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Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
All remains relative to the time and load. More importantly to the strain rate.
If hanger loads several kilos at once there night be damage which is referred as Micro traumas.
Micro traumas occurring because of the strain rate. If starting low and going increments to the target load with time, there will be less.
The idea of Micro traumas needed for tissue lengthening is false in the first place.
It has been adopted from the muscle building environment
Where the tissue grows stronger after such an incidents.
As far as it goes for lengthening procedures of any connective tissue as in case of tunica albuginea, such a concept would be counter productive.

There is only one concept of lengthening such a tissue no the matter what the actual workout is.
There has to be a threshold strain reached during the workout for triggering the growth process which then produce permanent results. .
Had not reached stimulus enough there will be no gains no matter what. Including NIR.

For certain level and Group of individuals the force applied can trigger the growth processes by itself.
But once adapted or for some at the start already the displacement during the workout becomes crucial.
The whole meaning for using therapeutic temperature with ultrasound is to allow greater strain with lesser Micro traumas other wise unavoidable with such a displacement.

These techniques combined could be very productive.
For the the Heating purposes I would’t recommend these pads.
For that US and FIR remain better and safer choices.

As OP suggest NIR pads should be used for supporting and maintaining the growth responses.

So far my results appear to line up with what Kyrpa states above. I have both FIR and NIR pads. I used the FIR pad while pumping for 6 months with good results (0.5” girth gained). Reading this thread, I decided to test a NIR pad and see if that worked better.

My experience was that the NIR pad wrapped around the pump tube provided less expansion than the FIR pad keeping all other aspects of my routine the same. My sense was that the NIR pad was not heating my penis as well and therefore my expansion was less.

I have since switched back to the the FIR pad for my first 20 minute pump set with the digital temp control set to 138F. For my 2nd 15-20 minute set, I use the NIR pad. This way I get the excellent expansion from the FIR heat and then the excellent healing and (hopefully) growth response.

Sounds like a great Idea 2Uranus, to combine both.

When you say FIR, which PAD do you use 2Uranus? Must be above 3000nm cause that is apparently FIR?

Originally Posted by BDAgenda
Sounds like a great Idea 2Uranus, to combine both.
When you say FIR, which PAD do you use 2Uranus? Must be above 3000nm cause that is apparently FIR?

I use this FIR pad from Amazon:

UTK 19 x 15 Inch Jade Stone Far… https://www.ama … /dp/B013S7KGUU/

Originally Posted by joshua_m
Hi everyone.

I am up to buy one of those pads but they look significantly big for the purpose.

I assume that all those guys currently using them also use extenders or any other traction device to make things easier and (maybe) maimizing the effects of radiation?
I am with manual exercises at the moment and not planning, for now, to get any additional gear other than de NIR pad.

Any hints or concerns about using the NIR pad without an extender would be appreciated.


You can use it as a warm up before manually stretching, though the pads are huge, you just need to wrap it around your unit without stretching it, so just on your flaccid.

Journey for da pipe!

Solvay, I’ve currently been using both 850 & 660 at the Level 4 setting at 15 minutes to warm up before manual stretching - I wrap my flaccid unit inside the pad, completely covered. The issue however, is that whenever I warm up my unit starts to get really hot and feels as if its burning; this sensation is only felt in the tip of my unit where it seems to get the hottest. Am I doing something wrong?

Journey for da pipe!

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
I forgot to answer these:

I’ve never seen a pad emitting in the 1060nm wavelength, nor I would recommend it. There seems to be something strange even for the other wavelength: in the 850nm you shouldn’t see red light (that’s 660nm, which is visible red).

In general I’d recommend using the pad with no red light or with both visible and not visible emission. Using only the red visible light basically irradiate the outer layers of your skin, and that’s not what you should be looking after.

That’s interesting: it’s probably due to increased blood circulation and skin cells accelerated renewal, typical effects of NIR.
I have no experience with discoloration so I can hardly notice or comment about it.

This may sound ignorant, but if 850nm penetrates the skin why wouldn’t a light panel work as opposed to a wrap?

The light panel will absolutely work - I used one for over a year. But that’s 20 minutes on top, 20 minutes on bottom, 20 minutes on the left, and 20 minutes on the right. The wrap is just 20 minutes all the way around.

Wrap: more convenient

Panel: more powerful, if you pick the right one

Originally Posted by AndyJ
The light panel will absolutely work - I used one for over a year. But that’s 20 minutes on top, 20 minutes on bottom, 20 minutes on the left, and 20 minutes on the right. The wrap is just 20 minutes all the way around.

Wrap: more convenient

Panel: more powerful, if you pick the right one

Andy, do you use both wavelengths?

Originally Posted by 2Uranus
I use this FIR pad from Amazon:

UTK 19 x 15 Inch Jade Stone Far. https://www.ama … /dp/B013S7KGUU/

Any issues with melting the acrylic vacuum tube?

Originally Posted by adventureforbig
Solvay, I’ve currently been using both 850 & 660 at the Level 4 setting at 15 minutes to warm up before manual stretching - I wrap my flaccid unit inside the pad, completely covered. The issue however, is that whenever I warm up my unit starts to get really hot and feels as if its burning; this sensation is only felt in the tip of my unit where it seems to get the hottest. Am I doing something wrong?

I only feel discomfort when the LED light is directly on the penis and the penis head does get the most sensitive, I have to give it some buffer. No, you should never have a burning feeling, just heat.

So Yes, you are doing something wrong. Sometimes, I have to hold my glan/head and lightly stretch so that the D is in the middle of the light tunnel without touching the light.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Just picked up this unit and plan to use with a hanging protocol:

https://www.ama … aw/d/B0C4YPQC72

The price seemed good, but really hard to discern whether there is actually red/NIR at 650nm and 850nm being output. Nor is there any irradiance information, but have asked the manufacturer.

Originally Posted by xbetamaxxx
Just picked up this unit and plan to use with a hanging protocol:

https://www.ama … aw/d/B0C4YPQC72

The price seemed good, but really hard to discern whether there is actually red/NIR at 650nm and 850nm being output. Nor is there any irradiance information, but have asked the manufacturer.

Manufacturer responded approximately 17mW/cm^2. Could the fact these red/NIR LEDs are placed directly on the skin, as opposed to a lamp type unit, promote proper and effective penetration despite the apparent low power density?

I have bought a pad with similar specs and tested it. I even paid 55€ due to shipping from China. It is a "red light and NIR" pad. I was testing it on my back with Red Light (680nm) only and there was close to none heat to be felt. I am really disappointed.

The pad is 18.8 * 7.8" and emits at 16,17w at max level and 120 LED. Each with 2 NIR and one IR emitter (so they claim). I feel very disappointed about that, since I expected the same heat an IR Lamp would emit, but that was nonsense due to the difference in watts. IR Lamps work with IR-A which has got a different wavelength than 660nm. That sucks and I think about sending it all the way back to China which makes my heart itch.

Last edited by injept : 01-06-2024 at .

Originally Posted by injept
I have bought a pad with similar specs and tested it. I even paid 55€ due to shipping from China. It is a "red light and NIR" pad. I was testing it on my back with Red Light (680nm) only and there was close to none heat to be felt. I am really disappointed.

The pad is 18.8 * 7.8" and emits at 16,17w at max level and 120 LED. Each with 2 NIR and one IR emitter (so they claim). I feel very disappointed about that, since I expected the same heat an IR Lamp would emit, but that was nonsense due to the difference in watts. IR Lamps work with IR-A which has got a different wavelength than 660nm. That sucks and I think about sending it all the way back to China which makes my heart itch.

Yes, you have to be very careful. Almost all the ones with heat are FIR. The ones with red light and NIR do NOT have heat. You have to ask vendors questions before you order, especially about the temperature settings.


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