Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)

Startershiner, how is the difference in length on the Bpel vs Bpfsl ? If your fsl is longer than your erect one, adjust the extender accordingly. Then try to wrap some fabric or gauze ( if that is the right word) around your penis to cover the ridge on the glans and the shaft behind to get better grip for the noose or strap. It should help preventing the noose to slip over the glans. As you say, it seems that you have an elastic unit, but it has its limit, you just got to find it. One other thing - when you mount your penis in the extender, try to keep the glans almost in front of the cradle,( adjust the extender to fit in that way too), and in that way, the noose or strap will pull downwards behind the glans, instead of pulling forward ( through) the glans. Keep us posted, good luck.

Hi norwegian.

My FSL is .5 inches longer than my BPEL. I don’t have any issues getting into the extender and use a small sock as padding around my unit. One major issue I have is the infamous cord which only allows me to pull my unit so far. What I have noticed over the past two months or so is after staying in a static stretch (I call it static stretch since I see no tension lines covered), the cord feeling in my unit disappears. My unit feels completely jelly like in a state where I can actually feel the CC’s stretch if I pull instead of the cord taking on the stretch. At this time I can adjust the tension knob to stretch my unit further. I usually extend with no tension for at least 10 hours daily. What I did today is after 4 hours in the extender my unit was in this jelly like state so I decided to dial the tension knob up and finally I seen the first line disappear. After keeping the extender on for 30 minutes, I felt the tension on the left CC (short cord CC causing a curve) was too uncomfortable and took the extender off for a moment. At that point my unit did not hang as long as it normally would with all the traction lines showing. So I think I should just continue to extend with no tension and see how that works for the next 3 months or so.

OK I am dumb.Not much experience with extenders, but when I was using my proextender for a short time, I was stretching the penis only and strapped the head.My penis was lenghtened, but without the springs applying active tension.More like ADS.Thats wrong , right?

I’ve used the X4 labs extender for 6 hours so far. And after each hour, my dick is seriously uncomfortable. It’s a good stretch. But it’s hurting my dick too much. I use the white rubber comfort strap. I’ve tried microfiber lens cloth, the memory foam donuts it comes with, and I just tried a silicone sleeve from Zen hanger last night. Still pinches and strangles my unit.

Manual stretching, clamping, pumping, and jelqing are all comfortable and fun. But this damn “comfort strap” is not working. I can’t get the hours I need to log if I’m in pain or constantly having to take breaks.

I’m starting to lose hope. Experienced ADStretchers, should I look into a suction based system, the lanyard setup, or something else? Can the X4 even be fitted with a suction device?

START (2017)>>>>>>> Bpel 6.5" / Mseg 5"

CURRENT>>>>>>>>> Bpel 6.89" / Mseg 5"

Originally Posted by thegoat
OK I am dumb.Not much experience with extenders, but when I was using my proextender for a short time, I was stretching the penis only and strapped the head.My penis was lenghtened, but without the springs applying active tension.More like ADS.Thats wrong , right?

You should get the springs to apply active tension. That is the design of the device. It is difficult at first but once you master strapping in either add more rod length or adjust length of device at the base to be longer. Either will add tension to the system.

If you slip out you are not attached firmly enough.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Hey Thoughtful god,

I want to get an extender and I am curious which one to get. I have read reviews on the size genetics and apparently it’s just too much weight. Do you have any suggestions for a newbie in the traction device area.

Last edited by Zio121 : 10-08-2019 at . Reason: Spelling mistake

Newbie Routine For Extender

Anybody got a good newbie routine for the extender? Want to be careful.

Seriously Don't Understand What I'm Doing

Hello, so I am super new to this, I recently bought a size genetics and I’m 3 days in but worried I may not be doing this right. When I measure my penis flaccid but fully stretched I pull as hard as I can and I’m about 5.25. They say to make sure the length of the extender is a little over that but every time I try to add bars to make the entire length longer than that I physically can not get the head to stay strapped in. I have it now so that I can stay strapped in but I am unsure if I’m wasting my time. How do I know if I have enough tension? Will I physically feel a pull? I want to make sure I don’t fuck my dick up. Sorry if this is basically a re-post I couldn’t find anything pertaining to what I am saying by Google and I’m newish to forums and not sure how to search for answers better. Thanks to anyone who helps in advance.

I recently purchased an x4 Labs extender. Why won’t the tension bars stay in place?

Originally Posted by Grower24

I recently purchased an x4 Labs extender. Why won’t the tension bars stay in place?

What exactly do you mean? What are the tension rods doing, or not doing?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by NefariousOG

Hello, so I am super new to this, I recently bought a size genetics and I’m 3 days in but worried I may not be doing this right. When I measure my penis flaccid but fully stretched I pull as hard as I can and I’m about 5.25. They say to make sure the length of the extender is a little over that but every time I try to add bars to make the entire length longer than that I physically can not get the head to stay strapped in. I have it now so that I can stay strapped in but I am unsure if I’m wasting my time. How do I know if I have enough tension? Will I physically feel a pull? I want to make sure I don’t fuck my dick up. Sorry if this is basically a re-post I couldn’t find anything pertaining to what I am saying by Google and I’m newish to forums and not sure how to search for answers better. Thanks to anyone who helps in advance.

Set the length of the extender to 5.25” or as close as you can. When you strap in to the head piece (or sled) you will compress the extender with one hand and as best you can keep it compressed and then strap in your dick.Once strapped in, release and let your dick take on the tension of the springs pushing out. Check the gauge (marks on the rod) to determine how much tension your dick is under. If when you release the sled the rods extend to the full open position, you need to add length by unscrewing the rods at the base. The rods will unscrew from the knurled nut, and if you need more length, the knurled nut will also un screw from the base.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Peeing while extender is ON

Currently I am using a noose type extender, I can barely feel the tug and I can pee without taking it off, is my stretch not that high enough? Or if I have a good stretch, I should not be able to pee?

Thank you

Originally Posted by gonedsram
Peeing while extender is ON
Currently I am using a noose type extender, I can barely feel the tug and I can pee without taking it off, is my stretch not that high enough? Or if I have a good stretch, I should not be able to pee?

Do not pee with the extender on.

Break this habit now, take the extender off to go to the bathroom.

You will eventually learn to use higher tension, which will require increased noose compression and peeing will go from not a problem to a big problem that will result in injury.

What type of extender are you using? Are there tensioning lines towards the base of the pistons?

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Do not pee with the extender on.

Break this habit now, take the extender off to go to the bathroom.

You will eventually learn to use higher tension, which will require increased noose compression and peeing will go from not a problem to a big problem that will result in injury.

What type of extender are you using? Are there tensioning lines towards the base of the pistons?

Thank you LE for the quick reply. I am not currently using extender now because the tip of my penis hurts, I suspect its because of peeing while the extender is ON. I also observed that when I pee while extender is ON, there is pain in the tip of my penis.
I am using a Chinese copy of pro-extender I bought from eBay @ $20. There are tensioning lines but it is not functioning, the way to increase tension is by turning the treads so I believe the tension I set from day to day is different (I.e. Sometimes high tension, sometimes low). With regard to maintaining tension, will the x4 labs be able to solve this?

Thank you

Originally Posted by gonedsram
There are tensioning lines but it is not functioning, the way to increase tension is by turning the treads so I believe the tension I set from day to day is different (I.e. Sometimes high tension, sometimes low). With regard to maintaining tension, will the x4 labs be able to solve this?

Are you saying you can increase tension, but the tension decreases over time? If when you screw out the rods the pistons move and will set to one of the three tensioning lines then the unit is working. If the tension decreases overtime this is also normal as your cock is elongating into the stretch. The rods can be turned out again to maintain original tension setting.

If the above does not accurately describe what you are experiencing then I might be misunderstanding the issue with the extender that you are describing.

Let us know, we are here to help!


Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb


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