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Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

You can always use just one transducer.

If I started with 2 I would really be lost, it was easier for me to learn with 1. Especially the safety aspects of where not to point the transducer…

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

I think igigi’s advice makes a lot of sense.
igigi - Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE
Worry about mastering the tools first, then you can start working with them.

I don’t know what “shit ton” means in metric units, but you shouldn’t use too less US gel. You don’t have to overdo it either. Here in TP (I think it was in Kyrpä’s log) it was once described this way: You need more than you think.
With the transducer, you keep pushing the gel away, so you have to keep bringing it back to the transducer. Every now and then you also have to “reload” some gel. You will find your way.

If I were you, I would start with one transducer. That should be enough for normal sizes, given what you describe. Stix has given good tips, I think you will find a good compromise.

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
We’ll see what I can do

I’ve got some fat on my body, and my length isnt very long, and the vacuum cap plus silicone sleeve takes up nearly half of what length I do have, so I don’t really have much shaft to heat, part of the shaft might not even be on my thigh due to the fat crease between my pubic area and thigh…

As far as massive gobs of US gel… The thing is the gel instantly smooches down to virtually nothing and then it’s just a mess around the area and not between the transducer and penis… I guess I could try to “float” the transducer up on top of a mound of gel.. but then the transducer wouldn’t be pressed against the skin…

“part of the shaft might not even be on my thigh due to the fat crease between my pubic area and thigh… “

If this is the case, you I’m not sure if the ultrasound gel will be enough to bridge this gap. You can try placing an ultrasound phantom in between your thigh and shaft. They sell premade phantoms or you can make your own. Rocco has a post in here on how he made his own phantom.

Definitely need a similar density material, on the other side of your shaft, for the ultrasound waves to flow into. Otherwise the waves reflect back and you will not heat the septum sufficiently.

At one point I was using Ultrasound while in my extender. I used my fingers as the backer and thought I was getting good heating numbers but really wasn’t. The waves bounced off the bones in my hands and provided heat to the thermometer probes but not much else. I now appreciate this as when I do properly heat, it takes several minutes for the temp to drop from 41 to 37, sometimes over fifteen mins and the temp would drop to that level drastically faster when I was doing it wrong in the extender, maybe 2 or 3 mins.

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Ok I tried a session with only 2.5lbs just focusing on seeing if I could heat the internals and not at all concerned about actually causing growth/strain/stretch

For most the session I was under the impression I wasn’t getting any heat, because my penis itself wasn’t giving me any heat feedback

But then I placed my fingers to the penis, and while it wasn’t hot to the touch, it was definitely warm through and through, which was good, and it stayed that way for a while after I took the cup and weights off

Now I want to get a thermometer to place between my penis and my thigh

Is there a specific kind I should use or does just any cheap thermometer on Amazon suffice

I use this thermometer

https://www.ama … aw/d/B071V7T6TZ

I also have the one below but have not used it yet

https://www.ama … aw/d/B07D9JF5SD

The plug in probes each have 2 pins. If you look closely at the plastic you will see one labeled as “K” and the other as “+”. The thermometer will have the same markings and the K has to match up to K. The + has to match to the +.

Sounds promising that you can feel the heat on the other side. Purchasing the right monitoring equipment is very important. Try not to get frustrated if you are not hitting the proper heating levels right away. It took me about 10 sessions to figure it out based on what I read in these forums and the supported feedback of the members in this thread.

This is the recommended tape to fix the temp probes to the dorsal side of your shaft. It doesn’t hurt when you remove it.

https://www.ama … /dp/B0783SG446/

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Originally Posted by Stixman
I use this thermometer

https://www.ama … aw/d/B071V7T6TZ

I also have the one below but have not used it yet

https://www.ama … aw/d/B07D9JF5SD

The plug in probes each have 2 pins. If you look closely at the plastic you will see one labeled as “K” and the other as “+”. The thermometer will have the same markings and the K has to match up to K. The + has to match to the +.

Sounds promising that you can feel the heat on the other side. Purchasing the right monitoring equipment is very important. Try not to get frustrated if you are not hitting the proper heating levels right away. It took me about 10 sessions to figure it out based on what I read in these forums and the supported feedback of the members in this thread.

This is the recommended tape to fix the temp probes to the dorsal side of your shaft. It doesn’t hurt when you remove it.

https://www.ama … /dp/B0783SG446/

I ordered the thermometer and tape 👍

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
Ok I tried a session with only 2.5lbs just focusing on seeing if I could heat the internals and not at all concerned about actually causing growth/strain/stretch

For most the session I was under the impression I wasn’t getting any heat, because my penis itself wasn’t giving me any heat feedback

But then I placed my fingers to the penis, and while it wasn’t hot to the touch, it was definitely warm through and through, which was good, and it stayed that way for a while after I took the cup and weights off

Now I want to get a thermometer to place between my penis and my thigh

Is there a specific kind I should use or does just any cheap thermometer on Amazon suffice

You’re making progress right there with the heating. The penis itself will not give you back the same burning feedback as if you heat a finger. This is why it is important to measure temperature to be safe and avoid any damage to the tissues. Eventually, while passing the transducer you might heat beyond your penis in the thigh, and then you will feel the burn.

The best way to monitor temp is to place thermocouple right between the penis and thigh, even better, taped to the penis exactly on top of the stretched septum. That is the tissue you want to heat, and that thermocouple taped there will give you the closest accurate reading.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Ok I did another session just now

Instead of using weight and going over the thigh, I used an elastic bad up around the back of my neck, laying down on my back on my bed, with my penis laying on the pubic area pointing up to my belly button

I put a ton of gel under neath and on top, and slowly worked the US Pro along the shaft while watching an episode of trailer park boys (~28 minutes)

Didn’t feel any warmth at all during the session, but when I stuck my finger down between my penis and pubic area, it was extremely warm, even downright hot.

Very happy with that

After turning the US Pro off, the penis stayed warm to the touch for at least 15 minutes

I think I might stick with this approach, laying on my back, with the elastic band. What I didn’t do this time, and what I could do in the future, is put the electronic fish scale between the band and the cup, so I have an idea what the tension is and can keep it consistent

I do have the thermocouple coming in tomorrow as well

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
Ok I did another session just now

Instead of using weight and going over the thigh, I used an elastic bad up around the back of my neck, laying down on my back on my bed, with my penis laying on the pubic area pointing up to my belly button

I put a ton of gel under neath and on top, and slowly worked the US Pro along the shaft while watching an episode of trailer park boys (~28 minutes)

Didn’t feel any warmth at all during the session, but when I stuck my finger down between my penis and pubic area, it was extremely warm, even downright hot.

Very happy with that

After turning the US Pro off, the penis stayed warm to the touch for at least 15 minutes

I think I might stick with this approach, laying on my back, with the elastic band. What I didn’t do this time, and what I could do in the future, is put the electronic fish scale between the band and the cup, so I have an idea what the tension is and can keep it consistent

I do have the thermocouple coming in tomorrow as well

The ultrasound waves can easily bypass through your dick and start cooking your other organs. Are you doing anything to prevent this?

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
Ok I did another session just now

Instead of using weight and going over the thigh, I used an elastic bad up around the back of my neck, laying down on my back on my bed, with my penis laying on the pubic area pointing up to my belly button

I put a ton of gel under neath and on top, and slowly worked the US Pro along the shaft while watching an episode of trailer park boys (~28 minutes)

Didn’t feel any warmth at all during the session, but when I stuck my finger down between my penis and pubic area, it was extremely warm, even downright hot.

Very happy with that

After turning the US Pro off, the penis stayed warm to the touch for at least 15 minutes

I think I might stick with this approach, laying on my back, with the elastic band. What I didn’t do this time, and what I could do in the future, is put the electronic fish scale between the band and the cup, so I have an idea what the tension is and can keep it consistent

I do have the thermocouple coming in tomorrow as well

Otherwise great but it is told not to use the ultrasound with such intensity on your abdomen wall. Pointed out in the safety measures section on this thread. As well discussed several times.
That 1 MHz wavefront has still 40- 50% of the intensity left to absorb when reaching your bowels. That is not healthy.

"Ultrasonic cavitation and gas body activation are closely related mechanisms which depend on the rarefactional pressure amplitude of ultrasound waves. Ultrasound transmitted into a tissue may have rarefactional pressure amplitudes of several megaPascals (MPa). This tensile stress is supported by the medium and, for example, a 2-MPa rarefactional pressure, which is common even for diagnostic ultrasound, represents a negative tension 20 times atmospheric pressure (i. e., 0.1 MPa). This high rarefactional pressure can act to initiate cavitation activity in tissue when suitable cavitation nuclei are present, or directly induce pulsation of pre-existing gas bodies, such as occur in lung, intestine, or with ultrasound contrast agents. Cavitation and gas body activation primarily cause local tissue injury in the immediate vicinity of the cavitational activity, including cell death and hemorrhage of blood vessels."

Overview of Therapeutic Ultrasound Applications and Safety Considerations

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Last edited by Kyrpa : 09-12-2021 at .

Might be a good idea to have an ultrasound safety page with all the relevant safety measures on the first post? 68 pages here already and things can be hard to find in that number of posts. I don’t use US myself and not in my radar at the minute I am just thinking of others.

Originally Posted by scienceguy
Might be a good idea to have an ultrasound safety page with all the relevant safety measures on the first post? 68 pages here already and things can be hard to find in that number of posts. I don’t use US myself and not in my radar at the minute I am just thinking of others.

Post #3

Main Safety Notions

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Originally Posted by scienceguy
Might be a good idea to have an ultrasound safety page with all the relevant safety measures on the first post? 68 pages here already and things can be hard to find in that number of posts. I don’t use US myself and not in my radar at the minute I am just thinking of others.

Several of the first posts are all about the safety

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

And still people are missing it. Just thinking of others and considering the dangers of misuse it would be good to have a devoted thread on the safety but that’s just my opinion.


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