Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How often are you gainers out there ejaculating

How often are you gainers out there ejaculating

To the gainers out there: how are you guys fitting boning and masturbating into your jelq/PE routine? Where does it fit in? Are you trying to make sure and do your PE as far away from your ejaculation as possible? Does it even matter? I’ve done my routine after jerking off and it didn’t seem to affect anything. Has anyone with lots of experience noted a difference in this regard? Thx.

I have noticed a decrease in flaccid length for the 12-24 hrs post ejaculation, but no change in erect length. THERE CERTAINLY HAS BEEN NO EFFECT ON MY RATE OF GAINS

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
Ive ejaculated before and after PE sessions, hasn’t stopped me gaining.

In short …

Ejaculation does not affect gains!

Note - Ejaculation right before a session sometimes affects the ability to get the required erection level for jelqing.

also, masturbation is not used to make gains, but is used as an excercise to test out your PC muscle strength gained by kegeling. once it gets stronger, you can use you PC to seperate orgasm from ejaculation

CRAZYPONY Initial Stats: Start Date: Nov. 2004 Starting BPEL: 7.25 Starting FL: 6.5 Starting EG: 5.5 Starting FG: 5.25 Current Stats: Current BPEL: 8.5 Current FL: 7.2 Current EG: 6.2 Current FG: 6.0 "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
I’ve ejaculated before and after PE sessions, hasn’t stopped me gaining.

In short ..

Ejaculation does not affect gains!

Note - Ejaculation right before a session sometimes affects the ability to get the required erection level for jelqing.

Using that positivley, I will turn it around. As a newbie, if you ever have trouble to sta unerect while stretching or something, masturbate before it and it will help maintain a flacid state. I’ve done it a few times. You can do it before hanging as well.

I’m a little conservative with masturbation.

I masturbate less since starting my routine, the reason is I work all day long (7AM til 8h30PM), I most of the time feel exhausted when I come back home.

Masturbation won’t affect gains, but after ejeculation, I always see my penis shrinked a lilttle bit and the flaccid lenght will return normal in two or three hours. <- That’s my remark

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by crazypony
also, masturbation is not used to make gains, but is used as an excercise to test out your PC muscle strength gained by kegeling. once it gets stronger, you can use you PC to seperate orgasm from ejaculation

:xtop: :smack:


Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by wantsmore

To the gainers out there: how are you guys fitting boning and masturbating into your jelq/PE routine? Where does it fit in? Are you trying to make sure and do your PE as far away from your ejaculation as possible? Does it even matter? I’ve done my routine after jerking off and it didn’t seem to affect anything. Has anyone with lots of experience noted a difference in this regard? Thx.

Jelqing questions

Cumming after. really a problem?

- Does masterbation hinder gains

Ejaculation After PE results

masturbation vs pe

A couple questions… some "newbie" ones too.

- Masturbation after Jelq

Masturbation after PE

Masturbating after pe

Good Idea/Bad Idea ?

Stretch routines help and is masturbation ok?


Question about PE exercises

Do orgasms hinder PE gains?

- PE Questions that need to be answered and discuessed


A stupid question.

Avoiding lost gains without mantanance?

Masturbation without ejaculating after PE session

Question on masturbation/jelqing

Will jerking off or sex interfere with….

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
:xtop: :smack:


alright then, nevermind

CRAZYPONY Initial Stats: Start Date: Nov. 2004 Starting BPEL: 7.25 Starting FL: 6.5 Starting EG: 5.5 Starting FG: 5.25 Current Stats: Current BPEL: 8.5 Current FL: 7.2 Current EG: 6.2 Current FG: 6.0 "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

its cool,

just trying to help. i posted that really late, so i had no caffeine in me at the time. guess my brain doesnt function properly at two in the morning ;) wont post that late again, sorry.

CRAZYPONY Initial Stats: Start Date: Nov. 2004 Starting BPEL: 7.25 Starting FL: 6.5 Starting EG: 5.5 Starting FG: 5.25 Current Stats: Current BPEL: 8.5 Current FL: 7.2 Current EG: 6.2 Current FG: 6.0 "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

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