Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US

Tissue Death

Originally Posted by BullBarrel
Not gonna lie, some of this is over my head. Here is my question. I recently purchased an IR sauna, it’s not one of the cheap Chinese made ones, but one designed and built in Sweden. Would it be a benefit to do my PE in the sauna at about 130 degrees?

In my research in using any kind of heat… doesn’t skin tissue death start occurring around 103 - 104 degrees Fahrenheit?


Why opposing US and NIR?

US-methods are provided to mainly help “hard gainers” with a steel cord to actually gain. The thermal and non-thermal effects of US enhance the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissues to stretch like it did not before. It is a make or break method for many of us, I maintain.

I could not make out an argument thus far that NIR can replace US in this specific aspect:

- The list created by chat GPT does mention relaxing muscles, but does this effect apply on tissue like the septum, as well? (Solvay1927 - Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US)

- NIR triggers a downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and the upregulation of type I procollagen (Solvay1927 - Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US). So NIR helps renewing the extracellular matrix. But what if the steel cord prevents me to actually do some of the highly craved damage to the tissue so there is nothing to renew (and proliferate collagen)? Wouldn’t that be like being ready to sprint without being able to walk in the first place?

You mentioned that “temperatures above 43° C destabilize the collagen matrix even without any IR radiation”(Solvay1927 - Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US). I have learned from reading the common US-threads that 43°C is the upper limit, not the starting point of the thermal effects of heat. I should avoid temps above 43°C. Here is a quote by Kyrpa:

"When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C[!]), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous when it is heated. (Warrent et al (1971,1976)
The mechanism behind this thermal transition may be destabilization inter-molecular bonding or enhanced viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissues, possibly allowing elongation to occur with less structural damage. (Rigby 1964)" Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

I may be understanding the undergoing process of either US and NIR wrong, but I see the value in NIR to help repairing dealed damage to the tissue, not to deal the necessary damage to it (in combination with stretching, of course). What am I understanding wrong?

Last edited by injept : 09-06-2023 at .

Sorry for going missing for a while.
Truth is, a blend of different reasons happened: I’ve been on vacation for a while, then different role and shifts at work, then finally an annoying blister when I got back at PE.

A few days ago something also happened that made me think.
I had in my hand the inner roll of kitchen paper (the cardboard cylinder remaining when you use the last piece of paper) and looking at it, I found myself thinking "wow that’s a great size, I wish I was like this".
I took a ruler and measured it: it was 22cm long (almost 9 inches) and 16cm thick (6"). So yes, it was huge. Truth is, I wouldn’t want to be that big all the time.
Then, just to compare, I moved my hand on it to mark my current size (above 17.5cm), and in a moment I was amazed to be thinking "that’s very big too". Those few missing centimeters didn’t seem to make such a remarkable difference.
There, in a moment, I think I lost a lot of motivation for PE. Yes I’d still like to be bigger, but I don’t feel that urge I felt in the past for growth.

That said, it’s been a while since I wanted to come here and add something to what I previously wrote.
Recently I noticed my gains slowed down. Yes I’ve been devoting far less time to PE, now less than 10 hours a week, so that certainly accounts for a lot of it.
But I’ve been wondering, is there another possible reason?

I think there might be.
In the first period of PE there’s another thing I was doing that I stopped when I tried to add pumping to the mix: I wore a very simple, very soft silicone sleeve as a ANS during my sleep. I didn’t gave it too much importance until recently.
It may be my perception - now it’s difficult to understand how important it really is, after wearing the extender only for one or two hours - but it seems to me that ever since I started using again the ANS, my growth is stronger.
It wouldn’t really surprise me: NIR radiation triggers cellular proliferation and growth for hours after exposure, so keeping it in an extended state during that time should probably help.

I haven’t measured recently so I can’t vouch for it; if you’re trying NIR and you have the chance, perhaps try adding an ANS too and let me know if it really helps like it seems.
Apart from this, how are things going?

Originally Posted by injept
Why opposing US and NIR?
US-methods are provided to mainly help “hard gainers” with a steel cord to actually gain. The thermal and non-thermal effects of US enhance the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissues to stretch like it did not before. It is a make or break method for many of us, I maintain.
I could not make out an argument thus far that NIR can replace US in this specific aspect:

- The list created by chat GPT does mention relaxing muscles, but does this effect apply on tissue like the septum, as well?

Not sure I get what you’re saying, but it seems to me you’re trying to put together two things with opposite effects. If that’s the point, probably you have to let longer recovery times among each: no sense in using NIR in the morning and US in the afternoon, I’d expect the heat generated by US completely wipe out the growth effect achieved with NIR.

Apart from that, NIR radiation triggers growth in all different kind of tissues and cells, its effect it’s not limited to the collagen matrix. So yes, it will make the cord grow, too.

Originally Posted by EightInchEnvy
In my research in using any kind of heat… doesn’t skin tissue death start occurring around 103 - 104 degrees Fahrenheit?

Proteins degradation usually starts around 50-60° C (122-140 F), necrosis from 60° C (>140 F).
Of course, these are true for prolonged exposure, i.e. if you keep the tissues at that temperature for longer periods.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
Not sure I get what you’re saying, but it seems to me you’re trying to put together two things with opposite effects. If that’s the point, probably you have to let longer recovery times among each: no sense in using NIR in the morning and US in the afternoon, I’d expect the heat generated by US completely wipe out the growth effect achieved with NIR.

Apart from that, NIR radiation triggers growth in all different kind of tissues and cells, its effect it’s not limited to the collagen matrix. So yes, it will make the cord grow, too.

This is the same reason why i asked how long do you think the downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and the upregulation of type I procollagen lasts. This was in order to combine two methods, using NIR, and using US heating that causes the opposite for MMP-1 and type 1 procolagen.
The reasonable conclusion was to do several days of US, followed by some days of using NIR.

Just ordered one of the 15”x7” NIR heating pads to give this a try. I’ve been using a FIR pad in my pumping endeavors and have had decent success gaining 1/2” over the past 9 months. I’m curious to see if I can achieve faster or better results with the NIR pad. With FIR, I have noticed that the dermal layer doesn’t recover as fast as I would like and after several months I start to get more frequent petechiae. I typically need a decon break for a week or so to heal when I notice the petechiae happening too soon in my routine. I’m hoping the NIR pad can promote faster and better healing in those layers so that I don’t need the decon break as often.

Hi all

Just curious, does anyone have a result (or lack of it) to report?

It’s been a few months now, for what I’ve seen it seems to me there’s been a bunch of very different approaches, varying among extending, pumping, hanging and other exercise for very different times.

It’s not gonna be easy to put things together and compare results from such different routines (mine has been 95% only extending), but perhaps we can start to understand what seems more promising.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
Hi all
Just curious, does anyone have a result (or lack of it) to report?
It’s been a few months now, for what I’ve seen it seems to me there’s been a bunch of very different approaches, varying among extending, pumping, hanging and other exercise for very different times.
It’s not gonna be easy to put things together and compare results from such different routines (mine has been 95% only extending), but perhaps we can start to understand what seems more promising.

I’ve been using a 211.5mW/cm2 850nm & 660nm pad along with a 200mW/cm2 heating lamp for the past month, incorporating them into my hanging routine twice a day.

During half of my one-hour routine, I wrap the pad around my shaft while hanging, and simultaneously, the lamp shines on my pubic bone, where the pad doesn’t reach. I repeat this process later in the afternoon, resulting in a total of one hour of exposure to NIR light daily.

Despite my consistent use of NIR light, I haven’t observed any gains, and I’m uncertain why. I am aware that excessive NIR light exposure can have a reverse effect, but I’m unsure if I am exceeding the safe duration.

I have a question regarding the appropriate duration of use. Is there a maximum limit for daily exposure to NIR light? If, for instance, I’ve reached the maximum recommended 30 minutes of light exposure for my penis, can I then use the light on another body part without experiencing reverse effects? In essence, is the maximum duration of light exposure always 30 minutes, regardless of the location?

Thank you

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
Sorry for going missing for a while.
Truth is, a blend of different reasons happened: I’ve been on vacation for a while, then different role and shifts at work, then finally an annoying blister when I got back at PE.

A few days ago something also happened that made me think.
I had in my hand the inner roll of kitchen paper (the cardboard cylinder remaining when you use the last piece of paper) and looking at it, I found myself thinking "wow that’s a great size, I wish I was like this".
I took a ruler and measured it: it was 22cm long (almost 9 inches) and 16cm thick (6"). So yes, it was huge. Truth is, I wouldn’t want to be that big all the time.
Then, just to compare, I moved my hand on it to mark my current size (above 17.5cm), and in a moment I was amazed to be thinking "that’s very big too". Those few missing centimeters didn’t seem to make such a remarkable difference.
There, in a moment, I think I lost a lot of motivation for PE. Yes I’d still like to be bigger, but I don’t feel that urge I felt in the past for growth.

That said, it’s been a while since I wanted to come here and add something to what I previously wrote.
Recently I noticed my gains slowed down. Yes I’ve been devoting far less time to PE, now less than 10 hours a week, so that certainly accounts for a lot of it.
But I’ve been wondering, is there another possible reason?

I think there might be.
In the first period of PE there’s another thing I was doing that I stopped when I tried to add pumping to the mix: I wore a very simple, very soft silicone sleeve as a ANS during my sleep. I didn’t gave it too much importance until recently.
It may be my perception - now it’s difficult to understand how important it really is, after wearing the extender only for one or two hours - but it seems to me that ever since I started using again the ANS, my growth is stronger.
It wouldn’t really surprise me: NIR radiation triggers cellular proliferation and growth for hours after exposure, so keeping it in an extended state during that time should probably help.

I haven’t measured recently so I can’t vouch for it; if you’re trying NIR and you have the chance, perhaps try adding an ANS too and let me know if it really helps like it seems.
Apart from this, how are things going?

I have another question regarding NIR therapy. You mentioned that NIR stimulates cellular proliferation in various types of tissues. Could this potentially lead to a tougher penis, making it harder to stretch the tissues? I’m concerned about the formation of myofibroblasts, which we typically aim to avoid. Would NIR therapy increase myofibroblast activity?

Additionally, since NIR therapy promotes cellular proliferation and growth, should we consider combining length and girth enhancement techniques simultaneously? There’s a theory that doing both together could lead to collagen cross-linking, potentially making future gains more challenging. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this matter.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Last edited by NewYellowBanana : 10-03-2023 at .

I haven’t started my pumping routine with my new NIR pad yet. I decided to take a week to decon so I can start fresh.

However, I did decide to play around with the NIR pad based on the dermal healing properties that have been suggested. So I have been using the pad for 30 minutes per day, wrapped directly around my fully stretched flaccid as a way to accelerate my decon healing.

What I have observed after 5 days is that my minor discoloration around my mid shaft has lightened noticeably. My discoloration was not severe by any means, but after 9 months of somewhat aggressive pumping I had the typical discoloration of 2 shades darker. I’m going to keep using the pad a few more days to see if I can fully clear up the discoloration before starting my new pumping routine.

For what I’ve seen and read, it seems to me most people trying NIR tends to overdo it. Too strong irradiation, long exposure time.
As we discussed, especially when heating is involved it kinda defeats the whole purpose of NIR.
That said, I’d expect at least some minor results just the same, even if they mostly come from heat rather than proper NIR stimulation.

I’ll keep waiting for results from multiple users over a longer period of time.
On my part, I’ve had so little time recently - I don’t think I managed to wear the extender more than 3/4 hours this last week, and none at all the previous week.
I haven’t measured but I saw no change.

I got my IR pad almost a month ago. I’ve been strictly using 850 with the red lights setting. It has a 1060 setting with no lights. Is there any or more benefit to using the 1060 setting?

This is all brand new to me, but I really like it. My dick seems to like it also.


Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
For what I’ve seen and read, it seems to me most people trying NIR tends to overdo it. Too strong irradiation, long exposure time.
As we discussed, especially when heating is involved it kinda defeats the whole purpose of NIR.
That said, I’d expect at least some minor results just the same, even if they mostly come from heat rather than proper NIR stimulation.

I’ll keep waiting for results from multiple users over a longer period of time.
On my part, I’ve had so little time recently - I don’t think I managed to wear the extender more than 3/4 hours this last week, and none at all the previous week.
I haven’t measured but I saw no change.

In your experience, what is the optimal exposure time? I’ve been using 20-30 minutes during my 2 week decon break and that has worked wonders to remove 95% of the discoloration on my shaft from the last year of pumping.

Also, if the exercise time is longer than the exposure time, is the exposure best during the beginning of the exercise or at the end? For example, if I pump for an hour total but the NIR exposure should be limited to 30 minutes, do I start my routine with pump + NIR and then remove the NIR for the 2nd half of the set?

Solvay's Picture used on AliExpress

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
I know, it’s not easy to find - but not impossible: usually most recent pads have this level of emitting power.
Attached there’s a measure of the pad I’m using. (Solvay1927 - Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US)

Cruising AliExpress is quite an adventure. They even upload pics posted by Solvay in this thread (see below)

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