Originally Posted by DIYgrower
Vacuum yes, but with a refrigerator style pump? I’m talking about general pumping use and not necessarily high intensity pumping.
These can be scavenged for so cheap.
Given the levels of vacuum, spending $90 on a pump that you can trust versus scavenging and rigging up a refrigerator pump may not be economical compared to the control and safety you lose. As you would need to purify the system, install a hard power switch then inspect the system for leakages and account for the age of said pump whenever using it.
I mean, I’m not sure there is a difference in the vacuum generated either. As the style of pump is similar as far as I know and you likely would end up with extreme vacuum levels in a few seconds the same way the industrial pump I use also works.
I honestly do not know and can’t be sure how well it would work. *shrugs* I would do extensive testing if scavenging and making a usable system with the refrigerator pump is the goal here.