Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Super Goat Weed.

Okay, so yohimbe is safe for everyone, as long as your yohimbe product doesn’t actually contain significant doses of yohimbe. Got it. ;)

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Okay, so yohimbe is safe for everyone, as long as your yohimbe product doesn’t actually contain significant doses of yohimbe. Got it. ;)

Well, according to what that site says, the doses contained in OTC products in the USA studied by the FDA, contain very little yohimbine, and even less than the amount actually found in yohimbe bark.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

“Yohimbe is safe for everyone” is a rather empty statement if you mean a placebo dose of yohimbe. Yeah, of course when you don’t take enough of a substance to have any effect, it doesn’t have any effect. The question, when talking about any supplement or drug’s safety, is what adverse effects can occur when a therapeutic dose is taken — that is, when enough is ingested that the desired benefit might occur. Presumably some people reading a thread like this are resourceful enough to track down significant doses of yohimbe online (if the OTC supplements at Walmart tend to be useless placebos), if they want to try it to treat their erectile problems. They’d be well-advised that as with all medications and supplements, adverse effects can occur if significant doses are taken, depending on one’s general health and other medications used.

I thought this thread was about “Super Goat Weed”.

Is there a “kill file” for these boards? Or a way to hide posts from certain users?

So how about Horny Goat Weed anyway? Did it work well for the original poster or anyone else?

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by djufo
Peanut butter is available and safe for everybody; people who is allergic to it, is a personal problem and a defect in that body’s function, not the peanut butter being dangerous.


Djufo, is English your second language? I ask because the difference of opinion might simply be semantics. Your command of the language is excellent, don’t misunderstand me on that. Actually, if your English wasn’t so good the other guys would have figured this for a language problem already. Your English is so good that most would take you for a native speaker even if you are not one.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Wow, a whole thread on Super Goat Weed.

I stopped growing that stuff years ago…..

That is what you are talking about?

My bad.


firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Does it help with increased loads?

Nedpickle,yohimbe nor yohimbine had zero effect on load least for me.I have read in others it not only increased volume but also force of ejaculation.

Everyone,djufo is not to far off the mark in my opinion.I wont go along and say it is not dangerous for some people with certain medical conditions,I believe it can be. I personally believe this herb has a bad rap for being dangerous.In my opinion its safer than aspirin.You would be hard pressed to find any deaths that can be blamed 100% for yohimbe/yohimbine ingestion. Certainly there are side effects.Some feel harsh ,for some users while under the drug/herbs influence.Some will most likely only manifest if you use yohimbe/yohimbine every single day for an extended time period.

Of the 2,I personally believe the drug yohimbine is the safer of the 2.The herb contains other,not thoroughly tested alkaloids that may also have physiological side effects.

Back in the early 60’s to early 70’s there was a drug on the market called Afrodex.It was about 5mg oral methyl testosterone.5 or 10 mg of yohimbine.and I believe a homeopathic version of nux vomica. If I am not mistaken,it was prescribed to 10’s of thousands of men on both sides of the Atlanic.Again, if I am not mistaken,it had a success rate of around 90% for curing impotence.That’s better than any current erection med on the market.How safe was it? I really don’t know.Methyl testosterone can be dangerous in itself.But all in all I think it was a pretty safe drug that probably got pulled mostly for puritan reasons.That’s my opinion.

To further illustrate.Again if I’m not mistaken,I only came across one death attributed to yohimbe and I’m not so sure it was conclusive. How many people died when Viagra hit the market?How many people die each year from aspirin?As for it causing kidney failure/damage.How many?I bet you would be very hard pressed to find many at all.Compared to Tylenol which they know for sure has caused this.Same for Vicodin.If you used it for pain for a long enough time you probably caused at the very least kidney damage to yourself.It contains Tylenol.

Blood pressure? I think it has an effect while under its influence.There has been reports that it can also lower blood pressure.It may be possible that with daily use for extended periods it may alter blood pressure even when one comes off of it?But smoking,drinking,heavy salt use,caffeine all alter blood pressure.I wonder how many of you use any of these things on a daily basis and for years on end?Most are not worried about them I bet?

Mostly it will boil down to dosage and length of time one uses any of these things.Some can be immediately toxic and cause death rapidly.One would probably have to take a rather large dose of yohimbe/yohimbine to cause that and I bet most would not die or suffer long term damage.Not so with aspirin.And other readily available products bought in any grocery.And anyone with any experience with yohimbe would never take that high a dosage.Unless they want to feel and probably will be puking a long time and feeling like you popped a whole box of No-Doz.

Last thing, I believe Afrodex carried a warning to not take longer than 6 weeks at a time.I do not know how long it was recommended to stay off it but I’m thinking 2 weeks before using again.It may have been 8 weeks?I believe that was solely because of the methyl testosterone in the product.

Last edited by panthers : 11-01-2009 at .

Wow this thread has exploded out of control I was not hoping people would turn on each other just wanted thoughts on this brand. I have decided to stop taking it I was having pretty insane night wood to the point I could not sleep. I have also went on a decon break I am feeling pretty down because lately I have been measuring .25” shorter than I was since hitting my plateau I am trying not to give up on PE.

I was hitting the 5.5” NBPE but I went down to 5.25” NBPE and 6.5” BPEL down to 6.25” BPEL I am feeling down and having hard time making myself want to start up after decon break. I dont know if adding pumping to my routine killed my length gains I was seeing from my start I gained well then plateau so added pumping maybe it was a mistake.

Originally Posted by bigbassman77
Wow this thread has exploded out of control I was not hoping people would turn on each other just wanted thoughts on this brand. I have decided to stop taking it I was having pretty insane night wood to the point I could not sleep. I have also went on a decon break I am feeling pretty down because lately I have been measuring .25” shorter than I was since hitting my plateau I am trying not to give up on PE.

I was hitting the 5.5” NBPE but I went down to 5.25” NBPE and 6.5” BPEL down to 6.25” BPEL I am feeling down and having hard time making myself want to start up after decon break. I dont know if adding pumping to my routine killed my length gains I was seeing from my start I gained well then plateau so added pumping maybe it was a mistake.

Geezus are you sure the supplement was the cause of those night woods?? If it was I might have to try it…:) I get it anyways, because I take most of those ingredients plus some others separate. But to get good results from a product in a sigle bottle sounds pretty good.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

Yes I am pretty sure it was the cause I was taking it about a week before the start of this thread it took around 2 weeks to fully kick in but I don’t see much point though normal erections are the same hardness as before. It just seems to made my night wood go off the charts even while I do PE now I stopped taking the pills and stopped PE I will see how it goes when I start up PE after decon break and no longer taking the pills. Before I had night wood not as often especially where it would wake me up.

Originally Posted by nedpickle
Does it help with increased loads?

You want to search the threads for “Maca” and “Increased loads” or “Increasing the load”
That topic’s been well covered.

I’ll vouch that Maca will give you loads. Gave me big loads.
Except that you should be forewarned that Maca also is known to mess with the serotonin levels in your brain.
I can vouch for that too.

Incidentally, a lot of those supplements marketed as OTC alternatives to Viagra contain a good deal of Maca.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten


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