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"Less is More" PE guy needs help integrating pump

"Less is More" PE guy needs help integrating pump

I just got my pumping gear early this week. Thanks for all your help and advice. Especially Mr. Happy, Lampwick, clgp7 and AndroNYC - the information you gave me about pumping was invaluable.

I have really enjoyed the three short sessions I have done so far.

Now I am trying to figure out how to work it into my current routine.

I have read and memorized:
Vacuum Pumping 101
Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8
and of course the Pumping Page in the Thunder’s FAQ.

Additionally I think I have read most of the threads in the pumping forum

I am finishing up my third month of a really light Less is More newbie routine that I have had some success with in terms of length gains. I have gone from 6.5" BPEL to 7 and 1/8 BPEL.

I am adding pumping because I want GIRTH and so far have not gotten more. I have tried to take a ‘gentle approach’ to PE, pumping appeals to me for that reason. No clamps or horses for me.

I want to continue the ‘gentle approach’ as I add pumping

So current routine is a split routine:

AM Stretches:
10 minute warm up
3 sets, 5 way stretches
10 minute warm down.

PM Jelqs:
10 minute warm up
5 minutes edging
90 to 100 jelqs
5 or 6 sadsak head exercises
10 to 20 minutes edging
10 minute warm down.

I was thinking about alternating two workouts - 2 on/one day off

AM Stretches

PM Pump and Jelq:
10 minute warm up
5 minutes edging
30 jelqs, massage to erection
5 minutes pump, 2HG to 2.5HG hot wrap applied to tube
30 jelqs, massage to erection
5 minutes pump, 2HG to 2.5HG
30 jelqs, massage to erection
10 to 20 minutes edging
10 minute warm down.


warm up
30 jelqs, massage to erection
5 minutes pump, 2HG to 2.5HG hot wrap applied to tube
massage to erection, edging 5 minutes
5 minutes pump, 2HG to 2.5HG hot wrap applied to tube
massage to erection
5 to 10 minutes edging
warm down

Goal - very gradually (over a period of several months) bring time in the tube up to 15 minutes x 2. I don’t expect to ever go higher than 3HG.


- Is this at all reasonable?

- Workout 2 — too few jelqs? or do I need to jelq at all with workout 2? Maybe jelqing is not necessary - That would streamline things

- How much time do I need out of the tube between the two sessions? 5 minutes? 10? 20? or does this depend on the amount of time in the tube? Such that the formula might be:

5 Mins in Tube, 5 Mins Out, 5 Mins in tube
8 Mins in Tube, 8 Mins Out, 8 Mins in tube, et cetera

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Here are some general thoughts:

1. I think that jelqs are good as part of a pumping routine.

2. There’s been a recent concept that going into the tube completely erect may be counterproductive to expansion in the tube. (Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping) I would cut out the edging/massaging to erection prior to going into the tube. A little light jelqing prior to going into the tube would probably be enough. That would also streamline your routine.

3. I don’t think that you need to worry overly much about your time out of the tube between pumping. Take whatever time you need to do your jelqing, then get back into the tube.

One alternative you may wish to consider to pump, jelq, pump, jelq (if you’re aiming to go ten minutes total in the tube) is to do ten minutes in the tube. Five minutes, then reduce vacuum to zero for thirty seconds (but stay in the tube), then five more minutes at vacuum, THEN out of the tube and jelq.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Wow you gained that much length in just 3 months? Are you packing your tube?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Wow you gained that much length in just 3 months? Are you packing your tube?

IronAddict, re-read the first line of Sta-Kool’s post:

Originally Posted by Sta-Kool
I just got my pumping gear early this week.

I really hope that he is not packing the tube quite this soon.

Still, nice length gains. And in more like two months than three: December 2007 through January 29, 2008.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hello ironaddict69:

I got those length gains from that manual routine that I posted in my first post — 5 way stretches, about 90 jelqs, 1 day on/2 days off.

I am really meticulous about measuring — for example, I measured for a month before starting PE to be absolutely sure about my starting stats. So I feel pretty confident in saying that these numbers are real.

As to the pump I have only done three short sessions. I was surprised to see that about an inch and a 1/4 at the base is getting real close to packing. But I am a long long way away from packing the tube.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
There’s been a recent concept that going into the tube completely erect may be counterproductive to expansion in the tube. (Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping)

Lampwick, thanks for that link — I just wanted to put a quote in here from that thread for posterity, a nice summary by sparkyx:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
If an UNLOADED tunica is more easily stretched than a loaded one, then maybe we (pumpers) have it wrong. Perhaps it is better to pump without a max erection? It will allow distortional stress from the vacuum force, while not fully loading the tunica.

I think this concept (that its more effective fully erect) came mostly from observation that you get less edema. However, for post surgical guys, who’s doctors put them on the pump, I doubt that they are getting max erections in the tube. Many of these guys end up with gains that we not attributable to the surgery…hummmm. :-k

Perhaps what we held as a "given" has been counterproductive?

I am going to experiment with this concept.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Here are some general thoughts:

Thanks for taking the time to wade through my long post - I really am damn wordy. And thanks especially for taking the time to critique the routine — these are great suggestions.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
1. I think that jelqs are good as part of a pumping routine.

Yes, it makes a lot of sense — get some nice fresh blood in, massage the tissue. What I think I will do is worry about hitting my 90-100 in WORKOUT 1, but not worry about the number in WORKOUT 2

Originally Posted by Lampwick
2. There’s been a recent concept that going into the tube completely erect may be counterproductive to expansion in the tube.

If I am reading that thread correctly it seems like anything 90% or below might be beneficial to allow the Tunica some “expansion room”. Would you mind telling me about what “percentage” you are aiming for nowadays? 50%? 70%?

For what it is worth, although I have been going into the tube erect, I am coming out of it at maybe 60%.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
A little light jelqing prior to going into the tube would probably be enough. That would also streamline your routine.<SNIP> One alternative you may wish to consider to pump, jelq, pump, jelq (if you’re aiming to go ten minutes total in the tube) is to do ten minutes in the tube. Five minutes, then reduce vacuum to zero for thirty seconds (but stay in the tube), then five more minutes at vacuum, THEN out of the tube and jelq.

This is especially good info — wow, do I appreciate it. That would work great for me.

So here is what it might look like (with warm-ups/warm-downs of course)

Workout 1
A few jelqs
A single session of ten minutes in the tube as described
My beloved 90 jelqs/3 or 4 sadsak heads
Some edging

Workout 2
A few jelqs (say 20 but who’s counting?)
A single session of ten minutes in the tube as described
A few more jelqs
Some edging

Then I think I would follow avocet8’s Pumping 101 schedule for increasing time in the tube. Except maybe doubling the schedule (so taking twice as long to progress in time-in-the-tube)

Alternately for Workout 2, you and clgp7 have talked about a first-thing-in-the-morning session to cement the benefits of morning wood. That discussion starts about here: Lampwick - I’m 24, 6.2BPEL/4.9EG, have two hands and a pump. Suggest me a 1h routine, PLEASE!

Mr. Happy has told me of a similar type session he does first thing in the morning: Mr. Happy - BostonPump Contour Cylinder vs Regular Flared Cylinder (Note that he is going in completely flaccid, and gradually increasing pressure).

These workouts seems a little more solid, don’t you think?

Originally Posted by sta-kool
If I am reading that thread correctly it seems like anything 90% or below might be beneficial to allow the Tunica some “expansion room”. Would you mind telling me about what “percentage” you are aiming for nowadays? 50%? 70%?

I think that you would do just fine with the workouts as you originally described them, or as you have updated them. The most important thing is how they work for you. I don’t remember the poster, but someone recently had an elaborate schedule worked out on how they were going to progress in their pumping from week to week. My suggestion was to base increases on your body’s reaction, not an arbitrary increase from week to week.

I don’t worry too much about what percentage I go into the tube with these days. Anywhere from completely flaccid to 50 or 70% or so is just fine. (My pump comes with a gauge; my penis does not.)

For me, being well lubricated going in is especially important if flaccid or at a low percentage erection, just so that things can slide well as expansion takes place within the tube during the session.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I don’t worry too much about what percentage I go into the tube with these days. Anywhere from completely flaccid to 50 or 70% or so is just fine. (My pump comes with a gauge; my penis does not.)

As they say on the internet — LAUGHING OUT LOUD.

The mental picture I now have of a penis will a built in “pressure gauge” is hilarious. Back-lit purple neon LCD perhaps? That might be more accurate, but old-fashioned and analog would look really spiffy.

Thanks for the reminder about listening to your body, and adjusting workouts accordingly — that really is what it always comes down to, isn’t it?

I really appreciate the advice and support.

Well nice work regardless. You would be surprised how fast you actually might fill out the tube unless you got one that’s a lot wider than your unit. I’ve been pumping for a little over a month, and I have increased my length by 1/4 inch as well, Half of my unit packs it however.

I also agree with going in soft. I got much better expansion, while it feels really good going in hard, eventually my erection subsided and that is when my dick fills out the tube.

That’s good to know, ironaddict69 — I got the 1.75” tube as that’s the one recommended for my girth stats.

Congrats on those gains — that sounds pretty good for just a month!

So a month later, I have picked up some girth gains — 3/16 mid shaft and an 1/8 at the base. YEA!!! These measurements were taken about 5 days after my last pumping session, so I think that means they are "real".

The other day I reread Selecting Your Cylinder Size

Somehow I missed this part:

Originally Posted by gprent
*If you are at the upper limit and are going for length, select the cylinder diameter straight across in the table. If you are at the upper limit and are going for girth, select the next cylinder size up. Example: Your base girth measures 5.25. If your goal is length, select the 1.75 cylinder. If your goal is girth, select the 2.0 cylinder.

My tube is 1.75" - base girth is pretty much packed, midshaft is trying to pack. I guess I was somehow confused in the beginning about GPrent’s advice, thinking that I needed 1.75 for GIRTH! And that packing would be necessary for girth gains.

I now get the concept — you pack the tube, and then your ligs get a good stretch for a LENGTH workout.

But for a girth workout, you go for a larger cylinder.

So I am thinking about getting one of those Jim Diamond 2" cylinders from PictureBrite. I am not sure how I would integrate it. Right now I am doing 2 sets at 12 minutes each. Possible I would start in the 1.75" and then go to the 2.0" for the second set.

Maybe I am getting ahead of myself and should just worry about packing the 1.75" first. The thing is though, is I am starting to feel like the 1.75 Boston Standard Cylinder, with the "built-in cock-ring" feature may be too constrictive at the base.

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