Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Thank you Xenolith

Just wanted to say I appreciate the thought time and effort you’ve put into sharing here, interested to see how your journey progresses moving forward

Originally Posted by TigerStyle
Just wanted to say I appreciate the thought time and effort you’ve put into sharing here, interested to see how your journey progresses moving forward

Thank you TigerStyle; I think yours is my favorite TP post in recent memory.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I’m trying your techniques with moderately less intensity and alot more volume, I’m not quite sure what theory of growth I believe in I guess I’ll continue to experiment and figure it out. Just ordered 11 cable clamps, genius idea on everything keep up the good work or should I say rest.


I am about 6 weeks into my Rest phase and was just thinking over a few things in my head. I know you often go for a 3 month rest phase but are there any indicators of when you start up your I phase again? Do you just “feel ready” or is there some other indication. I was planning a 3 month rest period but was wondering if there is any down side to resting too long, as my first I phase was very much a learning phase and not at a very high intensity. Was contemplating a 2 month rest phase.As always, your input is appreciated.


Oct 2011: BPEL 6.38" MSEG 4.72"

March 2017: BPEL 7.4" MSEG 5.25"

June 2018: BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5 3/8"

Pay what you owe!

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017

Faster Healing ?

Xeno, I wondered if it makes sense to aim for shortening​ the inflammatory response time?
Especially considering the micro cycle of IPR

Athletes do jump into ice baths to heal faster to be able to train again. Should apply to our connective tissue too

Im thinking of ice baths(applied through a water pump)after an intense PE session. It might speed the whole IPR process up?

I thought how it wouldnt make sense for PE that aims to carry on fatigue but would nicely apply to IPR protocols. I have a hunch that the time ranges provided for the phases might be shortened via means like ice or other healing techniques.

Would there be any downside to shortening the cycles via such means?

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Xeno, I wondered if it makes sense to aim for shortening​ the inflammatory response time?
Especially considering the micro cycle of IPR

Athletes do jump into ice baths to heal faster to be able to train again. Should apply to our connective tissue too

Im thinking of ice baths(applied through a water pump)after an intense PE session. It might speed the whole IPR process up?

I thought how it wouldnt make sense for PE that aims to carry on fatigue but would nicely apply to IPR protocols. I have a hunch that the time ranges provided for the phases might be shortened via means like ice or other healing techniques.

Would there be any downside to shortening the cycles via such means?

How would the cold speed up the healing of collagen exactly? I was under the impression that the proliferation process which is important is like the opposite of cooling ones unit down. I’d be concerned the contraction might somewhat defeat the purpose of the inflammation by not allowing it to stay stretched out long enough for the rapid mitosis to take place maximally. Most importantly, I have no idea what I’m talking about.

But I would like to know what Xeno thinks about doing the IPR in mini cycles, like 2 weeks Inflamation, 5 days Proliferation (with light jelqing instead of ads) and then 10 days rest. All his breaks looked to be quite lengthy. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think he has tested out short rest periods. Couldn’t blame him either, whatever’s working stick with it right.

Start Jun 16" - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Current 6.75" BPEL x 5.4" MSEG

Goal Anything x 5.5" MSEG

It’s a great question dickerschwanz; I really don’t have good clarity on the subject, but my hunch runs along the lines of what beyourbest expressed. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want to douse Tiger in ice water!

I kinda think that the cell proliferation process takes whatever time it takes…although I do think that ant-inflammatory substances such as bromelain and tumeric help that process to run efficiently and completely. To a large degree, I attribute the minimal amount of discoloration that I experience, even with my fairly intensive methods, to these substances.

I like the mini IPR cycle idea beyourbest; seems like a worthwhile experiment, I say give it a go…you’ll learn something about your physiological response whether you gain or not.

Originally Posted by beyourbest841
Most importantly, I have no idea what I’m talking about.

I feel the same way :)


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
It’s a great question dickerschwanz; I really don’t have good clarity on the subject, but my hunch runs along the lines of what beyourbest expressed. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want to douse Tiger in ice water!

I kinda think that the cell proliferation process takes whatever time it takes…although I do think that ant-inflammatory substances such as bromelain and tumeric help that process to run efficiently and completely. To a large degree, I attribute the minimal amount of discoloration that I experience, even with my fairly intensive methods, to these substances.

I like the mini IPR cycle idea beyourbest; seems like a worthwhile experiment, I say give it a go…you’ll learn something about your physiological response whether you gain or not.

I feel the same way :)


I will try it and report back if it yeilds gains +.2” girth like it did last time. If so, maybe it’s effective.

Start Jun 16" - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Current 6.75" BPEL x 5.4" MSEG

Goal Anything x 5.5" MSEG

If anti-inflammatories help from the inside, they would help from the outside. While the idea of dipping your willy into cold water is a bit, repellant, I guess, it does not cause shrinkage in the way you might expect. Someone once said something to me about ice baths and athletes taking them after workouts to speed recovery. I was terrified, but tried it after warm water bathmate pumping. And the plumped up, turgid penis of a post pump session lasted longer and I also got less discoloration. I tried it once, and didn’t pump with out ending my sessions with an icy soak for months. I forget that I did that sometimes. But it was actually awesome. I will have to read on the nature of ice and it’s effect on inflamed/damaged tissues.

Interesting theme trying to influence the phases for our benefit. Via supplements, heat or cold.
I sometimes use a DMSO+Vitamin C spray on it as vit C is an important building block of collagen.

What I actually do with the ICE is to fill a waterpump with Icewater and pump my dick up. Not intense but still so I expand good.
So no shrinkage happening there.
After a really intense PE-workout or If I feel I’ve overdone it it really feels good. Like an athletes Ice bath ray says.
It helps with discoloration too. But main aim would be like with athletes and their bodies to shorten recovery time cause as I understand thats the reason they do it.

An interesting thing is that being in a ice water vacuum voids any cold skin feelings during it. Albeit the dipping into the ice cold erect pump takes some balls lol

Good stuff guys; I appreciate the well informed opinions and the first hand experience with using cold in PE.

PE is a funny thing; literally it’s the sum of the parts; so the more parts one can contribute, the more E happens to the P! So it makes sense to contribute as many parts as possible…strategically applied cold could very well be another part that can be contributed.

I’ll definitely try some sort of ice or iced water post-workout treatment…the ice water pump sounds interesting…thanks for the input raybbaby and dickerschwanz…every little bit helps!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Great thread, not sure how I never read it before.. For a long time I just have been trying to increase intensity but I am pretty much at a halt now for a year or more. And stuck around 6 inch MSEG. I only clamp and do Bends pretty much throughout the day with some stretches in between. Due to whatever (often work) I am sometimes forced to take a break usually resulting in me losing some size to perhaps 5.8 - 5.9 inch MSEG. Keep in mind this is usually a 2 week break. Then after I gain quite quickly and end up at around 6.1 MSEG perhaps even a little more. Eventually as the weeks pass and I keep clamping I get stuck my expansions from clamping get less and I fall back to 6 inches and even 5.9 inches MSEG eventually stabalizing around 6.0 MSEG. What has often helped me is upping the intensity and adding new kind of work outs but for the last year I have been stuck.

I will need to give this a try for sure. I am on a decon break right now just doing some light piss pulls and bends.

If I get this right everybody is dropping the P out of IPR? So mainly 2 weeks of work out and 2 months or so of rest? No more 4 weeks of ADS?

Originally Posted by xenolith

hey Xeno, I just started an I phase and remember you saying that you like to use supplements to help you out in this phase, which I remember you said about Cialis, what supplements you use and what brand/lab would you recommend?

Thank you as always =)

Xeno, I had an idea pertaining to the Tiger Trap after your post on the prefatigue longitudinal tunica layer thread.

A Tiger Trap inside a Vacuum Pump!!! Could be done via different means. An inlet or simply glued to the inside.

I hope you dont mind posting a pic/concept of it here. (If not I ask a mod to delete it.)

Obviously the bumps could be placed wherever one likes to attack the tunica.

(obviously nothing for newbies, so don’t try at home :D )

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