Been Stalled For A Year!
I made most of my gains with the Penomet pump. One 15-30 minute session a day and 100 wet jelqs with piss pulls. A few weeks of clamping gave me a 3/16 girh gain and i kept 2/16. (Hard to clamp consistently because i need porn to stay hard when alone) Gained for 2 years then stalled.
Took a 2 month decon break and had tons of sex during that time. Lost nothing. Started up again same routine and gained nothing for 4 months so i switched to air pumping with a gauge. 3-5 HG. 20-30 mins session. Loved it. Put away the Penomet! Worked my way up to 1-2 30 mins sessions. I would rest a day or 2 when i got a bad PI. Stayed full and thick and long all the time. But no erect gains after 4 months.
I got the Leluv pump 2 1/4 inch tube But it sucked my junk in a little so I went down to the 2 inch tube because I wanted to even out my units taper which is working. When I started using the 2 inch tube I could only pack about an inch of it now after 30 minutes I’m packing 3 1/2 inches of the tube Without water retention. But still no EG.
I bought a vacu tech elliptical thinking that I could change the shape because I’m bigger top to bottom than I am from side to side but still no gains.
I really can’t do a whole lot more jelqs because my hands just can’t take it after around 100 reps. I bought the X4 labs extender and I can’t get that to work without extreme pain. I also have the Phallosan but can’t really get enough wearing time because my kids are always laying around on me and I don’t wear it outside the house because it pops off when sitting in the car and getting in and out. I’ve tried hanging but it is way too much work to manipulate and I don’t have the time for those sessions either.
Whats left? I wanted an 8x6 but I’d settle for 7.5 x 5.75 at this point! Im discouraged…
Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015
Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?
Goal 7.75 x 5.75?