This routine mirrors Round 21 but has a warmer tube, hot enough to nearly burn the underside of my penis and had to let it cool before starting. And it has me taking a 1 minute massage break at minute 6-7 and 10-11 to get out of the tube and gently one hand jelq upwards to dissipate lymph buildup as well as reapply vaseline. Note: I use Nursey Jelly, as it is a bit thinner and nicer on skin but it is a petroleum jelly product.
Routine Notes
1. Edge for around 65 minutes, massaging occurs concurrently during edging. IR lamp used[ Coconut oil used.
2. While erect, perform some massaging for myofascial unlocking purposes with Tunica Tenderizer. This was around 11-15 minutes, every 30 seconds to a minute I would press and massage the left side of my erect penis against the white and spiny side of the tenderizer for 15 seconds. I did this probably 15 times for 15-20 seconds at a time, with 5 contact surfaces.
3. Lube penis and entry of tube, as long as my forefinger in depth, with vaseline. Enter tube flaccid. Used heating pad contact for entire session, removing to check tube pack status a few seconds every couple minutes.
4. For first 60 seconds, cycling between just at 5HG (0 holes covered) and 8HG (2 holes covered). Up cycles were around 2-3 seconds, down was around 1-2 seconds.
5. For 120 seconds (2 minutes) cycling between just at 5HG (0 holes covered) and 17HG (3 holes covered) Up times were 3 seconds. Down times were just under 1 second.
6. For 60 seconds cycling between full vacuum and 15HG and 5HG using 1 second for full (25HG), 1-1.5 seconds for 17HG and just under 1 second for 5HG.
So cycle is 4 holes for 1 second, 3 holes for 1-1.5 seconds and 0 holes for just under 1 second. (20 seconds of downtime deciding what pressure to use next)
7. For 120 seconds (2 minutes) cycling between 12-14HG (2 and a partial 3rd hole covered) and up to 25HG (almost totally covering all holes.) The cycle is 30 seconds and starts with 12-14HG and creeps up, getting to 17HG by 10 seconds in, 5 seconds at 17HG and 5 seconds at 20-25HG Using feel for the decision.
8. In the 6th minute, after performing another cycle, 60 seconds out of tube, massaging with a milking motion gently and reapplying vaseline. This lasts till the 7th minute.
9. For 180 (3 minutes) seconds starting from minute 12 cycling from 12-17HG for 5-10 seconds, 20HG for 3-5 seconds and 25-27HG for 5 seconds. 10 second rest uncovered for a 30 second cycle.
10. In the 10th minute, did a rest and massage up to minute 11 much like in step 8.
11. For 240 seconds (4 minutes) starting from minute 12 cycling from 12-17HG for 5-10 seconds, 20HG for 3-5 seconds and 25-27HG for 5 seconds. 10 second rest uncovered for a 30 second cycle
12. At minute 15 removed heating pad from tube. Performed some checking and top measurement with a 20 second gradual up cycle to 30HG 1 once with a 40 second down time and a gradual 20 seconds up to 27HG once and concluding.
Total time 17 minutes.
Other notes
1. 4 minute definitive pack time. Hard, super packing occurs around minute 13 or so.
2. Tube was too hot to get into, session started delayed by around 2 minutes to reduce temperature of cylinder before entry and session start.
3. Euphoric feeling, great post hang. Pattern here has held true, yet again. Flaccid was 6.5” NBP and 7.5” BPF lengths. No length measurement or girth measurement erect, orgasm due to post session sensitivity. Edema medium to low. Indicates massage time did as planned and only the very uppermost part of the circumcision area insists on gathering an excess of lymph fluid.
4. Industrial Pump, while running for 14 minutes, set off the smoke detector again and I had to yank it off the wall. I haven’t changed the oil like I said, I need to later tonight after post completion.
5. I used a total of 11 minutes of the longer cycling today again. I believe the massage technique some use with this high pressure style is needed and mandatory to keep edema down, skin healthy and moist and to check on yourself as you apply more high pressures. I will set minutes 6, 10 and probably 13 as rest and massage windows. However, when I was going to set 13 up I was already hard packed in and did not want to disrupt that so I will have to experiment with that next time.