Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Been Stalled For A Year!

Originally Posted by Steinroid
I have an elliptical vacu tech 1.75 x 2.25. What do i need to convert to water? Which way do you orient the tube? Big horizontal or vertical and why?

Give me a day or so to write you up the details of my routine. Schedule packed this weekend. Be back soon.

Here’s some info on water pumping:

If you pull water into a pump with a pressure gauge, you will wreck the gauge. The HarborFreight pump and the Mityvac 4000 (I think) both come with a reservoir cup to catch the fluid, which prevents this from happening.

However as sparkyx points out, you do not need a cup to water pump if you are careful. See also the methods of drawing pressure w your mouth rather than a pump.


sparkyx - New look at Water Pumping (and sparkyx’s next post in the thread too)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
You DONT NEED a special pump to water pump!

What you do is fill the cylinder so it just covers the top of your penis, leaving air at the top of the cylinder.

Keep the cylinder fairly upright to keep the air at the top. In this manner, you are pumping air through your hoses and pump, which transfers the vacuum to the water, which then transfers it to the penis.

An in-line cup is good to have, to avoid any mistakes. It can be bought, or probably easily made from pvc supplies. It does not need to me clear, just empty it out at the end of the session if you pulled some water in there.

There is one chap on line that doesn’t even use a pump! He just pulls a vacuum with his mouth on the tubing, clamps it off and has a good soak in the tub! If you use discomfort as a guide (avoid it!) it probably will work fine!

One more thing. I use the Mity-vac set up with the overflow cup ($30. at Auto Zone) and I don’t even get any water in the cup. Just be careful not to let the water level reach all the way to the top of the cylinder (I have a 2X10 in cylinder) and it should be no problem. If you are worried about damaging your pump, either buy or make an overflow cylinder or use the mouth vacuum method.

kdoc - Pumping Underwater

Water pumping in the shower

Originally Posted by kdoc
…I do this as part of a warm down.

I add hot water to the tube (you have to experiment with how much to add so that when you put your penis in you have room to pump without the water entering the pump) then pump up to about 2hg which will keep it in place while showering.

The water in the tube will remain the same temperature as the shower water (as long as you keep it passing through the water as you would normally while showering)and it will give you a great low pressure warm down.

The key to keeping the water out of your pump is to make sure that the water is at the bottom (down by your pelvic bone) and hold the tube straight up so you are pumping mostly air.

If you feel that you gotten any water in the pump just spray a little WD40 in the end of the pump and pump it about 20 times, it will displace the water and lubricate the pump parts, probably a good thing to do anyways every once in a while.

buby - Pressure with water

Originally Posted by buby
I always use warm water in the tube and I think is the best workout, here is how I do:

I start with air as usual and in about five minutes I reach about my BP length, then I open the warm water and disconnect the pump from the tube, bend the plastic to prevent the air to get in, put the tube in the water and let pressure suck the warm water in the tube.

From then on I use my mouth to pump and when it is all full of warm water I reach a pressure that is completely comfortable, seal the tube and start reading something. Every ten or twenty minutes I release completely and give it a few strokes of jelq starting very lightly. Girth increases are amazing.

Originally Posted by Steinroid
i want to be able to whip it out at a piss trough and NEVER feel weak again. Even with this unit i was embarrassed last year in Missouri at a concert at a trough. Everyone was either longer or thicker and i have had enough of this shit for my lifetime. Lame but true. Ive got everything going for me but i always want more. Im competitive with myself.

1. Everybody’s dick looks bigger than yours because of your viewing angle of yr own dick. (Straight down from the top). Optical trick our brains pull on us, that view makes us look smaller than we are.

See here for quick explanation:

What’s the average penis size?
by Dr. Petra Boynton
http://www.mans … -penis-size/a15 (article no longer on the net)


Men get penis hang ups since they usually only see other penises in the changing rooms or toilets - where they view their dick downwards and everyone else’s front or side on making other guys seem bigger. Or they compare themselves with porn stars, where the actors are specifically chosen for their size - and filmed from flattering angles.


That’s not to say that size worries don’t do a lot of damage to many men. Worrying about your penis can lead to relationship problems, avoiding sex or relationships, erectile dysfunction (not being able to get it up) or premature ejaculation (when you come too soon).

So here’s one suggestion to see your real size. Try view yr dick standing sideways in front of a mirror, mimicking the view you have of other guys dicks at a urinal.

Another couple suggestions to get a more accurate view of your own size:

Go to the grocery store and pick up a cucumber that matches your stats. Go stand in front of a mirror and hold the cucumber sideways up next to your head. You will see how big the cucumber actually is.

Now put the cucumber down at your crotch like it is your erect penis and look down on it directly (that is, look at the cucumber not the mirror). The cucumber will probably now look “small” to you. But it is the same size.

2. “Lame but true.”

It’s worse than lame. You are basically tormenting yourself for no good reason. You have excellent stats currently. It is your perceptions that are fucked up. We all suffer from some amt of body dysmorphic disorder but it sounds like yours is pretty severe.

First let’s take a look at the real world penis size. Ansel lifestyles size study:

Mr Average Lifestyle Charts:

http://www.mrav … com/results.htm

Measurement taken by nurses. Length ruler on top, from pubic bone to tip. Girth was measured at three points (base, mid-shaft, and just below the head) and then averaged.



You are 7.25 x 5.4 - 6.25 Base girth.

Look at the charts. Your big cock is not small

3. Here is some good stuff on PDD (penis dysmorphic disorder)

Small penis (Body Dysmorphic) disorder

Originally Posted by bohm
Just in case anybody suffers from this (these) conditions here are some links:

Small Penis Syndrome:

http://majority … /penis_size.pdf

http://www.ment … pe=doc&id=15717

Body Dysmorphic Syndrome:

http://www.sros … h%20clinics.PDF

Excellent links in the first post. (I edited out the dead ones) I hope you can take some time to read them.

Mayo Clinic has a good overview on BDD as well:

Body dysmorphic disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

None of this to say you shouldn’t work on getting bigger. I’m personally trying to get back to 7.5 bpel (lost size from time off) and get to 7.75 or more. And def want to get in that 5.5 to 5.75 girth area.

It’s just about helping you get a more realistic view of where you are.

IMHO that stress of BDD can hold us back from gaining.


Def give that gprent routine I recommended a go.

Last edited by sta-kool : 02-17-2018 at .

Nice oldschool looking website you mentioned right there, sta-kool! some valuable info in there


Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017

Originally Posted by fightclub
260lbs :O thats crazy maybe your test cycles may be messing with your eq and your not getting max size.

I make sure to take the right ancillaries to prevent that. I keep estrogen and prolactin in check and i take a viagra on measurement day to keep EQ consistent for accuracy.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

On a side note… i just measured my Vacu Tech elliptical and its not 1.75 x 2.25 like i ordered. Its frickin 2 x 2.5! Its been a while since i ordered it too. I doubt theyll do anything about it.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

Originally Posted by Steinroid
On a side note… i just measured my Vacu Tech elliptical and its not 1.75 x 2.25 like i ordered. Its frickin 2 x 2.5! Its been a while since i ordered it too. I doubt theyll do anything about it.

That is the same size tube I ended up with. It’s extremely hard to use. Also, I’ve called, they do NOT return any products for any reason. Though, if you have ordered recently and you have received the wrong tube and can prove it they may send you one in the right size free of charge. Some companies do, I know that.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I have an elliptical as well. Def hard to use, as in really hard for me to get a seal because of the shape of it versus the shape of my dick.

Mine is not thickwall, has a flat base. I can get it to work if I do some staged pumping, but doesn’t seem like it is worth the trouble.

It actually HAD a sticker on it saying its that size so i never checked. But ive been messing with it lately and checked. It works and seals for me but is not as snug as i wanted to change my shape. It sucks sac in at first and i only pack an inch or so. I may just buy the next size down after some emails to confirm i WILL get what i order.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

Keep us posted on how that works out for you. I am really wanting more width, as seen from top down view. Theoretically seems like an elliptical tube is the way to go for that.

I did purchase a size down from my original elliptical a while back but I have not spent any time using it.

The first one I got is 1.75” x 2.25” The newer one is 1.5” x 1.875” (if I am measuring it correctly.)

I should pull out the 1.5” x 1.75” elliptical and give it a go. I have just started pumping again recently, will pull it out once I am more conditioned.

Last edited by sta-kool : 02-20-2018 at .

Talked to them today. They told me their ellipticals are like boots… they run a little big. They only offered free shipping if I ordered again. I bought the next size down today. Guy told me that most dicks are wider from above than from the side view like mine. He said i have a special penis. Thats 👍 nice. I thing my spongiousum is stretching and not the cavernousum. I think a tight elliptical will focus more expansion to the cavernousum where i need it. Just a theory but i threw the money at it. Ill try it for a while. Guy also said 45 mins every other day at low pressure might give me better results. Maybe hes a cock guru. Ill keep you informed.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

That is interesting stuff. You and I both have “special penises” then, I also am wider in side view than top down. I think the tight tube is theoretically a good idea.

When I got my first vacutech thickwall some guy on LSPG recommended I get a 1.5” rather than my usual 1.75”. I thought it was sort of a bust when I got it, as I packed it pretty quick. However unexpectedly it “reshaped” my cock over time. I had a prominent left curve. Now my cock is straight. Smaller tube seemed to re-mold it.

Well you have gotten me excited about the elliptical again. Looking forward to hearing how it works for you!

I think it will help. The Penomet pump i used was quite huge but that and jelqs helped lessen my curve. But when i switched to a 2” air cylinder it started evening out my taper and making the shape rounder and even less curve. I pack 3-4” of that tube in 35 mins at 5hg. Top half of me is being stubborn. I’m probably sacrificing some gains at the base trying to even out the taper and thats maybe why I haven’t been making gains so I think concentrating on the cavernosum may shake things loose. Im gonna add some time in my larger 2 1/4 cylinder so i dont leave base gains untapped.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

So i got the smaller elliptical tube today. It is exactly the dimensions i wanted on the first order that came too large. I think they do that purposely to sell you 2 tubes and own your business for a long time to come. These tubes are exactly 1/4 larger than the quoted dimensions.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

Used the new cylinder today and i got a temp gain in the exact way i was hoping I would! Size is great and it limits my spongiousum expansion but encouraged the cavernousum expansion. May work out perfectly for me. I spent $300 in cylinders but thats cheap for the penis you want!

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?


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