This routine mirrors Round 28. I went back to using 17.5HG in the first two macro cycles. Then, lowering the pressure to 12-14HG after the 11 minute mark.
Routine Notes
1. Edge for around 110 minutes, massaging occurs concurrently during edging. IR lamp used[ Coconut oil used.
2. While erect, perform some massaging for myofascial unlocking purposes with Tunica Tenderizer. This was around 11-15 minutes, every 30 seconds to a minute I would press and massage the left side of my erect penis against the white and spiny side of the tenderizer for 15 seconds. I did this 10 times for 20 seconds at a time, with 5 contact surfaces.
3. Lube penis and entry of tube, as long as my forefinger in depth, with vaseline. Enter tube flaccid. Used heating pad contact for entire session, removing to check tube pack status a few seconds every couple minutes.
4. For first 90 seconds, cycling between just at 5HG (0 holes covered) and 10HG (2 holes covered). Up cycles were around 2-3 seconds, down was around 1-2 seconds.
5. For 60 seconds (1 minute) cycling between just at 5HG (0 holes covered) and 17.5HG (3 holes covered) Up times were 3 seconds. Down times were about 2 seconds.
6. For 30 seconds cycling between full vacuum and 17.5HG and 5HG using 1 second for full (25HG), 1-1.5 seconds for 17HG and just under 1 second for 5HG.
So cycle is 4 holes for 1 second, 3 holes for 1-1.5 seconds and 0 holes for just under 1 second. (20 seconds of downtime deciding what pressure to use next)
New!7. For 180 seconds (3 minutes) cycling between 10HG (2 hole covered) and up to 17.5HG, (3 holes covered) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 10HG and creeps up, getting to 13-14HG by 10 seconds in, then creeping up to 17.5Hg for a second or 2 by cycle end.
8. In the 6th minute, after performing another cycle, 60 seconds out of tube, massaging with a milking motion gently and reapplying vaseline. This lasts till the 7th minute.
New!9. For 180 seconds (3 minutes) cycling between 10HG (2 hole covered) and up to 17.5HG, (3 holes covered) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 10HG and creeps up, getting to 13-14HG by 10 seconds in, then creeping up to 17.5Hg for a second or 2 by cycle end.
10. In the 10th minute, did a rest and massage up to minute 10 much like in step 8.
11. For 180 seconds (3 minutes) cycling between 10HG (2 hole covered) and up to 13.5HG, vascilating between 12-14HG (2 holes covered, partial 3rd covered) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 8HG and creeps up, getting to 13-14HG by 10 seconds in, then going back and forth between 12-14HG until cycle end.
12. in the 14th minute, did a rest and massage like in step 10 and step 8. Resumed pressure at 14th minute.
13. For 180 seconds (3 minutes) cycling between 10HG (2 hole covered) and up to 13.5HG, vascilating between 12-14HG (2 holes covered, partial 3rd covered) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 8HG and creeps up, getting to 13-14HG by 10 seconds in, then going back and forth between 12-14HG until cycle end.
14. At minute 18 performed a rest and massage like in steps 8, 10, and 12. Resumed at 19th minute.
15. For 180 seconds (3 minutes) cycling between 10HG (2 hole covered) and up to 13.5HG, vascilating between 12-14HG (2 holes covered, partial 3rd covered) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 8HG and creeps up, getting to 13-14HG by 10 seconds in, then going back and forth between 12-14HG until cycle end.
Total time is 22 minutes.
Other notes
1. Packing is definitely in the 4-5 minute range with the higher HG 4 minute cycling at the beginning of the routine.
2. Euphoria sensitivity and, the return of epic flaccid hang. Flaccid lengths are NOT typical. 6.25”NBP and 7.5”BP
Flaccid girth 6.1” Mid shaft. Erect Girth topped 6.41” before going down to 6.37” BPEL is 9.25” and not at 100% with fluctuations up to 9.5” BPEL! I took these in front of my heating lamp, as I’ve been more prone to with heating issues…I think this matters.
3. Still no perceivable edema at cycle end. However, some minor edema must be present due to flaccid measurement of 6.1” MSG
4. Pump generates smoke regardless of oil status, but is not thick enough to set off smoke alarm. Use of fan hasn’t made smoke go away but fan is kind of crappy. May purchase a newer one before assuming smoke cannot be fixed.
5. I think the return of the higher HG in the beginning also created a better sense of stretching towards the end of the workout. I could feel it more and it was still in the lower range I like to use. Additionally, the fluctuation upward in BPEL is a PI I haven’t seen. I’m quite excited about this.
6. Do not take your penis to full vacuum at the end of your workout. I have found this is likely the source of negative PIs. There is no purpose in it and it doesn’t help. Skip that entirely.