Originally Posted by Steinroid
i want to be able to whip it out at a piss trough and NEVER feel weak again. Even with this unit i was embarrassed last year in Missouri at a concert at a trough. Everyone was either longer or thicker and i have had enough of this shit for my lifetime. Lame but true. Ive got everything going for me but i always want more. Im competitive with myself.
1. Everybody’s dick looks bigger than yours because of your viewing angle of yr own dick. (Straight down from the top). Optical trick our brains pull on us, that view makes us look smaller than we are.
See here for quick explanation:
What’s the average penis size?
by Dr. Petra Boynton
http://www.mans ized.co.uk/answ … -penis-size/a15 (article no longer on the net)
Men get penis hang ups since they usually only see other penises in the changing rooms or toilets - where they view their dick downwards and everyone else’s front or side on making other guys seem bigger. Or they compare themselves with porn stars, where the actors are specifically chosen for their size - and filmed from flattering angles.
That’s not to say that size worries don’t do a lot of damage to many men. Worrying about your penis can lead to relationship problems, avoiding sex or relationships, erectile dysfunction (not being able to get it up) or premature ejaculation (when you come too soon).
So here’s one suggestion to see your real size. Try view yr dick standing sideways in front of a mirror, mimicking the view you have of other guys dicks at a urinal.
Another couple suggestions to get a more accurate view of your own size:
Go to the grocery store and pick up a cucumber that matches your stats. Go stand in front of a mirror and hold the cucumber sideways up next to your head. You will see how big the cucumber actually is.
Now put the cucumber down at your crotch like it is your erect penis and look down on it directly (that is, look at the cucumber not the mirror). The cucumber will probably now look “small” to you. But it is the same size.
2. “Lame but true.”
It’s worse than lame. You are basically tormenting yourself for no good reason. You have excellent stats currently. It is your perceptions that are fucked up. We all suffer from some amt of body dysmorphic disorder but it sounds like yours is pretty severe.
First let’s take a look at the real world penis size. Ansel lifestyles size study:
Mr Average Lifestyle Charts:
http://www.mrav … com/results.htm
Measurement taken by nurses. Length ruler on top, from pubic bone to tip. Girth was measured at three points (base, mid-shaft, and just below the head) and then averaged.
You are 7.25 x 5.4 - 6.25 Base girth.
Look at the charts. Your big cock is not small
3. Here is some good stuff on PDD (penis dysmorphic disorder)
Small penis (Body Dysmorphic) disorder
Originally Posted by bohm
Just in case anybody suffers from this (these) conditions here are some links:Small Penis Syndrome:
http://majority rights.com/imag … /penis_size.pdf
http://www.ment alhelp.net/poc/ … pe=doc&id=15717
Body Dysmorphic Syndrome:
http://www.sros sell.com/Public … h%20clinics.PDF
Excellent links in the first post. (I edited out the dead ones) I hope you can take some time to read them.
Mayo Clinic has a good overview on BDD as well:
Body dysmorphic disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
None of this to say you shouldn’t work on getting bigger. I’m personally trying to get back to 7.5 bpel (lost size from time off) and get to 7.75 or more. And def want to get in that 5.5 to 5.75 girth area.
It’s just about helping you get a more realistic view of where you are.
IMHO that stress of BDD can hold us back from gaining.
Def give that gprent routine I recommended a go.