Hanging Gain Permanence
Hello, I’ve been a longtime lurker on this great website for years. I always wanted to start P.E. but never got around to it. I’ve finally decided to make a start. I measure BPEL 6.8 and EG 5.4. My goals are between BPEL 7.5 to 8.0.
My question is are hanging gains permanent? i.e. Will the gains remain after years of absolutely no maintenance? I have researched this topic endlessly on this website and others. There are well known cases of members who have focused on Jelqing and squeezing methods to attain gains like Wadzilla for example who kept his considerable gains for just over 3 years before losing most if not all of them:
My Loss of Gains is Nearly Complete :(
He believed that in the long term P.E. was not truly "cementable":
wadzilla - Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains
Information and experiences of hanging veterans keeping their gains after years of P.e. inactivity are hard to come by. There are members that have reported to keep their hanging gains years after:
lil12big1 - Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains
bud_do - PE and "Permanence"
One of the most well known members is Bib who made gains of 4 incjhes in length who reported to have kept the gains for approximaely 10 years with little to no maintenance:
My question is for the hangers that have made gains only for hanging:
1) How much gains did you make?
2)What maintenance have you been doing?
3)How much gains did you keep?
4)How long have you kept them for? (How long ago did you make them also?)