‘that’s bullshit, you know that bigger is better’. She said, no I couldn’t be more serious with you—I’ve been with men of all sizes and you’re honestly the best I’ve ever had. She then proceeded to list the names of guys that were both smaller and bigger than me—it was kind-of a weird conversation, in a fun way. I asked her why sex with me was so good and she said it’s because I could make her come really hard, and that I connected with her in a way that most other boyfriends couldn’t do. I asked her if she really didn’t care about size and she frankly said that too small was a problem, and that gigantically big could be really fun—as more of a freaky, visual kind-of thing. She then turned to me and said: ‘but please don’t make it too big, I’m serious, if you did you couldn’t pound me the way that you currently do, balls deep in missionary position with my legs wrapped back by my head (she’s a yoga instructor) in a very primal way’. She said she could never do that with the really big guys and if she did, it hurt, and even though there was a pain/pleasure thing, it wasn’t nearly as good as the way a more average or slightly bigger penis would feel. She also said we couldn’t have nearly as much sex because she’d be too sore. Finally, she said that if I really wanted to improve myself for her, I should just do more push-ups, because being built with big muscles would be so much more of a turn on.

Okay, just a few quick clarifications. I don’t think I’m good in bed because I can jack-hammer a girl—pretty much anyone can do that. I’m good because I understand the relationship between intimacy and rawness, where the clit is located and how to stimulate it, and because I’m not afraid to have open/frank conversations about sexuality. The brain is the biggest sexual organ.

So do I believe my girlfriend’s statement that size isn’t the end-all, or do I think she’s saying this to make me feel better? Honestly, a little of both. I do firmly believe that we currently have great sex and neither one of us is inadequate. However, despite what she says, I also feel that having a bigger dick wouldn’t hurt at all—especially in the girth department. Finally, I think that everything related to this topic posted at Thunders Place should be taken with a grain of salt. Consider the authors—all of us, we’re a bunch of men obsessed with getting bigger penises. This is not a characteristic group of the general population and therefore, the opinions are significantly biased. To us, getting a bigger penis is extremely important—why else would we dedicate endless hours to PE exercise? Let me be clear: to everyone else, a really big penis is NOT that important. You don’t read about it in the newspaper, see it on billboards, or on TV; it is a fringe topic that most of society doesn’t care about. To be sure, if it was more important there would be a lot more attention given to it because there would be money to be made—after all, we do live in a capitalistic society. But the reality is that toothpaste advertising probably draws more dollars than PE. However, because the fact does enter women’s minds on occasion (i.e. my girlfriend said it was fun to play with the couple of really big dicks that she’s been with) it is very easy for hyper-sensitive men to blow it out of proportion and feel that penis size is a make or break deal for women sexually. Quite frankly, this is a false reality that is only real in our heads.

To put it another way, I like big tits. I think big tits are really fun to play with, squeeze, titty fuck, etc. Does this mean that I desperately wish every girl I was with had big tits? Or that I will never be truly satisfied by a woman if she doesn’t have big tits? Of course not. In fact, my current girlfriend has relatively small breasts, and the girlfriend before that had really big ones. Interestingly enough, the sex with my current girlfriend is better than the previous one—how weird is that? It’s because good sex is a complex entity with many nuances and characteristics. To focus on one thing only (i.e. penis size) is to do a disservice to everything else that makes sex really good. Furthermore, to think that sex will be amazing by ONLY getting a big dick is simply ridiculous. I think it’s very important to be mindful of this.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I still want a bigger dick so I’m doing lots of PE. I took a multi-year break, but now I’m about a month into a really solid routine again, so hopefully I’ll grow. Still, I personally have no need/desire to be 8x6, a bit bigger than average is all that I want.

This one post is a good read.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)


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